A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 108 Meeting of the Three Giants, the Predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D.

An office building near Highway 101 in San Francisco's Seaport District.

This is a branch of the Strategic Risk Intervention and Intelligence Logistics Office in San Francisco. Further along this road, you can see the world-civilized Golden Gate Bridge.

Within the San Francisco branch of the War Service Office, an important meeting was currently taking place in a secret conference room.

In the conference room, the use of all electronic equipment except projectors is prohibited, and the doors and windows are also sealed tightly, making it impossible for outsiders to explore what is going on inside.

In the dark room, there was only a round conference table.

Three people with serious expressions were sitting on the table, and they were carefully watching the video that Nick Fury handed them.

As for the future famous director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury himself, who is still a young agent, can only stand by and wait for questions at any time.

What is playing on the projector is the video that Nick Fury shot in the Giant World and Steam World some time ago.

Because the filming was secret, even Hope didn't know about it.

When General Chester Phillips, Howard Stark, and Agent Peggy Carter saw the giants raging in the Shiganshina District, their expressions became more exciting than the last.

When the video played to the various steam machinery and humanities in the steam world, Howard could not hide the intense interest on his face.

From the birth of the Chimera, the mount of hope, to the humans who use three-dimensional mobile devices to fight giants in the world of giants, and the magical method of hope that strengthens people.

Finally, after watching Hope equipped with a new weapon, he smashed a huge boulder into powder with one punch, and shot through all the targets a hundred meters away with almost perfect accuracy, driving the arrows into the ground. Finally, he raised his wrist-type heavy machine gun with both hands and stood in the training ground, pouring ammunition at the imaginary target almost endlessly. The expressions of the three people present became solemn again.

Regardless of the other abilities of this mysterious visitor from another world called Hope, just from what they learned in these videos, the three of them can fully imagine how powerful Hope's individual strength is.

According to Nick Fury's report, when he was in the giant world, Hope showed a slightly inferior physical fitness to Captain America. Although I don't know what his current situation is, he is definitely not bad, so I will use Captain America as his example. Compared.

With the physical fitness of an American teammate and his skillful melee combat ability, judging from the force with which he puts on his gloves and hits the boulder, each punch can probably reach a huge force of 4 to 5 tons.

This alone is no longer something that ordinary special operations teams can deal with.

Not to mention, he also has superb archery skills. Although it may not be as good as Hawkeye Agent, it is definitely not bad.

The kind of arrows fired from a steam bow also have the power to penetrate walls and penetrate rocks. Body armor and some thin steel plates are completely unable to withstand them.

Not to mention, he also has two wrist-mounted heavy machine guns with seemingly unlimited ammunition.

Once this kind of firepower is suppressed, whoever targets him will not end well.

Moreover, after being equipped with a three-dimensional mobile device, Hope's mobile combat capability among high-rise buildings is simply not too strong. If you want to surround him with people, you can't do it unless you send helicopters or fighter jets to carry out a covering strike.

With such a simple analysis, everyone in the conference room knew how powerful, destructive and dangerous Hope was.

The most terrifying thing is that Hope has a magical space backpack. Who knows how many weapons he will bring out in the next second with empty hands. He is absolutely impossible to guard against, and he can never fight a war of attrition with someone like Hope. Just can't fight.

What's more, people also have the ability to travel across the world. This is the ability that makes everyone helpless.

No matter how powerful you are, can you chase him to another world and beat him?

After several hours of editing, the video was played. The three Howards looked at each other for a few times. Finally, General Phillips rubbed his eyebrows, waved to Nick Fury on the side, and said, "Go and turn on the lights first. Come on, let’s have a good chat.”


Nick Fury nodded solemnly, walked to the side and turned on the lights in the conference room, and the dark room suddenly became bright.

Seeing Nick Fury come back, General Phillips and Howard looked at each other and motioned for him to speak.

Howard did not shirk. He held the pen in his hand and tapped it twice on the table. He seemed to be sorting out his words. After a long while, he said: "Since you have taken over this matter, I hope that that aspect will be taken over by you." You continue to follow up and maintain normal contact as we are now. There is no need to express anything else. Try to show our goodwill and conduct a detailed assessment of him. We need to know whether this alien from this world will affect our world. cause harm."

"If it is confirmed that he is harmless, we can try to be on good terms with each other, which is also a good thing for us. Two or even more worlds will inevitably have many different places, and the benefits we can get from them will also be different. A lot. No matter how bad it is... this is an ally. After all, our world is not as peaceful and safe as we think. Looking at the entire universe, it is still too small."

Listening to what Howard said, Nick Fury could understand part of it, but the latter part was somewhat incomprehensible.

Seeing Nick Fury's expression, Agent Carter took out a file from her bag and put it on the table and pushed it to Nick Fury. Seeing him pick it up, she said, "Originally, you are not exposed to this kind of things at your current level, but now that you are responsible for the S-level confidential aliens, it is okay to reveal a little to you."

As Carter spoke, Nick Fury untied the rope on the file bag and took out a stack of files inside.

"On November 10, 1988, a spaceship appeared in Colorado and took away an 8-year-old boy, Peter Jason Quill. The following year, in 198.9, Carol Danvers, an outstanding female pilot of the US Air Force, was missing after a firefight with an alien fighter plane and crashed. In addition to these two recent events, there are many other eyewitness reports."

"This means that we humans are definitely not the only intelligent creatures in the universe. Those aliens have already mastered the ability of interstellar travel and space combat, but we humans are far from being able to do this. What if one day those aliens begin to invade the earth? We have been thinking about this issue and have made many plans for it."

"But if possible, we will do everything we can to win over all the allies we can. That hope is a good choice."

Listening to Agent Carter's words, Nick Fury's brows were getting tighter and tighter.

For the first time, he began to realize the threat from the universe.

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