Han Tianming made such an arrangement based on the situation of each island.

Qingling Island, where his family lives, has never accepted outsiders.

This time, some ordinary people are left, one is to promote reproduction, and the other is that these people have the foundation to serve the immortal cultivators. Taking a small amount will be useful to the family.

As for taking a large amount, it is not allowed.

The four affiliated islands do not have to worry about such hidden dangers. To be precise, Han Tianming does not need to consider the hidden dangers.

But there are also differences between the four islands.

Among them, the Wu family of Siguai Island and the Sun family of Zhaoyao Island have already formed their own systems and are complete immortal cultivation families.

Each of them must have their own considerations, and they will not take more. It is limited to a little more than Qingling Island.

As for the Li family of Lizhu Island and the Zheng family of Tianji Island, one was founded not long ago and has complex members, and the other is short of manpower and has not yet produced a Qi Refiner.

It doesn't matter if they take more.

It is because they need more people to reproduce and collide with new variables.

"What's so special?"

Hearing what Yuan Qi said, Han Tianming's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Although the child has no spiritual roots, there is a spiritual orifice in the palm of his hand."

Yuan Qi said softly. It was only with the guidance of the treasure map that he was able to find this special person in the crowd.

The treasure map marked a blue treasure point at that time.

"Spiritual orifice?"

Han Tianming couldn't help feeling a little surprised, and a glimmer of interest flashed in his eyes.

There are always people with abnormalities in this world.

Especially in cultivation, perhaps having spiritual roots is a talent that has been transformed and developed among ordinary people.

And the so-called spiritual bones and spiritual orifices are also like this.

But these are not as good as spiritual roots.

Among them, there is a spiritual bone owner in the upper generation of the Han family.

Named Han Shangyun, he has gradually emerged in the family.

His spiritual roots were only five-element mixed spiritual roots, but he had human-level spiritual bones. The combination of these two allowed him to have a cultivation speed comparable to that of a cultivator with three spiritual roots.

Han Tianming thought at the time that as long as this boy was refined by the Dust Star Marrow Cleansing Dew, he could transform his five-element mixed spiritual roots into three spiritual roots.

In the end, he would definitely have a cultivation speed comparable to that of a cultivator with two spiritual roots.

But he miscalculated in the end.

He did not expect that the child's spiritual bones could also be transformed in the Dust Star Marrow Cleansing Dew.

Now he has reached the level of earth-level spiritual bones.

Combined with his existing three spiritual roots, although his cultivation speed is not as fast as that of the heavenly spiritual roots, it is only a step behind Han Tiangui's pseudo-fire spiritual roots.

It has already surpassed ordinary double spiritual roots.

Like spiritual bones, spiritual orifices can also be regarded as a special talent, and are also divided into three levels: heaven, earth, and man.

It's just that spiritual bones grow in the body, while spiritual orifices grow in orifices.

But it's not accurate to say that they grow.

The spiritual orifice is like a vortex that can absorb spiritual energy. When it is not activated, it is like a mud pill that has not been developed by the practitioner.

If the orifice is not opened and the vortex in it is not formed, it can only be regarded as a special singularity.

It needs to be guided before the orifice can be opened and the spiritual orifice can be truly formed.

After those with spiritual roots step into the path of cultivation, as their cultivation grows, they can naturally activate the spiritual orifice.

For those without spiritual roots, even if they have an orifice and it is discovered and opened by chance, it is only in that one acupoint, just like having a sea of ​​qi.

If this spiritual orifice is in the Dantian position, it is just right and can step into the path of cultivation.

But it is only the Qi Refining Realm for a lifetime, and it is impossible to rely on the spiritual orifice to build a foundation.

Although this Qi Refining theoretically has no end, the Qi Refining period does not increase life span. No matter how there is no end, the road ahead is also at a glance.

If a person with spiritual roots adds another spiritual orifice, the benefits will be greater.

Let's not talk about the increase in the speed of his own cultivation, let's take the spiritual orifice in the palm as an example.

In the future, the power of performing magic with this palm with spiritual energy will be increased.

Moreover, the spiritual orifice can store spiritual energy. Having a spiritual orifice is equivalent to having an extra sea of ​​qi.

Although the spiritual energy in the sea of ​​qi cannot be compressed, the total amount that can be given is not as obvious as at a low level.

However, these extra spiritual energy may become the key to winning or losing when fighting with others.

"What is the grade of his spiritual orifice?"

Han Tianming asked.

Since it is born in the palm, it means that this boy cannot embark on the path of cultivation.

Because the place where spiritual energy finally gathers in the world's martial arts is the dantian, not the palm.

Without a suitable martial art, he cannot practice even if he has a spiritual orifice.

There may be martial arts in this world that are suitable for various spiritual orifice owners to practice. After all, the Chaos Star Sea is so vast, and there are too many geniuses to mention.

Maybe someone has created such a technique.

But it is useless to only practice Qi for life.

Moreover, the Han family does not have such a niche technique.

"It is a ground-level spiritual orifice, which has not yet been developed."

Yuan Qi replied.

It can be rated as a blue treasure, and it is such a seemingly useless thing, so the level will not be very low.

If he has spiritual roots and spiritual orifices, I am afraid that even if it is only a human-level spiritual orifice, it can be rated as blue.

The treasure map rating does not only look at the current value of the treasure.

It also takes into account the growth potential of the treasure and the space that can be explored.

"Not bad! I will change it to Tiangui later!"

"As for the child, leave him on Qingling Island and let him be the errand manager for the remaining batch!"

"Make sure he lives a rich family for a lifetime, marries two wives and concubines, and has a long line of descendants..."

This has to mention a special feature of the spiritual orifice.

If it has been activated, it's fine. If it has not been activated and is still in a singularity state, it can be transplanted by special methods.

Therefore, there are many tragedies caused by spiritual orifices in the cultivation world.

After all, this special existence that can improve the speed of cultivation is a resource in the eyes of cultivators!

Anyway, it is useless to leave it to people without spiritual roots. Refining Qi for a lifetime?

It is better to help others than to die for a friend.

By improving these cultivation speeds, a lot of life can be saved, and you can go further on the road of cultivation.

In fact, spiritual bones are also transplanted.

It's just that the risks and pain are far greater than those of spiritual orifices.

But the desire of cultivators to improve the speed of cultivation is far greater than the fear of these risks.

Han Tianming was not joking. If it was a human-level spiritual orifice, he might not be so concerned.

But being able to be rated as earth-level is already somewhat extraordinary.

The bonus to cultivation can reach the level of a three-spiritual-root cultivator's cultivation speed.

Han Tiangui has become a Nascent Soul, and the future is still uncertain at this time, so why not try another way.

He is now tempering his body. As long as the tempering maintains the vitality of the body and keeps the soul power improving.

There is also hope for longevity.

In addition, there is a thousand years of life in the Nascent Soul realm.

Transplant this earth-level spiritual orifice into his Dantian.

Even if he can only refine Qi, if he has a long lifespan, he may be able to achieve a considerable result.

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