It turns out that someone from the upper generation of the Han family had been married two years ago, but it was only now that the first child with spiritual roots was born.

After all, it’s time to be the “three” generation.

It's just that the three-character must sound unpleasant, but if you choose a name by force, it's not impossible.

But it is difficult to have a good meaning and be pleasant to the ear.

What's more, another girl is born this time. If the name is not chosen well, it will be with her for a lifetime.

Han Tianming immediately explained the difficulties to everyone present, causing everyone present to frown.

"It has to have a good meaning and be pleasant to the ears. The most important thing is not to violate the ancestral laws. It's difficult!"

The two deans of the academy were already shaking their heads and sighing.

Their academy doesn't pay much attention to these things, and there is no distinction between seniority, so they don't know much about it.

Just hearing what Han Tianming said was already quite difficult.

Everyone in the Shanhai Alliance also frowned.

Although there are also names in the sect, they are only based on the newly drafted Taoist names at the entrance.

It has nothing to do with the common name and surname. Moreover, there is no need to include the surname in the Taoist name.

Five people from the three families also shook their heads slightly.

The names of each generation are determined by their ancestors, and there are always words that are not easy to pronounce and difficult to name. Generally, when this happens, that generation in the family can only admit that it is unlucky.

Speaking of this, Xu Jingwen also told an interesting story:

He only mentioned that there used to be a family whose name must end with the Five Elements, thinking that it would be able to survive for a long time.

For example, in the first generation, if their names contained the radical "木", they would use names such as "biao", "di", "quan", etc.

In the second generation, when fire was made from wood, the words "Chi", "炂" and "炜" were used...

In this way, the first generation of each line is okay, at least there are still words available.

But later, more and more people were passed down, and they couldn't share the same characters as their ancestors. In the end, there were no characters to choose from, so they had to change back to the usual rules of alphabetical order.

Everyone laughed when they heard it, and the Shanhai Alliance also told the rules of the Taoist name. At this time, Xu Jingwen suddenly thought of it.

"Senior, why don't you separate the names in the family tree from the names you use in daily life."

"It's like a Taoist name and a lay name."

"A common name may not sound good, but it is still the foundation of a person. A Taoist name is good, but it is only for daily use!"

It is not that Han Tianming has never used this method before.

Originally, the character "Shang" was changed to the character "Shang" because the meaning of the name was not high, and the meaning was immediately reversed.

But at that time, Han Tianming didn't stray too far from the original text.

The homophone is chosen.

Nowadays, the word "three", even if it has a few homophonic words, is not very good.

"Just change it to the word "山", the pronunciation is similar, no problem!"

Xu Jingwen said.

His proposal aroused unanimous support, and obviously everyone thought it was feasible.

Han Tianming also nodded. Since there is already a precedent, it doesn't matter if he changes appropriately.

The word "山" is used daily as a Taoist name.

On the genealogy, "three" is still written.

Han Tianming immediately passed the formulated method back to the mind of the second elder of Qingling Island through the divine seed.

And named the first girl born with the character "shan" in her name, Han Shantong.

Then he continued to have a banquet with everyone.

After the banquet was over, Han Tianming returned to the palace where he lived, and then released a person from the ancient divine cauldron.

"Master Dao, have mercy on me! Master Dao, have mercy on me!"

As soon as the man saw Han Tianming, he kept kowtowing.

At the time of life and death, all things like face are secondary.

This is a looter Qushuai, and he is a relatively old one. He is one of the guards in the water village.

Han Tianming shot out a ray of golden light with just one finger.

The golden light turned into chains and immediately tied the man into the void, making him unable to move and could only speak.

Only Han Tianming asked:

"Let me ask you, have you ever seen a kind of broken yellow paper in the Jie Tian Dao for a long time, with mountains and rivers painted on it..."

"What is this?"

When Han Tianming asked, he saw that Qu Shuai had a look of fear on his face and said in a trembling voice:

"Your Majesty, Taoist Lord, if you are a villain and don't tell me, you are under a forbidden curse. If you tell me, you will die!"

Han Tianming raised his eyes slightly and said coldly:

"If you don't tell me, you will die immediately!"

"Tell me, what kind of spell, I might be able to save your life!"

After hearing this, Qu Shuai's body trembled, and his expression couldn't help but be struggling.

At this time, he felt that the restraints on his body suddenly became tighter.

