As the last stream of light sank into the Demon Heart, this huge Demon Abyss just disappeared into the sea.

The endless sea water around was originally squeezed to the periphery by the Demon Abyss.

At this moment, the Demon Abyss disappeared, and the majestic and surging sea water suddenly crushed from all directions!

Han Tianming stretched out his hand and the Demon Heart shrank rapidly, soon becoming only the size of a palm, as clear as blood jade.

He placed it at the mouth of the Qingtian Yunbao Gourd, and the gourd burst out with a suction force, and then took the Demon Heart into it.

Above this green gourd, white clouds wandered, floating and beautiful, revealing a little bit of clear light.

The condensed light was like spring rain, falling from the inside of the white clouds and gathering in the center of the gourd.

The Demon Heart was here at the moment.

Han Tianming shook the treasure gourd, and he could actually hear the sound of chanting from it, as if purifying the demonic energy in it.

"It is worthy of being a treasure of Xuanmen..."

He praised it as if talking to himself.

There were originally only two things in this gourd. One was the sword energy left by the female sword fairy, which has now been released by Han Tianming.

After being detained for half a year, it finally dissipated between heaven and earth.

The other thing was Han Tianming's sword, Morning Light.

After a long period of nurturing and cultivating thousands of sword intentions, it has now grown to the fifth-level top grade. It is even more difficult to advance again.

After all, it is a leap in a great realm. Even with the Tianqing Treasure Gourd, it is not a matter of a day or a night.

Therefore, it has been taken out by Han Tianming. At least for now, the grade of the Morning Light Sword has caught up with his own.

It is enough.

He is now in the air, letting the waves around him surge, and his body does not shake.

Since the matter here is over, Han Tianming wants to fly back to Qingling Island.

Suddenly, he felt that his spiritual energy cultivation was slowly increasing.

Although its momentum is slow, it is still increasing.

"This is..."

He looked at the gourd on his waist, and then went to see the demon shadow in the depths of his consciousness.

When the demon shadow flickered, wisps of spiritual essence floated out like intermittent green smoke.

It turned out that the treasure gourd needed to refine the demon heart step by step.

There is a way to start from the simple and then to the complex, and to defeat them one by one.

In the demon abyss, the easiest to refine are naturally the demon spirits.

Demon energy and spiritual energy are incompatible, and the demon spirits exploded when they could not bear the cleansing.

The essence of the demon spirits, after being washed by the spiritual energy, turned into spiritual essence.

Spirit essence is a great tonic for practitioners, which is equivalent to a direct initiation of cultivation. As long as you don't rush for success and are too greedy, it won't even damage your foundation.

For Han Tianming, with his current cultivation, how can the spiritual essences of these demon spirits who are only refining qi and building foundation hurt his foundation?

Moreover, the green smoke is intermittent like a small stream, and it will not have any impact.

"When this demon heart is completely cleansed, the spiritual essence in it may be enough for me to enter the state of great perfection of transformation..."

Han Tianming nodded with satisfaction, and then he no longer cared about it, rushed out of the sea, turned into a stream of light and went east.

The New Year's Day on earth has arrived, and Han Tianming has not participated in it for a year.

This year, it is rare to have time, so naturally I have to participate.

The Han family is now different from the past.

Compared with two years ago, the family has grown too much.

Now, there are 24 elders in the elders group alone, excluding the three elders.

And everyone's cultivation is above the foundation-building stage.

It is already equivalent to the total number of practitioners that the Qingling Island Han family had at the beginning.

And this number needs to be increased, because the number of practitioners in the Han family is growing much faster than the expansion of the elders group.

As of this year's New Year's Day, the number of practitioners in the Han family has reached 285.

Among them, there is one Spiritual Transformation cultivator, two Nascent Soul cultivators, and six Golden Core cultivators.

There are 22 foundation-building cultivators.

The remaining Qi Refining cultivators, a total of 254 people.

Compared with the past, it is no longer the same.

The overall strength of the family has become much stronger.

This does not include the Golden Body and the four divine beasts of the Han family.

There are also many spirit beasts that are not included.

If all are counted together, the combat power of the Han family can be said to be extremely terrifying.

The number of mortals is growing even faster.

Now on Qingling Island, the number of Han clan members has reached 60,000.

Although there are many newborns among them, ordinary couples can fully support these children in the current environment on the island.

The number of clan members who have practiced the art of tempering the body has greatly increased by reclaiming wasteland and planting good fields.

If you are healthy and have no worries about food and clothing, you will naturally want to have more children.

But even so, the population is still not high.

The main activity area is only equivalent to the area of ​​the second ring sea area of ​​Qingling Island at the time.

However, such a growth rate is already quite good.

After all, having a child is not a matter of a day or night. It takes ten months of pregnancy to add to the family.

In addition to cultivation, a couple can only give birth to one newborn in a year.

As for twins, there are indeed some, but they are only a minority after all.

As for the resources on the island, the Han family treasury.

It is naturally very full, even if the daily income from the treasure map is not counted.

Now that they have a treasure land like Qingling Island, the amount of various spiritual stones and ores that can be produced every year is quite amazing.

With the current number of practitioners in the Han family, even if Han Tianming tries his best to tilt resources to them, the income is greater than the expenditure.

After all, even if they refine spirit stones every day, the speed of a cultivator's refining is limited.

It is not that they can be transformed into their own cultivation in an instant when they hold them in their hands.

This state of more income than expenditure has continued.

Therefore, the Han family's treasury is always full and has been expanded again and again.

In addition, the daily income from the treasure map is even more amazing.

Even if they hold many activities every year, they cannot consume it.

There are many resources among them that the Han family cultivators can't use at all.

That's why he wants to join the Ten Thousand Races Association.

He plans to distribute the unused resources through the channels of the Ten Thousand Races Association in the future.

Then buy back what he needs.

As for elixirs, now that there is a guest elder Cheng Qingzhu, the elixir production speed is extremely fast.

Because there are not many people in the Han family who need high-level elixirs.

Often what is needed are some first- and second-level elixirs. For Cheng Qingzhu, a dignified fifth-level alchemist.

Refining those elixirs is just a piece of cake.

In addition, Han Tianyue and the others have been improving their alchemy skills, and now they have gradually become formal first-level alchemists.

The Han family's pill output speed is already quite impressive.

Han Tianming only regrets that not everyone can practice.

As for refining, since he got the inheritance of the Casting Pavilion and had systematic guidance.

Han Tianshi's refining skills are also constantly improving.

Now he can refine a third-level middle-grade magic weapon, which is quite effective.

Later, the Han family also selected several clansmen with the talent of a refiner, and now they are also learning.

Among them, the most talented one can refine a second-level low-grade magic weapon in just one year!

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