A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 209 Conversation about the evil god

"Anyway, thank you all for this time. Originally this was a commission from me alone, but in the end I asked you to accompany me."

Nemo thanked everyone very much. He was really lucky to meet so many friends during his trip.

"I'm sorry, we have nothing to do anyway. And you forgot, I hope they are out to look for holy objects and information about evil gods, and I am a bard. Bowser and Lisa also volunteered to join the team. What is everyone's purpose? There's no conflict." Winner had already finished the ice cream in his hand, smacking his lips after savoring it, and casually replied to Nemo.

"Okay, since everyone thinks it's okay, I'll arrange the tasks first." Hope, who was still sitting on the wooden pier, finished the ice cream in a few bites, clapped his hands and jumped down, instantly dwarfing everyone else, but he But he didn't care. He glanced at everyone and said:

"Next when we go to sea, we need to prepare some necessities, such as boats, charts and navigation supplies. You don't need to buy too much food. I still have it here. Remember to buy more fresh water mainly."

"Lisa and I are going to take care of the boat, and the rest of you are going to buy other things. The money is here, feel free to spend it." Hope said, handing each of them a money bag.

"No problem, that's the decision."

Everyone nodded and left together to buy the supplies they needed next.

Only Lisa and Hope were left together.

"You left me with you. Do you want to ask me something?"

Lisa looked at Hope, who was half a head shorter than herself, crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.

"Well, I do have this idea. Let's talk about it while walking." Hope smiled and nodded, and then took the lead to walk forward along the shore of the pier.

Seeing this, Lisa followed suit, but she didn't need Hope to speak, she knew what Hope was going to ask her.

"Do you want to ask about those existences?" Although Lisa pretended to be relaxed, the expression on her face gradually became serious and heavy.

"Those beings you are talking about are the Lords of Fear, right?" Hope didn't take it into consideration so much and directly said the name.


Hearing this, Lisa quickly covered Hope's mouth and raised a finger to silence her.

Then, Lisa frowned and said again this time: "Don't mention their names easily, otherwise you will be targeted easily."

"It's okay. Ezio and I have mentioned this matter many times when we were dispatching. No, it's okay. You'd better tell us what you know. If we want to deal with this evil god, we assassin brothers You have to get to know them better.”

Hope waved her hand indifferently. Maybe the Lord of Fear really has that ability, but so much time has passed, and it turns out that that ability seems to have no effect on himself and Ezio.

Hope's expression didn't seem to be fake. Lisa thought for a while, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, I'll tell you. But in fact, I don't know much about them, I just know a few things. ”

"The Lord of Fear has seven apostles under his command, right? Disaster, destruction, plague, evil thoughts, flesh and blood, darkness, and fire. From what you said, the people you met in that lakeside village before were followers of the flesh and blood apostles. . The same goes for the Pazzi family.”

"I don't know through what means, the seven apostles of the Lord of Fear have established contact with our world. Some people, when exposed to certain things, are easily affected by them. For example, hearing The person next to me is muttering, having hallucinations in my head.”

"People who come into contact with those evil gods can be roughly divided into two categories. One category can probably remain rational, but because they have their own purposes, such as money, power or even knowledge. Even if they know that evil gods are not good things , but in order to satisfy their own selfish desires, they will still make deals with the evil gods. Those many so-called rituals and sacrifices are the procedures for their transactions."

"The second category is the complete fanatic believers. Their belief is in those evil gods, so they are also the best minions of those evil gods in our world. For example, the old village chief you met, In order to face the true nature of his belief in the evil god, he will do anything. These fanatical believers are dangerous because they are crazy enough and will do anything to achieve their goals."

There was no longer any smile on Lisa's face, and she continued with a serious expression: "I don't know what the ultimate goal of those evil gods is, but I guess it's definitely not good. So, although it is very dangerous, if you really make up your mind, If you are determined to deal with those evil gods, you can count me in. And I have also heard that those evil gods have many alien dependents, which are completely different from our ordinary life forms. If possible, I also want to dissect them. Research."

"There is no problem if you want to join nature. We welcome you." Hope smiled and added: "But talking about anatomy, it reminds me of a friend of Ezio and I. I think, if it were Leonardo da Vinci If so, I should have a lot to talk about with you. Although he is a painter, he also has an anatomy room in his studio."

As he said that, Hope asked Lisa with some expectation: "Is this all you know about those evil gods? Is there anything else that is more detailed?"

"No, this is what one of my colleagues told me in his notes. He was the kind of person who sought knowledge from the evil god, and his endless desire for knowledge of life eventually led to his demise. In fact, Vieri, who mastered the power of blood, was only one step away from self-destruction. The reason why he kidnapped me was that he wanted me to help control his body that was a little out of control."

"So, if you are involved with the evil god, there will definitely be no good end in the end. As an ordinary person, I can only get these basic understandings of those indescribable and illusory existences."

Lisa shook her head, but when she talked about her colleague, there was still some sadness in her eyes.

Xiangwang also saw the change in Lisa's expression, and guessed that the colleague was a very important person to Lisa. But he died because of the evil god.

It is precisely because of this that after learning about the purpose of Xiangwang and others, he joined the team and wanted to do his part.

Gradually, the two stopped talking. After walking for a few minutes, they looked at the shipyard in front of them and said, "We are here. Don't worry about anything else. It doesn't matter if it's the evil gods or anything else. We will definitely not let them go. Now, let's get a ship of our own and then help Nemo find the young lady."

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