A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 147 A set of combos

"Touch! Touch!"



The barrage mecha was flying in the air, and before it landed, several figures had already landed on it.

Link, Jackie Chan and Levi.

The one that finally landed with a crash, kicking up a large cloud of dust, was Hope's fifteen-meter-tall barrage mecha.

Looking at the people who saw the magic weapons descending from the sky, Tony and the others had shocked faces. Even the two food commanders who were originally so powerful suddenly regained their momentum.

When facing this group of humans who suddenly appeared, they also instinctively sensed some uneasiness.

"Oh my god! Xiaoyu! Why are you here! Aren't you supposed to be in the city?!"

Unlike others, Jackie Chan, who had just landed, immediately noticed Xiaoyu next to Tony. He immediately raised his hands and grabbed his hair in a state of collapse.

"Hi, Uncle Long!"

Xiaoyu smiled like a normal person. Seeing that Jackie Chan still wanted to speak, he immediately said first: "That's it! Uncle Long! The situation is urgent! My ninja soldiers told me that there is something strange about the battle line on the east wall. Isn't that right?" I just came here to take a look because I was worried. Besides, I’ve been staying in the shadow world and it’s very safe.”

"Also, if I hadn't come here, this child might really have died here."

Xiaoyu said, opening the bottle in her hand, with the mouth of the bottle facing downwards, and clasping it on Ellie's body under Tony's instantly focused gaze.

The elf flew twice inside the bottle, and soon penetrated down into Elle's broken body.

The next second, a gentle shimmer of light was released from Erlai's body. At a speed visible to the naked eye, Erlai's injuries were being repaired quickly, and even the torn limbs miraculously returned to their original shape.

As Tony looked on in surprise and awe, the brave child breathed again.

Looking at his chest that was gradually rising and falling, Tony quickly leaned down and carefully placed his ear on it. After hearing the "dong dong, dong dong" heartbeat that represented the vitality of life, this man finally He breathed a long sigh of relief, looked up again, and looked at Xiaoyu with eyes filled with gratitude.

It was as if he was looking at his goddess.

"Okay, okay, we'll talk about Xiaoyu's matters later. It's more important to deal with the immediate matters first."

Hope also jumped off the mecha, took a look at the situation in front of him, and quickly came out to smooth things over.

Seeing Xiaoyu looking at him with grateful eyes, he immediately smiled and secretly winked at her.

After completing the small action, Hope immediately pretended to be righteous again, waved his hand towards Xiaoyu, and ordered: "Xiaoyu, there is a very important task for you. Control your ninja soldiers to do the support work, If you find that there are soldiers over there who are dying, send them back to the wall. Now you can take this child back for treatment. The ninja soldiers' shadow escape is very fast, are you okay?"

"Promise to complete the mission!"

Hearing this, Xiaoyu showed an unusually happy smile.

Before Tony could say anything, a ninja soldier sank into the shadows with Xiaoyu and Elle, and quickly disappeared.

"Xiaoyu is too dangerous here!"

Jackie Chan was very dissatisfied with the handling of Hope.

"Your world is not much safer than this one. It's better to let her adapt as soon as possible." Hope replied to Jackie Chan, then turned to look at Tony behind her. In such a close situation, even if Hope didn't take the initiative to check the dimensional bracelet, The other party's identity information has been obtained.

This turned out to be his last [dimensional partner] in the Marvel world, Tony Stark.

"How did you get here? I don't even know... ugh!"

Halfway through, Hope seemed to have remembered something, and immediately slapped his head and let out a long sigh.

Until now, he finally knew what was wrong with him the past few days.

“Boo boo boo boo!”

The voices of the two food commanders came from behind. I hoped to turn around, but found that they were already fighting. I couldn't help but quickly greeted Jackie Chan, and while running towards that side, I said to Tony: "Let's look back on your matter." Let’s talk in detail. Now you can find a place to hide.”

"Huh? Hiding, you mean me? That kind of thing is not something I, Tony Stark, would do."

Perhaps Ellie was rescued and met the boy who might be the real culprit who caused him to travel through time. Tony's suppressed mood for so many days was finally relieved. After hearing the words of hope, he refused to be outdone without even thinking about it. got up.

"Then let us see what you are capable of."

With a wave of his hand, Hope turned the barrage mecha that had used up the light energy into a keychain and took it back into the space backpack. Hope summoned a pair of steam gloves from the space backpack and put them on.

"Brother Long!"

Hope shouted, and Jackie Chan, who was running beside him, immediately triggered the power of the chicken charm to offset gravity and float up.

Grabbing Jackie Chan's wrist, he hoped to throw the weightless Jackie Chan directly to the battlefield of two people and two monsters in front.


Jackie Chan, who flew above the battlefield, suddenly opened his hands, and a powerful force surged out. The two food leaders who were still fighting with Link and Levi on the ground suddenly lifted their legs off the ground. Floating into the air completely uncontrollably.

What frightens them even more is that in this state, they cannot control their bodies well.

And the power comes from the ground. Without a foothold, the power of the two Arab leaders was inevitably discounted.

"Link! Captain! Leave it to you!"

The hope that ran quickly towards the battlefield shouted again.

Link and Levi heard the words and saw the Arab leaders who were trapped in the air in front of them without hesitation.

The eyes of Link and Levi instantly became sharp.

Levi held two lightsabers in his hands and rushed forward. The whole person seemed to turn into a ray of light, rushing through the two Arab leaders in an upward slanting line.

Before the wounds on the Arab leaders appeared, Link, who was standing on the ground below, had already accumulated power with the Master Sword.


Hold the sword and slash forward!

A dazzling sword energy suddenly came out of the sword, and the sky in front of him seemed to be cut in half by this sword energy. The two Arab leaders in the air were cut by the huge sword energy without any resistance.

From the perspective of the people around, after taking the two heavy blows from Levi and Link without reservation, the health bars on the heads of the two Arab leaders had been cut off by a large part.

And just at this moment.

Hope roared and rushed over, leaping high with one step on the ground, stretching his steam fists backwards, and when he passed over the heads of the two Arab leaders, he slammed down hard!

"Steam Double Hammer!"


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