Just when Han Tianming announced that he was going to form a search team, the treasure map in his mind immediately changed!

The treasure map was quietly suspended in the depths of his consciousness, emitting a soft light.

Unlike before, the scope included in it has become a little larger.

In the past, only the entire Qingling Island was included. Now, although Qingling Island is still in the center of the map, there is an extra circle of sea around it.

"Hey, this is..."

Han Tianming stared at the treasure map with his eyes wide open.

It turned out that the extra sea area was marked with white animal heads!

These white animal heads, emitting brilliance, are similar to the previous treasure locations, except that the latter are simple circular light spots.

The animal heads are drawn with a few strokes, although they are just symbols used as marks, they are outlined very fiercely.

"Could it be that these animal heads represent the existence of sea beasts?"

Counting them one by one, there are 25 locations marked with animal heads!

Are there so many sea beasts lurking in the sea near Qingling Island?

Han Tianming was a little surprised, but then he was relieved.

The sea beasts that can land on the coast are all aliens among sea beasts, either born in human form or amphibious.

Such sea beasts only account for a minority among the sea beasts, but even so, there are still sea beasts coming ashore every now and then.

It can only prove that the base number of sea beasts is very large. It is not surprising that there are 25 sea beasts living around Qingling Island.

"Wait... this beast head..."

Han Tianming suddenly found that on the treasure map, a beast head was moving quickly!

And it was getting closer and closer to the southeast coast of Qingling Island!

Han Tianming's consciousness left the treasure map, and the three elders in the meeting hall were still discussing the details of hunting sea beasts.

He was about to interrupt the discussion of the three elders and tell them about the attack of sea beasts.

Before he could speak, the sound of sobbing horns came from the southeast!

"It's coming so fast!"

Han Tianming was surprised. Even if the sea beasts were like fish in water in the sea, they would not have such a fast speed.

Then there is only one explanation, that is, the sea beast that came is very strong!

The thought was like a flash of lightning, just a moment.

Han Tianming took the lead, and before the three elders could react, he had already rushed out!

The Spirit Shadow Step was just a first-level low-grade step, but when Han Tianming performed it, it almost turned into a gust of wind.

The protective fortifications built on the southeast coast of Qingling Island had been destroyed.

The initiator was a blue sea python, which was twenty meters long and as thick as a courtyard pillar. Its blue scales were solid and shone in the sun, blurring the human eye.

The various traps set by the Han family members on the coast to prevent the invasion of sea beasts did not work on it.

Han Tianming could feel the strong evil spirit of the blue sea python from a distance!

The Han family members stood on a high place. Although these ordinary people could not fight against sea beasts directly, they could use tools.

They selected brave men to form a guard team, led by the Han family monks who guarded this area.

Arrows in the sky were like locusts, landing on the blue sea python, but they could only barely suppress its forward speed and could not break its scales.

This is the powerlessness of mortals facing sea beasts.

"First-grade upper grade."

Han Tianming's face was solemn.

It was the most powerful one among the first-grade upper grades, comparable to the ninth-level human cultivator of Qi Refining.

If it were in the past, before the innate sword body was obtained and the cultivation level did not surge, I am afraid that the entire Han family would have to pay some price to kill this sea beast!

But now, there is no need for such trouble.


With Han Tianming's command, a black light flew out from his sleeve!

As fast as the wind, with a whooshing sound of breaking the wind, it instantly pierced the head of the blue sea python!

Bringing a deep blue blood line!

Han Tianming's figure appeared on a reef. He stretched out his palm, and the black light circled in the air and fell into his palm.

The black corners resembled a dagger, and the light was restrained, but it was not stained with blood!

At Han Tianming's level, with the blessing of the innate sword body, he could fly the sword within 200 steps!

When the Han family members behind him saw this scene, everyone couldn't help but show yearning on their faces.

Who among them has never had a dream of cultivating immortals?

Longevity, killing demons and eliminating monsters.

On the coast, the sea python was still violent, seemingly alive, but actually dead.

Han Tianming asked to stop shooting arrows. Without the stimulation of the rain of arrows, the sea python really no longer had an instinctive reaction and gradually stopped moving.

"Where is Han Tiansong?"

Han Tianming asked.

Han Tiansong, of the same generation as Han Tianming, was 35 years old, had five elements and mixed spiritual roots, and was at the fourth level of Qi training.

There were cultivators guarding the eight coasts of Qingling Island. The guard of the southeast coast during the day was Han Tiansong.

"Master, Tiansong the Immortal was seriously injured and is still in a coma!"

The crowd dispersed, revealing a middle-aged man lying among them, who was Han Tiansong.

His face was extremely pale, with blood at the corners of his mouth that had not yet dried, and his chest was sunken.

It was obvious that he was hit in the chest by the sea python!

Han Tianming hurriedly stepped forward and knocked on Han Tiansong's wrist. After the spiritual energy circulated in his body for a circle, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Although the external injury is serious, fortunately it has not hurt the root, there is hope!"

After saying that, he took out a jade bottle from his arms, poured out a light blue pill from it, and stuffed it into Han Tiansong's mouth.

"Be careful and send it to the clan doctor. Only the doctor can come to fix the bones."

Han Tianming gave the order, feeling somewhat relieved.

The resources of the Han family were too scarce, and the healing pills in his hand were only the lowest-grade first-grade healing pills.

They were the stocks that the traveling merchants bought in large quantities at one time many years ago.

As for the higher-grade healing pills, they could not afford to buy them in large quantities.

The Han family did not even have its own alchemist, only ordinary doctors who could do bone-setting work and treat some simple diseases.

After giving the order, Han Tianming stood up and walked towards the sea python.

The body of the azure sea python had been on the coast for a while, and it had to be cleaned up quickly.

Otherwise, it might attract other sea beasts.

However, Han Tianming took the time to look at the treasure map and found that the animal heads had not moved, so he was relieved.

As for the number of animal heads on it, it really changed from twenty-five to twenty-four.

The huge sea python was quickly concocted in Han Tianming's hands.

Soon, the Han family members around Han Tianming were carrying several huge wooden barrels, smiling happily.

The deep blue blood of the sea python and the sea python meat that Han Tianming had divided were contained in them.

This sea python will become the food of the entire Han family.

As for Han Tianming, he collected a complete sea python skin, a dark blue mottled beast pill, and some other useful materials.

Today's events gave him a small warning that he might need some preparations before going out to sea to hunt sea beasts.

The scales of this sea python are strong, and they are probably the best among the first-level sea beasts.

Moreover, such scales are very mobile and can be made into several sets of scale armor.

And there is no need for sacrifice and refining, just find a few skillful women, cut them, and sew them with special silk threads.

Han Tianming found the third elder, handed over the task of making armor, and handed over the sea python skin and the black tortoise horn to him.

There is no way, the sea python scales are too hard, and they must be cut by the black horn.

Then he took the sea python blood to the North Mountain and poured it into the Fire Eye of the Earth Fire.

The spiritual energy filled the entire Earth Fire Cave. After all, it was the blood of a first-class blue sea python.

In the evening, Han Tianming finished his work and just walked out of the Earth Fire Cave, he saw the smoke from the tribe’s living area.

There was a simple man shouting, as if it came to my ears along with the smoke:

"It’s time to eat - let’s have sea python soup tonight -"

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