The demons are known for their physical bodies, and their flesh and blood are extremely powerful.

Moreover, the terrifying demonic energy contained in them is extremely lethal!

This makes this tribe dominate the world!

Even the body tempering techniques practiced by human body cultivators are also quite a lot borrowed from the methods of demon cultivation!

However, the components borrowed from the methods of demon cultivation are also very large.

Therefore, later, in the years when the demons disappeared, people only saw the demons but not the demons, and gradually determined that the source of the body tempering technique came from the demons.

In fact, this is normal. After all, it is difficult for people to imagine things other than what they know.

"Looking at the current situation in the Demon Abyss, the great demon who sat in meditation has probably at least reached the state of fusion!"

Hearing Feng Lingyin say this, Han Tianming couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Obviously, it was unexpected that such a powerful great demon would fall in such a remote place!

However, as if she knew what he was thinking, Feng Lingyin spoke the next moment:

"In the Western Demonic Land, such a great demon actually fell at the gate of his own home... It's really sad!"

"It seems that after the Phoenix clan died out, the demon clan also followed suit..."

Her words seemed to carry a trace of regret, which made Han Tianming feel even more strange.

"Shouldn't the West be the Buddhist country? How did it become the Demonic Land?"

In Han Tianming's impression, the Buddha's teachings should occupy the west of the Chaos Star Sea.

Since the three religions and six clans are in the same era, how could there be two powerful forces in this Western world?

"What Buddha?"

"Just some outsiders."

Feng Lingyin sneered.

"The human race has lived in the Chaos Star Sea for generations. Xuanmen flourished first in the human race, but it was too passive, so it was not widely spread."

"Although the culture and Taoism are prosperous, some people feel that they are too dogmatic and boring, and are unwilling to accept such rules and regulations."

"Therefore, some pagans emerged, learned some Xuanmen skills and Confucian classics, and went to remote places to establish a so-called Western religion, accepting donations and encircling incense."

Han Tianming was more and more shocked as he listened. Such words challenged his cognition and were too shocking.

"The so-called Buddha is nothing but a person who has turned into a demon!"

Feng Lingyin continued to say:

"Don't you think that the Buddha's golden body method is very similar to the demon race?"

"Using the power of incense faith as the demonic energy, and the golden body as the demon body..."

"Hehe, it just looks upright, but in fact, it's dark inside!"

Han Tianming used to think that the Buddha's inheritance was a bit strange.

Some people want to take it for themselves when they see something good.

Good spirit beast, save it back!

Good magic weapon, save it back!

Good man! Please convert...

"Otherwise, why don't we fight with Xuanmen? Don't we fight with Confucianism?"

"Just make enemies with this Western religion?"

"You can't compete with Confucianism and Xuanmen, so you come to grab our territory, what's the reason?"

Even after countless years, Feng Lingyin still hates the Western religion.

Her red lips slightly opened, baring her silver teeth, and she was indignant.

This made Han Tianming know a lot of secrets.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, what Buddha knows can actually see the shadows of many other inheritances.

The more you study it, the more terrifying it is.

But what can you do?

In today's world, Buddha is no longer there!

Not only that, none of the three religions are common.

Even among the six races, only the human race and the demon race are still active, and even live together in the chaotic star sea.

The human race may still be the same human race as before, but the demon race is not.

They look more like the descendants of dragons, phoenixes and unicorns, but they are far apart from each other.

Then there are the sea beasts.

These are all changes brought about by the acquired living environment. In fact, there is not much difference in essence.

While the two were talking, Han Tianming had already plunged into the Demon Abyss.

Entering the Demon Abyss is like entering another world.

Everything around seemed to have turned purple and black. In this abyss, there were mountains, rivers, and rivers, and there were many flowers, plants and trees.

It’s just that the colors have changed drastically and become dark, and the colors are different from the outside world.

In this Demon Abyss, Han Tianming even saw some creatures.

There are special human forms, wandering in some fixed areas, and they don’t seem to have much intelligence.

Their strength is not strong either. According to Han Tianming’s evaluation, at most they are equivalent to the strength of Qi Refining cultivators.

There are also some fish-like creatures floating in the void, and their breath is equivalent to that of human-shaped creatures, like sea beasts that have been demonized.

On the distant mountains, Han Tianming even saw some demons in the form of demons.

"Are these... demons?"

He felt a little unbelievable, which was very different from the demons he imagined.

They didn't seem to be very threatening.

"Boy, you are blessed!"

Hearing Feng Lingyin say this, Han Tianming was a little confused.

Although he knew that there was a great opportunity here, he couldn't imagine what it was like before he saw it.

Why did Feng Lingyin say that he was blessed when she saw the scene here?

"These creatures are called demon spirits. As for their functions... you can find out by killing one yourself!"

Han Tianming did as he was told, and slowly stretched out a finger and lightly tapped the human figure closest to him.

There is no terrifying momentum, nor is there a huge scene.

However, in the next moment, the humanoid object was shattered into pieces!

Killed by the terrifying sword energy, death was silent!

A ball of demonic energy surged, and the broken humanoid turned into countless fragments, gradually gathering together.

There was only a mass of black air left in place.

"This is……"

"This is the purest essence of demonic energy. If you are a demon, you can directly absorb it into your own power, which is tantamount to direct initiation!"

Hearing this, Han Tianming blinked.

I still don’t understand, what does this have to do with my chance?

A pleasant voice came from his Dantian, explaining his confusion:

"This demonic abyss must have been transformed by the demonic heart left behind after the death of the great demon in the integration stage!"

"This means that as long as you can find the demon heart, you can take away the entire demon abyss!"

"And the devil's heart can be purified. If you want aura, you can evolve it into a pure aura heart. If you want anything else, you can transform it in the same way!"

Han Tianming still couldn't fully understand, so he still asked:

"So what?"

Feng Lingyin felt a little helpless, but she could understand it.

Without being able to experience that era personally, there are many things that are truly unimaginable.

"It means that as long as you purify that demonic heart, you will purify the entire demonic abyss!"

"The demon spirits inside will also be purified."

"You kill demon spirits to obtain the essence of demonic energy, but what happens after you evolve?"

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, Han Tianming reacted immediately, and was replaced by a kind of ecstasy!

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