Compared to the outer room, the inner room is even simpler.

As far as the eye can see, there is only one futon.

On the futon, there is a snow-white dress, which seems to be casually hanging there, and has not been carefully stacked.

"The futon woven with ice-clear orchid grass..."

Han Tianming saw the clue of the futon at a glance.

Ice-clear orchid grass is a very high-grade spiritual plant. The futon woven with it has the effect of suppressing the inner demon.

It is a rare treasure that countless people want but cannot obtain.

This futon has gone through countless years, and it still has a faint spiritual energy, which shows its extraordinaryness.

But after all, because it is woven from spiritual plants, it is not a magic weapon, so it all depends on the effectiveness of the spiritual plant itself.

These orchid leaves are separated from the plant, and will slowly dry up over time, which is irreversible after all.

Although such treasures will dry up very slowly, they can't resist the passage of time.

Just like the futon at the moment, it has become only a trace of green.

The effect is greatly reduced, and it may not last long.

Generally speaking, it is of no value.

Han Tianming slowly pushed aside the snow coat, and under the snow coat, a sky-blue storage bag shaped like a sachet was revealed.

This made him slightly stunned.

Han Tianming originally thought that there might be some kind of treasure under the snow coat, but he didn't expect it to be a storage bag.

Generally speaking, the storage bag will not leave the holder's body.

But now the storage bag is lying quietly on the cushion.

The snow coat was scattered, and the secret room was closed.

Han Tianming had guessed something.

It seems that the person who was in seclusion has died.

But why is there no corpse?

"Could it be... Immortality?"

He vaguely thought of a possibility.

When practicing to the stage of transformation of the spirit, as long as the Tao that one practices is perfect, that is, after the divine ring behind the head of the primordial spirit is completely perfect.

It is close to the way of one's own body.

At this time, if the corpse is actively transformed, the physical body will not exist.

The flesh and blood, along with the soul, melted into the Tao, which is called the transformation.

Generally speaking, unless one feels hopeless and has lost all hope, such a great cultivator will not reach the point of self-destruction with his firm mind.

But the scene in front of Han Tianming was clearly real.

Although he didn't know what happened, Han Tianming was still solemn and moved.

He carefully folded the snow-white clothes and placed them on the futon, and then took the storage bag.

Then, his consciousness slowly probed into it.

The storage bag opened in response, without any obstruction.

This also means that its original owner is completely gone.

This storage bag is of high grade, and the space inside is very large. I am afraid that this small island can be stored in it as a whole.

However, there are not many items inside, only a token, a chessboard, and a piece of yellow mud. Han Tianming doesn't know what they are.

He could only feel that there seemed to be a power that could dissolve everything, emitting an ominous aura!

He then realized that it was not because there were few items in the storage bag.

Perhaps there were many treasures in it, but they were all dissolved by the yellow mud!

Only the chessboard and the token resisted the dissolving power of the yellow mud!


Han Tianming's consciousness approached the yellow mud tentatively.

Suddenly, there was a burst of colorful rays of light. This was the power of the seven-colored soul-purifying lotus automatically protecting the consciousness!

The moment the rays of light touched the yellow mud, a violent cavitation sound broke out!


Han Tianming immediately retracted his consciousness. This thing was definitely not a good thing.

Although his consciousness was not injured, he could feel the threat from it.

He gave up the idea of ​​continuing to test it.

Then he took out the token and the chessboard.

The token was warm to the touch, like a woman's jade hand, intoxicating.

Han Tianming saw two big characters written on the front:


The two ancient characters naturally exude a majestic aura.

When people see it, it is like facing a mountain or a river.

Han Tianming also feels the same way, which shows that the original owner has a much better cultivation than himself.

Looking at the back, it is written from top to bottom:

"Xingyun Sect's affiliated sect Lingkui."

Han Tianming finally understood.

It turned out that this was one of the nine affiliated sects under the Xingyun Sect in the past.

"Lingkui Sect..."

"It seems to be one of the six rebellious sects..."

According to the letter left by the Pavilion Master of the Casting Pavilion, it can be known that among the nine sects, only the Beast Taming Sect, the Thousand Array Sect, and the Casting Pavilion did not rebel.

The other six sects even took the lead in the rebellion.

This can be seen from the traces of active withdrawal on this island.

This is different from the other three sects.

The ruins of the Beast Taming Sect have disappeared, and only on Linghua Island, there are still some inheritances.

Han Tianming discovered the ruins of the mountain gate of the Thousand Array Sect.

He even dug out a spiritual array jade as big as a small mountain from it.

As for the location of the Tiger Dragon, it was just a stronghold of the Thousand Array Sect.

And the Xingyuan Tower was pushed there by the leader of the Thousand Array Sect in order to preserve the inheritance.

As for the Casting Pavilion, Han Tianming didn't even find the mountain gate, and directly saw the corpse of the sect leader...

Or ashes.

This situation is normal.

It is related to the attributes of the three sects.

The Beast Taming Sect must be the main force, and it can be transferred.

Therefore, even if the mountain gate is damaged, it can move to another place.

As for the Thousand Array Sect, due to the characteristics of the spiritual array, it has to rely on favorable terrain to arrange the array.

Also because of the protection of the spiritual array, some relics can be preserved.

As for the Casting Pavilion, as a profession that is almost purely auxiliary, when the war started, it naturally retreated to the rear instinctively.

And tried to get in touch with the upper sect.

Unfortunately, it failed in the end, even though the Beast Taming Sect and the Thousand Array Sect had tried their best to hold on.

Still failed to wait for the help of the upper sect.

Perhaps because there was no hope of asking for help, the Pavilion Master of the Casting Pavilion also chose to die generously.

But thinking of this, Han Tianming found another doubt.

"Since the Pavilion Master of the Casting Pavilion knows the location of the secret realm, then the other eight sects, don't they know?"

Han Tianming couldn't think of an answer, this is destined to be a mystery.

Perhaps in the future, it will be answered by some coincidence.

But now, it is impossible.

"It turns out that the one who passed away here was the Grand Elder of the Spirit Puppet Sect..."

The identity of the owner of the snow-covered robe is clear, probably a great monk with profound Taoism.

The reason for his death is not known for the time being.

Maybe he failed to break through the barrier, or maybe it was something else.

Maybe it took so long that the Spirit Puppet Sect even forgot about this underground palace when they evacuated as a whole.

In short, this underground palace is completely sealed, and I am afraid that even if they remember it, they can't open it.

"I don't know if the senior is still alive at that time, what choice would he make?"

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