The sound of the flute sobbed, like weeping and complaining.

In this rainy night, it was not obvious, but Han Tianming's six senses were extraordinary, so he could naturally hear it clearly.

He discovered that the Lingbao Bees around him could also hear it.

Because of them, it seems to have become much quieter...

"Could it be that...these Lingbao bees are raised by humans?"

Han Tianming narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in the direction from which the faint sound of the flute came.

I heard that the insect master often travels around the world, looking for suitable places to raise the spiritual insects in his hands.

Until the number of spiritual insects in hand exceeds the limit of the place, they will look for another place.

If an insect master really arrives on this island, it is not impossible.

Han Tianming took a deep breath and prepared to say hello and ask the insect master to come out and see him.

Just as he was about to speak, he realized something was wrong.

"The sound of this flute is flickering and the breath is unstable. It really doesn't sound like it is played by someone..."

Han Tianming hesitated for a moment, then walked straight over.

It happened that the place where the flute sounded was where the treasure was marked.

The clear light pushed away the Lingbao Bee in front, illuminating the non-existent path in the forest, and the trees on both sides swept behind it.

At a certain moment, Han Tianming's rapid speed suddenly stopped.

It turned out that in front of him, there was a lonely tomb lying on the ground, and a bluestone tombstone. The writing on it was blurred, as if it had witnessed many years.

Han Tianming could barely read the words on it, and it took him a long time to recognize what was written on them.

It is written as "The Tomb of Qu Yang, the Beekeeper".

Above the tomb, there were deep vegetation and had been deserted for countless years. A small tree took root next to it, but it could not shield the tomb from the wind and rain.

There is a jade flute hanging on the branch. When the wind blows, it keeps flying.

As the wind blows, the sound of the flute melodious.

The 100 meters surrounding this tomb was like a pure land, causing all the Lingbao bees to stop a hundred meters away, and not a single one came close.

It was just an ordinary peach tree, with neither peach blossoms nor peach fruits on the tree.

Han Tianming reached out and took off the jade flute.

The two-foot-long jade flute feels warm to the touch, not feeling cold at all.

Like a piece of green bamboo, there is not much decoration, but it shows its extraordinary features.

"I don't know how much spiritual jade it is carved from. It is so hard that it can be used as a weapon..."

Han Tianming didn't know the music. Although he always thought it was cool to play the flute, ah no, the flute, he didn't have much opportunity to learn.

At this moment, I held the jade flute and waved it casually twice in my hand. I just felt that it was quite smooth, and I could use it to perform a set of sword techniques.


He suddenly let out a light sigh.

I found that after I took the jade flute, the blue light spots on the treasure map still hadn't dissipated.

It seems that the opportunity is not based on this jade flute!

His eyes fell on the bluestone tombstone and he saluted it solemnly.

"I'm offended, Senior Qu Yang!"

Then he grabbed the top of the tombstone, and with all the energy in his body, he pulled out the tombstone!

A pit was exposed on the spot, and in the pit, a peach wood box was revealed.

"Just Taomu?"

Han Tianming was a little surprised. It seemed that this senior really loved peach trees.

The material of this box is ordinary peach wood. There is nothing magical about it, so it is destined that there will be no elixirs in it.

Han Tianming opened the peach wood box and saw a jade pendant placed inside. The material was different from the jade flute in Han Tianming's hand. It was shaped like a leaf and its color was green.

When he first started using it, he didn't notice any difference. In a daze, Han Tianming found that his consciousness was in a strange situation.

This feeling is similar to the soul force reaching into the storage bag, except that the space in this jade pendant is not a whole piece, but scattered like countless grains of sand, and like a leaf of the galaxy.

Feng Ling Jade Pendant!

The soul power withdrew from it, and Han Tianming also knew the name and function of this jade pendant.

But it turned out to be a beekeeper's beehive, which was made to facilitate the carrying of spiritual bees. The small space inside it, which was like countless grains of sand, was the nest in the beehive.

"There is a way, a world is like a grain of sand, a bodhi is like a leaf. Only when I see it today do I realize that what I say is true."

Han Tianming couldn't help but sigh.

The jade pendant in his hand has countless small spaces like grains of sand. Isn't it a unique world for the spirit bees kept in it?

"Then you think this is the method of controlling bees?"

Han Tianming fastened the jade pendant to his waist and continued to look into the peach wood box.

Under the original jade pendant, there are two ancient books.

"Breaking Willows" and "Yuling".

Han Tianming took it out and flipped through it. The book called "Folding Willow" turned out to be a music score.

As for the "Yingling", it records some methods of subduing, domesticating, and cultivating spiritual insects, as well as the habits and effects of many common spiritual insects.

Most of the methods of controlling spirits can only be performed with the help of musical instruments, so the "Breaking Willow" is placed above "Ying Yuling" to show that music is the foundation.

"Okay, okay, now that the seniors have put the method in front of me, I will accept the spirit bees of this island!"

Han Tianming opened the book "Folding Willow" with great interest. On the first page, there were just a few lines and a short tune, which was the method of releasing and recovering the spirit bees.

"So short? You should learn it quickly, right?"

Han Tianming murmured to himself and gave up when it was daylight.

I never thought that playing the flute would be so difficult, even harder than practicing cultivation.

"It must be because I have no foundation!"

This music score is not suitable for beginners. Han Tianming didn't even know how to use the flute correctly, so he couldn't learn it.

He put "Broken Willow" aside helplessly, and then looked at the peach wood box. There was only a piece of brocade left.

He took it out and found that there were words on it.

"My name is Qu Yang, the son of Qu Xifeng, the number one insect master in Cangyuanzhou. My father was entrusted by the Northern Canglong Lord to track down the source of the alien insect dragon lice, and disappeared in the southwest of the Chaos Star Sea..."

"I came here to find my father, but was injured by the demon dragon and stranded here. My foundation of Taoism was damaged, my cultivation fell, and I couldn't leave this island. Fortunately, the Lingbao bees on the island are quite cute and can accompany me for the rest of my life."

"Today, when I am about to die, all the things in the past seem to be cleared up. Now I think that the dragon clan may have other plans..."

Seeing this, Han Tianming felt confused. He didn't know anything about Cangyuanzhou, Northern Canglong Lord, etc. As for reading further, this senior Qu Yang didn't clearly say what the dragon clan was planning.

Han Tianming knew that these were all levels that he couldn't touch at all at present, so he didn't take them to heart, but just read them as a story.

But when he read further, he gradually couldn't hold it anymore.

"I am about to die, and I have built my own tomb, leaving behind a legacy for the destined person, so that the family tradition will not be lost."

"My destined person, I don't think you understand music, and maybe you don't even know how to play a jade flute?"

"Let me explain some basic music theory to you!"

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