A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 14 Monteriggioni

Monteriggioni is a small town in Tuscany, Italy. It was built by the lords of Siena in the 13th century. At that time, Monteriggioni actively cooperated with Tuscany's actions against Florence.

At the forefront of this struggle was the Auditore family, who later became the lords and protectors of Monteriggioni. During this period, they built the walls around Monteriggioni and the largest building in the city, the Auditore Villa, making it a large manor under private rule.

Of course, in terms of scale, it is more like a small town.

After leaving Florence, they came here after a day and night of trekking and met with the ruler of Monteriggioni at this time.

The ruler was called Mario Auditore, a burly middle-aged man with a blind left eye. He was Giovanni's brother, two years older than him, and also Ezio's uncle.

When Giovanni's family first arrived at this manor, which seemed a little dilapidated due to poor management, they soon received Mario's warm hospitality and lived in the central villa of the manor.

Because the information flow was not convenient in ancient times, Mario, who had been in Monteriggioni, did not know what had happened in Florence until Giovanni and his family arrived.

The joyful atmosphere of the relatives' meeting was suddenly dispersed.

In the big villa, everyone took a rest and recuperation.

After dinner, Maria, Claudia and Petruccio, three women and children, were arranged to rest in the room.

As for the two brothers Ezio and Hope, they were called by Giovanni to Mario's study to discuss things.

In this large study, the five people sat together and exchanged a lot of information.

However, it was mainly Giovanni and Mario, the two old assassins, who spoke, and Hope and Ezio and other young people mostly listened quietly.

After a meeting, several hours had passed.

When Hope returned to his room and sat down, there was only half an hour left before he finished this journey.

Taking advantage of this half an hour, Hope could also re-sort out the content of the meeting with Giovanni and others in the study downstairs.

First, it is about Giovanni and Mario's assassin identities.

In this world, assassins seem to represent a more conceptual belief in freedom, and it seems that because there are often some talented people like Ezio among assassins, assassins are also a symbol of high-end military power.

Except for some well-known assassin masters, most assassins' identities are generally hidden under another identity.

Just like Ezio and his friends didn't know Giovanni was an assassin before, hiding their identities is also the basic skill of assassins.

However, now because of the incident in Florence, Giovanni's assassin identity no longer needs to be hidden from Ezio and his friends, and this opportunity can be used to formally introduce them to the other side of this world.

In other words, Ezio and his friends have now been recognized as assassin apprentices by Giovanni and Mario.

As for Hope, because of some styles, and the method of pursuing quick kills in a straightforward manner, as well as the so-called "talent" and "holy relics", it seems that Giovanni and his friends have misunderstood him as a formal assassin who traveled from other distant countries from the beginning.

Hope didn't know what to say about this.

But it would help to have friendly relations with the people of the Auditore family, so Hope was not going to make any excuses for the time being.

In addition to the assassins, everyone in the meeting tonight focused on discussing the assassins' long-standing enemies, the Knights Templar.

Just as Giovanni said, the Knights Templar are spread all over the world, and they exist almost everywhere.

Unlike the freedom pursued by the assassins, the Knights Templar pay more attention to order.

This is just a conflict between the two factions' ideologies, and there is no question of who is right or wrong.

Even if one of them is too powerful, it will go to extremes.

Whether it is too free or too orderly, it is a disaster.

But this situation seems to have changed a lot recently.

Therefore, both Mario and Giovanni keenly discovered some of the unusual things. So they used their own methods and began to explore various details for investigation.

Giovanni's investigation was not very successful, because he did not realize that his friend, the fat man Uberto, was a traitor, so he fell into the enemy's trap during the operation in Rome, and not only was he injured, but the clues of the investigation were also cut off.

It was also because of this that Hope met the injured Giovanni when he just crossed over.

As for Mario, as the current leader of the Italian Assassin Brotherhood, it is naturally impossible for him to investigate things personally.

Fortunately, other assassins under his command did provide him with some relevant and useful information.

However, this information is not very happy.

I don't know if it started from Italy, Spain, or other places farther away.

It seems that the high-level Templars have discovered something not so good, and they are fascinated by it and willing to sink.

Because of those things, the Templars, who were originally only very controlling and attempted to control the world with order, became more brutal and complicated.

They began to deliberately create chaos, war, blood, death, virus, evil and desire.

It seems that what they want to see is that everything in this world falls into darkness.

It is precisely because of this crazy and extreme change that the assassins are highly alert and pay attention.

A few days ago, a coup massacre took place in San Gimignano.

The original ruling body, the Medici family, was cleared out. According to the assassins who went to investigate, the streets there were full of Medici blood, and the residents of San Gimignano closed their doors every day and dared not go out.

In the city square at night, the assassins saw with their own eyes that the Pazzi family piled up a large number of corpses for some kind of evil ritual.

And those hundreds of corpses were rolled and crushed in a pool of thick blood, and finally merged into a corpse giant composed only of corpses.

This fact is hard to believe and accept, but several other assassins who were present at the time had already died there.

So when the surviving assassin reported, Mario had to accept this fact.

The worst thing is that according to the assassin's report, the Pazzi family is preparing to attack Monteriggioni with corpse giants in the next two days.

That's all for this meeting.

To be honest, I hope I also feel a little headache about this situation.

After all, this means that next time he travels through, he must face a battle to defend the city.

But fortunately, he will be able to travel back to the main world later.

Anyway, the time of this world will stop after leaving. When I come back next time, I hope I will be much stronger, and it will be much easier to deal with possible wars at that time.

I guess Giovanni and Ezio are the ones who can't sleep at night and have a headache.

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