A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 165 Parasitic Beast

"Well, I'm not drunk, I can still drink!"

In a dark alley, an office worker with a briefcase in hand was walking in it, swaying and giggling.

Suddenly, next to a pile of abandoned cardboard boxes, he saw a figure kneeling on the ground with his back to him.

That was also a man, dressed very simply, but he didn't know what he was doing there.

Judging from the movements and the sound of chewing food, it seemed like he was eating.

At the same time, the office worker also smelled some strange smells.

But because his brain was affected by alcohol, the office worker's reaction became extremely slow, and he greeted the man very friendly.

"Hey! Do you have any objection to me going to the bathroom here?"

As he said, without waiting for the man's reaction, he walked straight to the pile of cardboard boxes, unzipped his pants and began to pee unscrupulously.

In the sound of "splashing" water, the man kneeling on the ground and eating obviously paused.

The man turned his head stiffly, and his face twisted strangely. His two pupils swept around and finally pointed expressionlessly at the office worker who was peeing next to him.

"Pee... pee..."

He opened his mouth and uttered a few words as awkwardly as a child learning to speak. The man slowly stood up, and immediately exposed the large bloodstains on his clothes.

But the drunk office worker did not notice the abnormality at this time. He was still drunk and staggering to pee.

Behind him, the man covered in blood suddenly cracked on his face, which was as emotionless as a machine. Through those cracks, the flesh and blood inside could be seen completely. But strangely, there was no organ like the brain.

Slowly, the man's split head seemed to have life, and began to twist and extend several tentacles, and the ends of the tentacles quickly turned into a metallic blade with a steel-like color, which exuded an extremely cold chill.

At the center of the root of these blade tentacles, two green bean-sized eyes stared at the neck of the office worker in front of them, without any emotional fluctuations.


The knife flashed, and the two tentacles crossed the neck of the office worker boy, and the world suddenly fell into silence...

"Gurgle gurgle..."


A large amount of blood gushed out instantly!

Instantly, the office worker's head, which was still slightly stunned, rushed into the sky!

Human blood pressure is generally more than 100 mm Hg. Calculated at 150, the density of mercury is 13.6 times that of water, and 13 times that of blood. If the right place is cut, the height of the rush is 150mm×13=1950mm, about two meters.

The blood rushed into the sky like a fountain, and then fell back to the ground like rain under the pull of gravity.


A head fell to the ground and rolled a few meters.

The headless corpse then fell to the ground with a bang, smashing into a pile of empty cardboard boxes nearby, and blood quickly soaked a large area of ​​cardboard boxes.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Where do you want to take me! You monster!"

At the other end of the alley, a man's panicked voice sounded, but he was pulled closer and closer uncontrollably.

On the street lamp at the intersection, an elongated arm wrapped around the street lamp, and then suddenly exerted force, pulling a high school student wearing glasses stumbling over.

On the right hand that was wrapped around the street lamp like a python, there was a strange mouth and two eyes.

The mouth opened and said in an extremely awkward voice: "Same kind... There are... There are same kind... Look, look, I want to see."

"Same kind! Same kind of monster like you! Let me go! I don't want to see your same kind!"

If Xuan Yeji was here at this time, he would probably be able to recognize that this high school student wearing glasses was the third-year high school student in their school, Quan Xinyi.

But at this time, Quan Xinyi was almost scared to death. He didn't know what was going on. Last night, he dreamed that a snake got into his right hand. Then today, a series of inexplicable things happened to his right hand, as if it had its own consciousness and moved on its own without his attention.

When crossing the road before school, he rushed to the road to save a little girl who was about to be hit by a car because of his anxiety. His right hand moved again and stopped a car that hit him head-on with brute force.

At that moment, Quan Xinyi clearly saw that the five fingers of his right hand were hardened, and an eye grew on the back of his hand.

Although the time was short, Quan Xinyi did see the eye growing on the back of his hand.

Even the two of them looked at each other for a second.

After hurriedly leaving the car accident scene and returning home, Quan Xinyi immediately began to anxiously study his strange right hand.

After various attempts failed, he began to search for relevant information and news on the Internet, but still found nothing.

Just now, Quan Xinyi, who felt a little dizzy and had chest tightness after staring at the computer for a long time looking for information, was ready to go out for a walk and buy a bottle of soda nearby. However, after only a few minutes of walking, his right hand suddenly moved on its own, and the movement was greater than that of the whole day, and it actually dragged him to the entrance of the alley to meet its kind.

Until now, Izumi Shinichi can completely confirm that his right hand has indeed turned into an unknown monster.

And the same kind of monster is also a monster, isn't it? !

Thoughts were running in his mind, and Izumi Shinichi was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Especially when he saw the monster in the alley, which was covered in blood and had several tentacles on its head, and a headless corpse lying next to him, Izumi Shinichi's idea became even more solid.

"Run! You have to run quickly! Otherwise you will definitely die!"

Izumi Xinyi exclaimed, turned around and wanted to run back.

As a result, he had barely taken two steps when his right hand was still wrapped around the street lamp next to him, and he was suddenly pulled backwards and fell to the ground.

"What are you doing! Let go! Let go!"

Izumi Shinichi pulled hard on his right hand, hoping to shake it.

But the right hand wrapped around the street lamp did not react at all. Regardless of Izumi Shinichi's struggle, an eyeball grew out of its thumb, and after stretching it, it looked at the situation in the alley.



Izumi Shinichi asked with a pale face.

"I asked, why is there such a strong smell of blood? It was you who caused it? Who are you? A native monster of the earth in this world? Or are you also an alien?"

A young man's voice came from the other side of the alley, and among the "tapping" footsteps, Izumi Shinichi saw a 16-meter-long boy walking over with his hands in his pockets and wearing goggles.

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