A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 211 Going out to sea

The hull of the Jackdaw is mostly made of wood, and only some metal can be seen in some parts. The Dimension Bracelet shows that the Jackdaw is still in its early stages, so many of its parameters and structures are relatively ordinary.

The external hull and the internal cabin are common designs of this era.

In other words, the living conditions in the cabin are actually relatively poor. But fortunately, because it is a new ship, there are no major problems at present.

As for the sailing speed, under normal circumstances, the sailing speed is 17 knots (about 31.4km/s). If there is a tailwind, the speed can be even faster. Don't get used to modern means of transportation and think that the speed is slow. You know, this speed is already the best sailing speed of that era.

In terms of driving, because the Jackdaw is mostly composed of game data, this means that the driving and control of the entire Jackdaw will become very simple.

The captain only needs to input some basic instructions, and more detailed operations will be completed by the system intelligently.

No sailor's assistance is required, even if there is only one person, the boat can be driven. Sail raising, sailing, anchoring and anchoring can all be done with the mind at the rudder, which is a completely intelligent navigation assistance.

In addition, there is also an intelligent ammunition supply and aiming assistance system when attacking weapons, and one person can control all kinds of weapons and different types of ammunition on the ship alone.

Of course, having said that, after all, it is such a large ship. If someone helps and I hope to delegate some control rights of the hull, the effect of multi-person control will be better.

Unless one day I hope my mental power becomes stronger.

Maybe this is not very intuitive.

For example, controlling the Jackdaw is like playing a real-life game.

Just like in the game, press the forward key, it will set sail, and then press the acceleration key. It can run as usual even if there is no wind. It runs slower against the wind and faster with the wind.

Press the back key, it will slow down or anchor.

The left and right keys change direction, and even after anchoring, it can rotate 360 ​​degrees in place unscientifically.

The right mouse button aims, and the left mouse button fires shells to attack.

The control of this ship is so simple, which is also the confidence of Hope to dare to go to sea boldly.

The sail flag of the Jackdaw is black, with a gear pattern printed on it. This is also some small changes that Hope made with the power of dimension when strengthening the Jackdaw.

After all, it is his own ship, so he must have some of his own logo.

After giving everyone on the ship a detailed introduction to the general situation of the ship under his feet, Hope waved his hand and put all the supplies on the deck into the storage space, and put them in the warehouse when he visited the cabin with his companions later.

Wandering around all the way, he looked at the situation of the entire Jackdaw up and down.

Everyone found a room for their future and arranged it. If they lacked anything, they could still go to Ostia to buy it before going out to sea.

And Hope himself also needed to tidy up his captain's room.

Ezio's companions lived in the cabin, and they could climb down the ladder by opening the baffle on the deck.

And Hope's captain's room was on the same plane as the deck, located at the stern.

"My captain's room feels a bit empty. It seems that I need some collections to put in it."

After tidying up, looking at his simple captain's room, Hope raised his hand and touched his chin.

But in the end, Hope didn't think about it: "Forget it, let's see later. With a new ship, there are still many things to do."

Pushing open the hatch, Hope just came to the deck, and a sea breeze mixed with saltiness blew in his face.

His gradually growing hair was blown, and Hope squinted his eyes. Seeing that his companions had already dealt with their own affairs, he smiled and waved to everyone, turned around and walked up the stairs next to him to the stern, holding the rudder with both hands, and shouted: "Anchor! Hoist the sail! We are going to sea!"

At an order, the rudder was raised, the sail was lowered, and the wind was caught. The sails were blown up one by one, and the two-masted sailing ship weighing more than 400 tons began to slowly sail away from the port.

Standing on the side of the deck, Ezio and his friends held the guardrail in front of them with both hands, looking at the port that was getting farther and farther away, with smiles on their faces.

The word "going to sea" is simple, but it contains a lot of magic.

It symbolizes wealth, adventure, freedom, unknown, exploration and strangeness.

The sea is like an endless treasure house, and anyone can find anything they want in it.

At this moment, everyone on the ship felt an inexplicable emotion when they looked at the gradually distant port coast and the endless ocean behind them.

It was a kind of excitement and the whole body was magnificent, which was the charm of the sea.

Holding the rudder with both hands, Kuba stood by Hope, holding a sea chart in one hand and talking to Hope to confirm the direction of their sailing.

They were going to take the route of the Spanish cargo ship, and the destination was clear. After roughly determining the direction and location, they hoped that they would no longer need to care about the ship.

When they were in the port area, they hoped that they could still see many large and small ships.

But as the Jackdaw gradually went deeper into the sea, the number of ships around began to decrease.

Only the cargo ships that could be seen from time to time reminded everyone that they were still on the right course and had not gone astray.

It was the first time to go out to sea and ride the wind and waves, and Hope still felt it was quite strange and exciting.

Standing on the bow, feeling the ups and downs of each wave, Hope felt the pride of conquering the ocean.

But no matter what, all kinds of active emotions will gradually fade away.

After the Jackdaw sailed for a day and a night, Hope and his party finally felt a little bored.

The sea is so big, but the Jackdaw is so small.

Their activity space is only on this small ship, and everyone will feel bored.

But fortunately, although bored, everyone is not without things to do.

In Nemo's mention, Hope used the law protection of the [Training Ground] for the first time, and took advantage of the sailing time to teach everyone on the ship some of the abilities that Hope has mastered.

[Training Ground]: You can pass on your own law protection as a skill to others, and the progress of the teaching is determined by the relevant talents of others. Note: Most of the law protection cannot be learned by others, so please try to summarize more.

This is the introduction of the ability of the training ground law protection. As an ability obtained in the giant world, how is its effect? ​​It's just right to try it with Nemo and others now.

Hope has a lot of Law Blessings, but Hope finally chose the Assassin's Instinct as a skill to teach.

They are all natives of the assassin world, and this ability is relatively common, so everyone has the foundation and possibility to learn it.

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