Hanging waterfalls flow.

The nectar and jade liquid are just like the rain after a long drought, they come at the right time!

In Han Tianming's belly, the last star ring connected end to end and appeared on the golden elixir!

The ninth-grade golden elixir is done!

The moment the golden elixir was successfully condensed, a golden light dispersed into Han Tianming's limbs and bones!

Not only the cultivation base and combat power have become stronger! It is a transformation of life and longevity!

Golden elixir period, five hundred years of life!

Master Tao, I'm done!

In the stone pavilion, Han Tianming opened his eyes, his eyes were bright, and he laughed loudly!

Just listen to him chant:

"When a golden elixir is swallowed, my fate is up to me!"


Thunder exploded, interrupting his laughter.

"What is this for? I finally broke through the golden elixir, why can't I just enjoy it?"

Han Tianming looked up and realized that black clouds were rolling in the sky and thunder snakes were moving.

It turns out that there is still a tribulation to be overcome.

"It's too early to tell, it's only half done..."

At this moment, with his eyes firmly set, he flew out of the stone pavilion and reached the top of an ordinary mountain peak.

It turns out that in the golden elixir stage, one can already fly in the air without the help of external force.

Although it is impossible to fly in this secret realm, it only suppresses the monks from flying upward.

He glides down the mountainside without much trouble.

Soon, thunder and lightning flooded the peak, and the roar was endless!

Counting it down, there were actually eighty-one thunderbolts.

The rare ninth-grade golden elixir, the thunder tribulation is naturally earth-shattering.

Fortunately, it is in this secret realm, otherwise, it might have disturbed the sea far away.

The thunder continued for a full hour before finally stopping.

In Han Tianming's belly, a golden elixir seemed to be dusted away, becoming even more brilliant!

I have a golden elixir, which has been locked away by dust and labor for a long time. Today, when all the dust is gone, light will shine through thousands of flowers in the rivers and mountains!

This time it really happened.

Han Tianming felt the changes in his body that were like a complete rebirth, and felt like a dream.

It has only been thirty-one days since I obtained the treasure map. From the fifth level of Qi refining to the ninth level of golden elixir, all of these are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

"It is said that an ancient person took a fairy peach and soared into the sky. I didn't believe it in the past, but now it seems that if you really meet such a fairy fate, ascending may not be impossible..."

Han Tianming couldn't help but sigh, there are so many rare treasures between heaven and earth.

"It's broken, how long did it take for me to achieve this breakthrough?"

He didn't know the passage of time in his practice, so he hurriedly looked at the treasure map in his mind.

But on the treasure map, two purple spots shimmered.

"Two purple points of light?"

It seems that after two days of seclusion, the treasure locations on the treasure map were refreshed twice, and both locations were retained.

"It turns out that the marked treasure will disappear if you don't pick it up on the same day."

Understanding this question may seem trivial, but it is actually very important.

As Han Tianming's cultivation becomes more and more profound, he may often record his practice in terms of months and years as soon as he goes into retreat.

If the treasure land is never refreshed, wouldn't we miss many opportunities in vain?

"I'm afraid the treasure has a time limit. It won't last too long. It won't wait for me for too long."

Han Tianming thought.

Although there are many inaccessible places marked on the treasure map, there are also many places that people will encounter by chance.

These treasures are all different. If you delay collecting them for a long time, some of them may have been obtained by chance and collected first.

Some treasures may gradually lose their specialness over time.

For example, those spiritual veins buried in the sea will really dry up after a long time.

There are also some treasures that will be destroyed due to some accidents.

For example, if the essence of Guishui inside the big banyan tree breaks into pieces after another one or two years.

The essence of Guishui will be exposed to the sea and will soon be diluted and dissolved.

When the banyan tree dies, the nine-leafed velvet grass will have no one to rely on, and the glazed sturgeon will naturally leave. If you go now, you will get nothing.

What's more, some treasures themselves can move.

Like the white jade toads, after a long time, who can know where they have gone?

“The sooner we can collect it, the better.”

Han Tianming made up his mind and headed towards the two newly-appeared purple treasure places.

Purple treasure land!

The first time he appeared, he obtained the Yuqing Good Fortune Kung Fu, but now he has appeared in two places!

He looked up at the towering mountain peaks and felt that this ancient powerful sect was really rich.

Everything that comes out is purple.

The two purple light spots were not far apart from each other and were refreshed on the mountainside of the main peak.

Not long after, Han Tianming was standing on the mountain path between the first stone pavilion and the second stone pavilion, hesitating whether to take the next step.

Leave the mountain road and enter the mountains.

Even though he had seen three machine dolls do this, they were different. Han Tianming was an outsider after all.

At this moment, as soon as he had the idea of ​​taking the next step, he felt that he was already being pointed at by countless swords.

This feeling of thorns on the back is very uncomfortable.

"That's all, if you die, you will die!"

He decided to trust the guidance of the treasure map and stepped out of the mountain path!


A terrifying divine thought erupted like a sleeping volcano!

The pressure was terrifying, the stars on the peak were shaking, and the entire main peak was faintly trembling.

His spiritual thoughts swept through the entire secret realm, and when he came into contact with Han Tianming, he felt particularly strong.

It was as if the whole person had been seen through.

"What is this? Is there a living person?"

A token on Han Tianming's waist glowed faintly, as if responding to the divine thought.

The Yuqing Creation Power spiritual energy in his body also started to operate automatically and uncontrollably.


A sword light rushed up to the sky from above!

The bright light seemed to be responding to the divine thought!

From the sword light, Han Tianming could feel a slightly familiar breath, it was the black-clothed swordsman.

After a while, the divine thought was slowly withdrawn, and the entire main peak stopped shaking.

Han Tianming saw that the outer disciple token on his waist no longer glowed, and returned to its original ordinary appearance.

The sword light above also dissipated, and everything returned to calm.

It seemed that everything he had just experienced was just a dream.

But Han Tianming knew that it was not that simple.

There might be a huge secret hidden on the main peak of the Xingyun Sect, a big secret that his realm could not touch.

Whether it was the token, the spiritual energy that automatically operated in the body, or the sword light on the mountain.

It seems that they are all conveying some information to that divine thought. As for what the content is, Han Tianming has no way of knowing.

Fortunately, at this moment, the crisis has been resolved.

He has already set foot in the mountains, so he does not stop and quickly walks towards his destination!

Strangely, this mountain, which should be full of dangers, seems peaceful and tranquil at this moment.

It seems that Han Tianming has been relieved of his vigilance.

It seems that Han Tianming has become an "insider" of the Xingyun Sect.

"Is it because of the outer disciple token?"

Han Tianming couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't think about it.

Soon, a majestic hall appeared in front of him!

Stardust Hall!

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