Since Han Tianming gave away some of the power of the treasure map, the appearance of those lower-level treasures no longer bothered him.

Now that there is such a commotion, it is natural that there are red or even red treasures!

Han Tianming looked at the treasure map, but he couldn't help but be stunned.

He saw that the treasure map showed everything in the Nebula Secret Realm.

A little red, dotted in a section of the mountain that he had never set foot on.

It made him a little dazed.

It seems that the corresponding place is above the living place of the inner disciples.

It should be the place where the core disciples are.

Han Tianming's face flashed a trace of joy.

He already had a certain understanding of the layout of the Nebula Secret Realm, and knew what this meant.

Every time a new area was opened in this secret realm, there would be a great opportunity.

Even with his current realm, he could not ignore it.

Even now, the value of some of the medicine kings in the outer disciples' daily notes could make him excited.

Han Tianming stood up from the Star Pool, stretched out his hand, and the robe flew onto his body.

Tiangou also stepped on the water and dived into the robe.

The gate of the Star Hall, which had been sealed for a long time, slowly opened, and a figure walked out of it.

Han Tianming walked up the mountain path and went all the way up.

Passed by the stone pavilion where Zhang Qinruo was.

"Are you going to the core disciple area?"

Zhang Qinruo said.

He also felt the terrifying shock just now. It was this kind of accident that opened that area.

Touched this sacred mountain.

Han Tianming nodded, but saw a trace of sadness in Zhang Qinruo's eyes.

He couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Qinruo hesitated to speak, and could only shake his head.

"You will understand it naturally when you go there."

Hearing his words, Han Tianming felt a little strange, but he could only nod.

Then he continued to go up, walked for a while, and then slowly stepped out of the mountain path.

Instantly, an extremely desolate atmosphere came over him.

It was like walking into a world that had been sealed for a long time.

Han Tianming moved forward and suddenly felt that his previous experience was useless. The pattern here had changed drastically, and it was different from the two areas below.

The surprise in his eyes became heavier and heavier, and gradually turned into disbelief.

Because all the scenery ahead was not beautiful, everything was bleak and dilapidated.

There were only the remains of the temple on the empty area, and everything was incomplete!

It seemed that a terrible battle had taken place in this place, and everything within sight was dilapidated!

No wonder Zhang Qinruo showed such an expression just now.

Although he was just a sword puppet, he was also a core disciple of the Xingyun Sect and had a special feeling for this area.

Han Tianming looked at the mountain body of the sacred mountain.

It can be seen that there are many caves on the mountain body, and the arrangement is not regular, but more like random.

It seems that the core disciples of the Xingyun Sect all live in such independent caves.

This pattern has actually been reflected in the living quarters of the inner disciples.

There are already many caves there.

They are just opened up for many elders and deacons in the sect.

"Did a war still happen?"

Looking at the devastation, Han Tianming couldn't help but murmur.

Many caves on the mountain have been destroyed at this moment.

It looks like they were forcibly broken open, and even many of the mechanical beasts at the entrance of the cave have been destroyed.

Some were directly beheaded, and some were directly crushed and turned into countless powder!

The original protective formation there was also destroyed, and there was no more fluctuation.

In this isolated secret realm, this area is finally no longer as peaceful and tranquil as usual.

This is like a battlefield!

All facilities have been destroyed and no longer exist.

He walked alone in this area, and there was a remaining formation emitting light.

But it no longer has any effect, it is more like reminding him that this place was once glorious.

This is also a vast area, but it is covered with scars and traces of wars.

Even the special bluestone road under his feet was cracked, and some places were completely disconnected, and the former glory was gone.

The palace collapsed and the palace walls were damaged.

All life was gone, only some weeds that grew after countless years of desolation grew between the ruins.

Han Tianming followed the instructions and came to a cave.

This stone door seemed to have just been opened.

It was not broken in the previous war.

Perhaps it was because of disrepair that it was disturbed by the noise made by Han Tianming in the Star Palace and was now open.

Han Tianming walked slowly into it.

Everything in the cave was neat and tidy, which proved his previous conjecture.

But what amazed him even more was the luxury of the facilities in this cave.

It didn't look like it was used for hard training.

The luxury was no less than the palaces of the big forces he had seen.

This cave was paved with special crystals, and no light source was even needed in it.

The floor tiles alone made the entire cave bright and transparent!

There were many incredible facilities, some of which Han Tianming had seen in other forces.

For example, the spiritual spring that flowed directly into the cave, or the spirit gathering formation that was unique to such a cave...

There were many more that even Han Tianming had never seen.

For example, there are some high platforms whose functions are unknown, and ornaments with very special shapes...

He naturally would not simply think that these items are only for decoration, but he could not infer what their purpose is.

Because the time is too long, many of them have lost their spirituality.

The spiritual springs have dried up, and only the springs can be seen, but no spring water is flowing out.

The spirit gathering array has also become ineffective, and the array plate is damaged.

Not to mention those ornaments with special shapes, they have all dimmed and no longer emit brilliance.

They have become real dead objects.

And Han Tianming naturally would not think that these things are placed here for decoration only.

But there is no effect and it is impossible to infer.

He can only continue to walk inside according to the guidance of the treasure map.

This cave is very open.

There are five rooms alone.

There are special refining rooms and alchemy rooms, as well as quiet rooms for retreat, reception rooms for meeting guests, etc.

It can be said that the treatment is quite good.

Han Tianming finally stood in the main room, which was the most spacious of all the rooms except for the entrance hall.

There were beds, incense burners, and many daily necessities, but no one was there.

But on the bed, Han Tianming found a bone sword!

It looked like white jade, very pure and clear.

Its size and shape were similar to the small sword that Han Tianming had when he got the innate sword body!

But the auras of the two were different.

"This aura... is a little familiar..."

"It seems... Li Ku?!!"

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