"I said it, I said it!"

"That's the Earth Book brand!"

"The Book of the Earth is the most precious treasure of the King of Heaven and can be explored..."

As he finished speaking, his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Then countless locusts, mayflies, and green cicadas rushed out of the mouth.

These migratory locusts and other objects only rushed out of a foot, and then fell to the ground slumped and became dead objects.

Qu Shuai looked at Han Tianming as if asking for help.

But Han Tianming just watched indifferently, without any idea of ​​taking action from beginning to end.

He had no intention of saving him.


Qu Shuai gradually became speechless and couldn't even utter a cry.

Han Tianming just watched quietly. After hearing that he made no sound anymore and all of them turned into locusts, he lightly patted the golden tripod.

A ray of golden flame flew out from the cauldron.

Burning the locusts all over the place to ashes.

He knew that the person in front of him had not deceived him, otherwise such a forbidden spell would not have been triggered.

"It seems there is no need to ask others..."

Han Tianming murmured.

Since he will be killed by the spell when he comes to this point, it will be the same no matter how many people he asks.

Then he raised his hand slightly, and the golden tripod suddenly shone with golden light.

All the plunderers in the water fort were killed.

"Earth Book..."

This is not the first time he has heard of the name of this treasure.

Duan and Zuo once died in Han Tianming's hands just for this treasure.

It turns out that the black and white light map is the so-called Earth Book.

It's a pity that he can't find out what its function is.

"If there is a chance, we need to catch the spiritual official or the Lord of Hell to ask..."

Perhaps the permission will be improved depending on the grade.

The higher the grade, the more secrets you can access.

Even when discussing with each other, you may talk about the Earth Book.

If this will trigger the forbidden spell, it will be too harsh.

However, at present, the Zhaoling Domain can only catch the plunderer Qu Shuai.

He couldn't go to other domains to attack Jie Tian Dao for no reason, otherwise he would be actively provoking.

The yellow paper matter has come to an end for now.

Three days later, a blazing breath rose to the sky on Hanqing Peak.

It was Han Yan who came out of retreat.

Han Yan got most of the essence and blood of the old Bei Cang dragon's flesh and shell, and he has been refining and absorbing it.

Now he has completely broken through to the fifth-level upper grade.

He has a combat power comparable to the late stage of the transformation of the spirit, and his strength is not weak even among the people who came to help this time.

The most important thing is that his bloodline has been improved and has become more pure than before.

The bloodline of the demon dragon is better than his.

This time he retreated, not only to improve his own grade, but also to learn the blood coagulation technique of the demon dragon.

This is how he can make such progress.

It has been more than half a year since he retreated.

If we talk about the time of devouring the dragon's body, it is even longer.

When the golden body was in seclusion to absorb the power of faith, he was already slowly refining it.

It was just because he had to protect the golden body, so he was not so immersed in it just now, so the refining speed was not as fast as later.

Everyone came to congratulate, although it was because of Han Tianming's face, but also because Han Yan's strength was indeed not weak.

After practicing to this level, even a Taoist master like Tianjian could take a look.

Everyone congratulated, only two people looked a little lonely.

One was Taoist Shen Liu, the master of the Hei Ze Water Palace, who had reached the state of great perfection of the transformation of the spirit.

It was just that he could not enter again for life because of the Taoist injury.

He could sense that Han Yan had an extremely strong vitality.

It can be seen that he still has a lot of life and no injuries.

With the protection of such a Taoist master who is invincible in dozens of surrounding domains, it can be seen that the road ahead is still very long.

Perhaps, it is not impossible to reach the Taoist fruit.

Thinking that he was doomed to be hopeless, Taoist Shen Liu could not help but sigh silently.

Dao injuries are not unhealable, but such treasures are too precious.

Although he joined the Shanhai League, he could not play the value that would make the leader of the League give him such a treasure.

He could only do more things while he was alive to earn good treatment for the younger generation.

As for the other person, it was Lu Chunyang.

The Bi Cang Jianmu was about to mature, and several people from the Great Wei Kingdom had also arrived at Hanqing Peak first, just waiting for the time to set off together.

Lu Chunyang's loneliness was similar to Shen Liu's.

He could not make any further progress, so he could only grow old.

However, Lu Chunyang was more open-minded and did not sigh for this.

Perhaps he had already accepted his fate.

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