The east side of Qingling Island, where the near sea and the far sea meet.

When Han Tianming arrived here, he saw his treasure drifting on the sea.

It was a bird's nest with a diameter of more than ten feet, floating on the water.

Han Tianming estimated that the storm probably blew the bird's nest here, but the bird's nest was empty. He didn't know whether the creatures in it left when the storm just started or it was an empty nest.

"A bird's nest made of floating cloud wood is really luxurious."

Han Tianming walked closer and couldn't help but smack his lips.

Floating cloud wood is a second-level medium-grade spiritual wood. The wood is light and has excellent elasticity. Even such a huge bird's nest is like nothing in Han Tianming's hand.

It can be imagined that this bird's nest may have drifted from a very far place.

The bird's nest is empty, with only three slender feathers, shining with golden light.

Han Tianming held the feather in his hand, and an extremely sharp Gengjin aura instantly appeared in his perception.

"What a good feather!"

Han Tianming praised. He didn't know what kind of bird this feather came from, but it was so sharp that it had the effect of breaking qi and destroying spirits!

Holding the soft feather in his hand, it was no worse than a soft sword, but Han Tianming thought of its other uses.

Then he put the feather and the bird's nest into the green jade sword box.

He looked further east, very hesitant.

"I'm really worried if I don't investigate..."

"I'll be careful and not get too close. I think it should be fine..."

As he said this, a toad cloak appeared in his hand, covered his body, and went into the sea all the way east!

What he was wearing was made of the skin of the white jade toad.

The white jade toad swallowed and spit out the moonlight, and the life technique was cultivated on this skin. It was shown when he fought with Han Tianming that day, and the moonlight was like a knife.

After life and death, although the toad robe lost that ability, it was rich in the aura of the moon, and it had the effect of concealing the breath.

That is to say, Han Tianming's realm is still low, only in the initial stage of foundation building, so the toad robe can just hold his breath. If his realm is higher, the toad robe will not be able to cover it.

Traveling in the sea is much slower than flying with a sword.

When Han Tianming approached the place marked by the red skull, it was already evening. The heavy rain had stopped, and a ray of sunset appeared in the sky.

In the bloody sky, Han Tianming saw a big ship from afar!


This ship is larger than the merchant ship of Yuan's Chamber of Commerce, and its shape is more fierce and ferocious. The red flag on the bow is rolling, as if blood is dancing in the wind!

Han Tianming can feel it from a distance. The ominous aura emanating from this warship.


A trace of awe flashed through his heart.

This is a robber on the sea. Han Tianming had never seen it before. He only heard about it from his ancestors. Now it seems that it is not much different from the rumors.

The Chaos Star Sea is so big. There are friendly merchants doing business everywhere, and naturally there are people with bad intentions doing business without capital.

The robbers are like this.

They drive powerful warships, carrying blood and ominous breath, bringing killing to every island they pass by!

Han Tianming didn't know why they were anchored here, but he didn't dare to get too close.

There were robbers wearing special leather armor and holding a ring-headed broadsword. They rode on the water-avoiding beast and flew over the sea above his head.

Bringing countless waves.

Many such robbers got off the big ship and ran in all directions. I think they were exploring something?

The green water beast looks like a war horse, but it walks on water like flat ground and runs like a gust of wind.

This green water beast alone is already a first-class monster, not to mention the knights on it.

Those knights holding ring-headed swords and wearing blood-red leather armor all have auras above the ninth level of Qi Refining.

Han Tianming couldn't help but worry. If the knights scattered in all directions found the location of Qingling Island, it might bring a horrible disaster.

"Why not just kill him..."

His eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"Not appropriate."

He quickly realized that if he got rid of the knight in the direction of Qingling Island, the knight would not return for a long time, which might also attract attention.

"So I will do the opposite."

Han Tianming's eyes were fixed on the direction opposite to Qingling Island.

He wanted to kill the knight in that direction to mislead and guide the warship away.

Han Tianming was very decisive. He wrapped his toad clothes tightly and was about to set off!

Suddenly, a soaring breath rose from the warship!

"It's bad! Were we discovered?"

The majestic blood-red spiritual energy, exuding an ominous smell, appeared above the warship, like a wolf smoke, rising and rolling into the sky!

A roar that resounded for hundreds of miles suddenly sounded!

"Yuan Shoucheng, you have been fighting with me for 20,000 miles and more than ten times, and you still refuse to give up?"

"Do you really think that I am afraid of you?"

The terrifying momentum was overwhelming the surroundings, and the ominous breath made Han Tianming almost nauseous.

"A great cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage!!!"

His face turned pale, and his body quickly sank to the bottom of the sea, and he needed to stay away.

Fortunately, the other party's burst of breath was not because he discovered his existence.

Who is Yuan Shoucheng?

Surname Yuan?

"Haha, Zuo Qushuai will naturally not be afraid."

"The looters are all desperate criminals, how can they know fear?"

"It's not that I feel bad for you, but who told you to drive a warship into the territory where my Yuan family does business?"

A faint laugh sounded between heaven and earth. His words sounded light and indifferent, but they became colder and more majestic as time went on.

Han Tianming was at the bottom of the sea. At this moment, he could not see what the newcomer looked like or how he was doing. Since he dared to chase and kill the robbers, he would naturally not be worse than the Yuanying stage great cultivator on the warship.

This might be another Yuanying strongman.

"What a joke! When did this southwest sea border become the territory of your Yuan family?"

The southwest sea border probably refers to the entire southwest of the Chaos Star Sea. This area is very large, and Qingling Island is also included in it. It is the border of the border.

"Unfortunately, my niece did business here a few days ago."

The later great cultivator laughed faintly.

"Change direction, withdraw from this territory, and I will naturally stop chasing you."

Niece? Yuan Ziyi?

Under the sea, in Han Tianming's mind, a name and a figure gradually overlapped.

"Hmph! How can you order me around?!!!"

The angry voice sounded, and then a big collision occurred here.

The two strong men really fought, and the aftermath was terrifying, radiating a hundred miles in radius, the water waves were turbulent, and a storm was brewing again.

Han Tianming was also affected underwater, but fortunately he was in the body tempering realm, so he just turned pale and did not suffer any substantial damage.

He looked to the west, which was the direction of Qingling Island from his current position.

Then he chose a completely opposite direction, stuck to the seabed, and quietly left...

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