The second battle also ended three days later, and the Han family won without any surprise.

After a day of rest, the third competition began.

After two rounds of screening, by the time of the third competition, the number of participating disciples had dropped sharply from nearly 6,000 to more than 1,200.

The quality of the disciples has also greatly improved.

Most of the weaker disciples have been defeated and eliminated.

Among the more than 1,200 people now, there is basically no one whose cultivation is lower than the middle stage of foundation building, and even most of them are in the late stage of foundation building.

For such a competition, each sect sent out the elite of the elite.

Even some sects with insufficient foundation will not send out too bad disciples.

Although the age of the disciples in this competition is limited to within 100 years old, few of them are really stuck in this limit.

Because compared with the foundation building cultivator, 100 years old is half of his life span.

It is really not a young genius.

Moreover, the foundation building cultivator cannot get a good ranking in such a competition.

In this case, it is better to send younger people to see the world. It is just a joke to set a certain age limit.

However, this is not the case for higher realms. When you reach the Jindan stage, a hundred years is only one-fifth of your lifespan.

It is the best time of your life.

Moreover, when you reach this realm, you will have the opportunity to get a good ranking in the competition. If a hundred-year-old Jindan appears in the competition, it is understandable.

By the third round, Lin Shiqing's cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building had no advantage.

He even took a relatively backward position.

The probability of encountering some foundation building great perfection or even Jindan stage cultivators has greatly increased as the total number of people decreases.

"At this time, it is time to test a person's luck."

Han Tianming chuckled.

Although compared with all the cultivators present, Lin Shiqing's age can be regarded as the youngest.

But most people's eyes will only stay on the performance, and will not really observe the potential through the performance.

This is the case for everyone in the world. It can be said that it is superficial or worldly, but it is the fact.

Only when you become a person who is praised in history will someone study your life.

For ordinary people in the world, they will only see your current achievements at the moment, and rarely think of your other things.

"Don't worry, your disciple's luck is not bad!"

Guan Xiaoxiao suddenly said.

"His luck, blue with purple, is already a very extraordinary luck..."

As she spoke, she suddenly felt something was wrong, and then she saw Han Tianming's suspicious eyes.

"Can you read the qi?"


"No, with his talent, being able to become your disciple, even if it is just a nominal disciple, it proves that he has a good luck!"

Han Tianming was skeptical about this and did not believe this rhetoric.

The ancestor of Tongwu Mountain has a good eye. He accepts disciples based on their talents, character, and luck...


Guan Xiaoxiao was stared at by him and had goosebumps all over her body. She could only admit:

"Yes, I can do it! What's wrong!"

Han Tianming smiled and stretched out a hand.

"Teach me, and I'll pay you!"

But this time, Guan Xiaoxiao kept shaking her head.

"The sect's secrets cannot be passed on to outsiders!"

Although her face was not serious, her attitude was very firm.

Han Tianming could feel it, so he had to give up.

"But I can take you to experience it!"

Guan Xiaoxiao said very sincerely. She said she was guarding the pastoral area, but she had never left Tongwu Mountain.

Except for those junior brothers and sisters, she had no friends.

Even most of the time, her master was in seclusion or dealing with some troubles within the sphere of influence.

She, the eldest sister, sometimes had to teach these junior brothers and sisters on behalf of her master.

There was a natural barrier, which made those junior brothers and sisters close to her, but they could never completely relax.

Han Tianming can be regarded as her first outsider friend, although she has only known him for a few days.

The most important thing is that he is special.

He has no awe of her, nor any other intentions. It seems that except for the treasures on her body, nothing else can arouse his interest.

And it just so happens that Guan Xiaoxiao has the most treasures!

That is to say, her mentality is not known by Han Tianming, otherwise it will definitely arouse the envy of a certain family owner.

It’s great to be rich!

“You can’t look at those above the Jindan level!”

Guan Xiaoxiao walked to Han Tianming and sat down, and then pointed at Han Tianming’s eyebrows.

“Why can’t you look at the Yuanying?”

“After entering the Yuanying, there is a difference between immortals and mortals. Looking at mortals is like looking at dust, and looking at immortals is like looking at the bright moon!”

“The higher the realm of the person you look at, the greater the price you need to pay. Even my master has to cultivate his disciples from a very young age...”

After her explanation, Han Tianming understood the key.

As Guan Xiaoxiao's magic gradually became more complete, Han Tianming gradually realized that the world in front of him had changed.

As far as he could see, everything seemed to be covered by a layer of misty gas.

Colorful and bizarre.

However, there was nothing unusual on the head of the little girl who was very close to him.

There were many people who could not see through it, such as Qingmu, Yuanzhao, Jinpeng, etc., and there was no change.

Although there is gas overflowing from the heads of those great monks in the Spiritualization Stage, it is colorful and constantly changing, like a mystery.

The same is true for the Nascent Soul Stage. Only below the Nascent Soul Stage, the gas above the head has a real definite color.

Han Tianming saw that the gas above the head of a cultivator in the early stage of Foundation Establishment, who was very close to him, was pure white.

Even though it was the first time Han Tianming looked at the gas, he could feel that his luck was mediocre.

This indicates that this cultivator will most likely not have any great opportunities in his life.

Han Tianming saw that the luck of most people is just white, but there are differences in scale.

Some are wisps, and some are like big rivers.

Han Tianming was puzzled at first, but after seeing it more, he gradually figured out the rules.

It may be related to talent and potential.

Although they will not have any special opportunities with white luck, it does not limit the end of the road.

The higher the talent potential, the stronger the background, the greater the future achievements will be. The luck is ordinary, but it is vast.

Most people have white luck, and the rest have green luck.

Some of them are completely green, some are green with white, and some are white with only a hint of green.

There are opportunities, but not many.

Han Tianming's eyes fell on Lin Shiqing, and he saw a luck like a river, rolling and flowing over his head to the sky...

That luck is blue with purple, six parts blue and four parts purple. Among all the people present, it can be called the top one!

"The art of looking at the qi... is really extraordinary!"

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