A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 142 Something is wrong

At this time, the army of the cannibal monsters was very close to the north wall, and the nearest one was only a few hundred meters away from the city wall.

For various reasons, the bombardment on the city had gradually stopped.

At this time, Hope suddenly took off and headed towards the northern monster army, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

After seeing Hope's mecha, a group of people couldn't help cheering and shouting Hope's name.

"That kid, is he so popular here?"

Levi looked at all this with a dead fish eye, leaving Jackie Chan next to him with an awkward smile.


Google's mechanical voice came from the mecha, and on the light screen in front of Hope, twelve crosshairs could be seen locking the target below.

"Barrage ready, fire!"

Hope gave an order and pulled the trigger directly!

It can be seen that a total of twelve barrage missiles popped out from the shoulder gun positions on both sides of the barrage mecha, and after Hope pulled the trigger, they were suddenly fired towards the ground. Out!


"(ノ°ο°)ノHigh energy warning ahead!"

"ヾ(≧O≦)〃Ah~ Congratulations on discovering the treasure of the station!"

"└(^O^)┘Red and prosperous, hazy and trance"


"Fire tongs Liu Ming!"

Barrages were fired directly, hoping to bombard the swarm of food below like a bomber!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Every time a barrage falls into the swarm of food, a semicircular light ball with a diameter of hundreds of meters will explode immediately.

When the light ball disperses, all the food in it, along with a circular piece of ground, will be completely wiped out!

Twelve barrage missiles came down, and the clearing effect was amazing.

Standing on the city wall and looking over there, in the dense black waves of monsters, it felt as if it had been erased by an eraser, and it felt unusually comfortable.

"Boom boom boom boom"

A burst of emotionless calls came from below, and only a few "booms" were heard. Some of the larger and more bizarre-looking monsters in the group leaned down and lay on the ground. Their backs burst open directly, and after a group of flames brewed in them for a while, they immediately launched a flaming meteor towards the hope in the sky!

The fireball dragged a long tail flame and attacked the hope in the sky at a very fast speed.

After using the energy shield to block a fireball, the mecha system immediately reminded that this fireball consumed a lot of energy inside the mecha, so Hope no longer took it hard, but controlled the mecha to dodge in the air, and only used the shield to bounce the fireballs back when necessary.

After sliding hundreds of meters in the air, the coin-operated submachine gun in Hope's hand also burst into fierce flames!

Energy coins were fired as bullets. After hitting the Arabs on the ground, they would also have the same explosion and annihilation effect as the barrage missiles. Although the range was much smaller, the firing speed was amazing, and the lethality was also not to be underestimated.

Under Hope's sweeping, the Arab monster army in the front row fell down like wheat being cut, and there was no longer any of its previous prestige.

Sitting in the barrage mech, Hope glanced at the remaining energy of the mech, then looked back at the soldiers on the north wall behind him who were cheering and in high spirits, exhaled a long breath, turned his head again to look at the large group of monsters that were beginning to gather again, and grinned: "All gathered? Just right, I'll give you another big one, and I should be able to achieve the effect I want."

"Fill the barrage, prepare for the barrage bombing!"

At Hope's command, the twelve locking crosshairs on the light screen merged into one, and behind him, a large number of strange barrage texts began to appear suddenly, and one by one they quickly merged into the shoulder cannons of the barrage mech.

I saw that the light of the two shoulder cannons became more and more vigorous, and the kharkivs below seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and they attacked Hope more violently.

But the mech controlled by Hope was extremely flexible, and while moving sideways, it dodged all the attacks from below.

"Blend in"

"Blend in"

"Look at my color"

After the last few bullet screens were filled, Hope immediately raised his mouth: "Goodbye, you guys!"


After the trigger was pulled, the two shoulder cannons of the bullet screen mecha suddenly became brighter, giving people the illusion that they could explode at any time.


Finally, after a short period of charging, the two cannons suddenly exploded!

The huge recoil made Hope slide back a hundred meters in the air, and in front of Hope, a continuous barrage torrent was launching a fierce attack on the Arab army on the ground!

Under the impact of those nonsensical or funny barrages, all the Arabs in a straight line on the hundreds of meters wide impact route were cleared out!

After more than ten seconds, when Hope's shoulder cannons stopped firing barrages and the strong light gradually dissipated, the people on the wall saw a scene that made them drop their jaws.

Starting from the ground under Hope's feet, a huge ditch that was 100 meters wide and over a thousand meters long was directly plowed out by Hope's attack.

And everything in this barrage of bullets, whether it was rocks, trees, or the terrifying group of Arabs, was destroyed into dust without exception.

Only the red land and the green smoke that kept coming out of the ditch told everyone that they existed in their lifetime.

The monster army that was originally crowded together and advancing was cut in half by Hope's attack.

After half a day of fighting, first there was the artillery bombardment of the soldiers on the north wall, then a series of attacks from Hope, and the last big move.

The original 15,000 Arab troops on the north wall were now conservatively estimated to be less than 7,000.

This was an exciting record. Just as Hope had imagined, the soldiers on the wall were completely in a state of explosion, roaring, as if as long as Hope gave an order, they could roll up their sleeves and charge with Hope to chop these monsters.

Driving the remaining barrage mecha back to the wall, Hope just jumped off the mecha and immediately received the attention of all the soldiers around him.

Looking at their excited faces flushed, Hope also gave them a thumbs up, which immediately caused a series of cheers.

There were also many "long live the Lord Hope" words in the gap.

The bullet mecha can be driven by any energy, including Hope's own steam power, but there is no need, so Hope will leave it here and let it recover its energy by itself.

And Hope himself walked to the observation tower where Gundark was.

At this time, his expression was no longer smiling, but serious.

After the attack just now, he also discovered something very serious.

After climbing up the observation tower, looking at Gundark's expression, Hope knew that the steel hero might have also discovered that something was wrong.

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