A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 134 Tony Stark is loaded into a garbage truck

The last few days in the Marvel world of Talisman were pretty orderly.

After returning from Kama Taj, Hope first took Xiaoyu to the suburbs of Hong Kong, and then used the ninja soldiers of the Shadow Corps to use shadow escape to send them all to an ancient underground palace deep underground. , and found a Black Shadow Corps mask here.

After strengthening Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu was finally able to summon a hundred ninja soldiers from the Shadow Corps, and her own physical fitness was also greatly enhanced.

The next time is to prepare for war.

I hope I am still studying the books I brought back from Karma Taj and practicing them to train my various abilities.

When he was in the dark dimension, Hope could clearly see the power of giants used by Master Gu Yi himself, so naturally he knew that he had not yet truly developed the protection of this law.

In addition to hope, Jackie Chan and Steve are not idle either. They are also quickly getting familiar with and adapting to their enhanced abilities.

On the last day when he hopes to travel here for the second time, Steve has fully developed his telekinesis to the level of the original power user Nick. Although even that guy's own ability development level is actually not very powerful, his current telekinesis The strength is indeed enough for Steve to use.

And as time goes by, it is conceivable that Steve can develop his telekinesis even more powerfully.

The deadline for time travel has arrived, and Hope reunites with Steve and others. This time Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu also come here.

Even though Jackie Chan really didn't want Xiaoyu to follow him and join in the fun, under the repeated assurances of Hope and Xiaoyu, Jackie Chan reluctantly agreed.

After all, Xiaoyu's current strength is indeed no ordinary little girl.

With the fighting power of a hundred ninja soldiers, Hope really didn't want to give up.

Moreover, he was also confident that he could ensure Xiaoyu's safety. For this reason, he even gave Xiaoyu the elf that could resurrect the dying.

After learning the usefulness of the elf, Jackie Chan felt a lot more at ease.

But even so, his brows were still knitted together.

The four people had different thoughts about each other at the moment before the time travel. They didn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment. They didn't even notice hope. At this time, a young man in his early twenties happened to come to their door.

His name is Tony Stark, and he is 21 years old this year. Because his father has been going out mysteriously recently and seems to be very busy, out of curiosity, he asked his father for some shocking reasons.

Captain America, the superhero who severely injured the Nazis during World War II and gained great fame, is not dead after all. After being dug out of the ice of the North Sea, he has now come back to life and has begun to become active in the world again. .

Because Howard often told Tony the story of Captain America when he was very young, this made Tony admire Captain America infinitely and regarded him as his idol with countless other teenagers, but also because Howard did not praise him so much again. He passed him, and thus became somewhat unspeakably jealous of Captain America.

It is precisely because of these complicated emotions that Tony came here alone after inquiring about the hotel where the captain stayed today.

Standing in front of the door, Tony raised his hand and kept knocking for a long time without knocking.

It seemed that he was worried too.

Are you worried about how you should treat the legendary person when you actually meet him later? What should I say to him?

By some strange coincidence, Tony turned his head and put his ear against the door, trying to hear what was going on inside.

I don’t know if the soundproofing here is a bit poor, but Tony actually heard the voice of a young man talking inside.

"Are you all ready? Then we are going to time travel soon. Remember to follow me silently in your heart, and don't reject the feeling of time travel."

"Time travel?"

Tony had a weird expression and subconsciously followed the young voice.

As a result, in the next moment, Tony's eyes suddenly blurred, and everything around him completely changed!

Before Tony could react to what was happening, he suddenly realized that his feet were empty. He only had time to let out a short and rapid scream before his whole body slid down a smooth pipe!

When I was sliding around a corner, I hit my head with a "thud". I immediately rolled my eyes and continued to slide down the pipe in a daze.

"Strange, did you hear anything?"

Hope, who had traveled back to his room in the steam world, scratched his head with confusion on his face.

Stephen and others beside him also looked at each other.

"The sound seems to be coming from here."

Hope turned and walked toward the large window on the other side of the living room.

When I came to the window sill, I could see that there was a large pipe just outside the window. This was a place for residents like them to throw garbage bags. Those discarded garbage bags will fall along this pipe to the lower floors. At that time, special vehicles will take the garbage away and process it uniformly.

But now...

Hope opened the valve and put a probe in to take a look, but found nothing unusual.

"That's weird. Could it be that you just came back from time travel and had a hallucination?"

Hope closed the valve smoothly, scratched her head and turned around.

On the other hand, Tony, who was unlucky enough to be sliding in the garbage pipe, was knocked to pieces.

After swaying left and right for more than a minute, he felt his body lighten again, but with a "pop", he fell vertically into a garbage truck.

What was even more unfortunate was that Tony had just turned over in the garbage truck, and another bag of garbage fell on his head and hit him directly on the head.

With a "bang", no one knew what was in it, and poor Stark's eldest son Tony fainted.

About half an hour later, Tony, who was completely buried in a pair of garbage, was not discovered by the driver.

After a quick glance at the inside of the car, the garbage truck driver and his colleague sat in the cab with cigarettes in their mouths. As the white steam came out of the car body, the garbage truck trembled "rumble" and began to slowly drive down the slope.

They needed to drive this garbage truck out of Hope City and dispose of it together at a waste dump in the north.

This is a very simple but necessary job. They have been doing this job for more than ten years and are very familiar with it. They can drive smoothly on this road out of the city even with their eyes closed.

However, they never thought that there would be a visitor from another world in the garbage truck today.

Moreover, this visitor is the future famous Avengers leader - Iron Man!

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