A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 223 Skeleton Sailor

The 17-meter-long mechanical shark is definitely a monster.

The figure wandering in the sea made the sailors on the opposite side of the Haiyan change their faces.

Facing this mechanical monster, they doubted whether the ship under their feet could withstand its bite.

"How is it possible? When did such a person appear on the sea? Why didn't I get any news?"

Looking at the young man standing on the back of the mechanical shark and riding the wind and waves, Bald Henry was in a state of shutdown.


Suddenly, a splash of water exploded next to the hull!

The mechanical shark that had just approached suddenly jumped out of the sea, jumped over the deck of Haiyan, and fell into the sea water on the other side of the hull with a "plop".

Just as the shark Chimera jumped over the Haiyan, Hope, who was originally standing on the back of the shark Chimera, also jumped down and landed directly on the deck of Haiyan.

"You! What's wrong with you!"

Looking at Hope standing on the deck, Bald Henry was frightened and took several steps back.

I was originally confident in my plan, but I didn't expect to encounter such a big variable here with Hope!

"What do you want to do! I tell you, if it weren't for me, none of you would be able to escape the pursuit of the ghost ship!"

Henry was still yelling there, but Hope didn't want to waste any more time talking to him. He jumped onto the poop in one step, grabbed the other's whale harpoon, and kicked him out of the side of the ship, and fell into the sea below with a "plop".

"Ah! Captain!"

Someone on the ship saw Hope kick Henry into the sea and screamed.

Hope opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but suddenly heard a burst of gunfire from behind!

Hope didn't stop and jumped more than ten meters away, falling towards the sea on the side!

Just when Hope's feet were submerged in the water, a huge black shadow quickly rose from below and lifted Hope up from the sea.

It was the shark Chimera that had been wandering around.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions sounded behind him!

So close that Hope could even feel waves of heat rushing towards him, and a large amount of wood chips flying everywhere, some of which fell right next to Hope.

Looking back, Hope saw that the Petrel, which was still standing, had been split into two by a series of gunfire and was sinking rapidly.

"It seems that the ghost ship has dealt with the pirate ships that blocked the way and caught up."

The shark Chimera swam quickly, and Hope held the whale harpoon in one hand and the fin of Chimera in the other hand, looking far away in the direction of the ghost ship chasing behind.

The huge ghost warship gave people a strong sense of oppression. It can be seen that the layers of baffles on the bow of the other side were opened, and a large number of gun muzzles exposed inside were floating with white smoke.

"It's just a mobile sea fortress. It's covered with cannons."

Hope was a little surprised when he saw the ghost ship coming towards him, so he stamped his feet and signaled Chimera to send him back to the Jackdaw quickly.

The Shark Chimera and Hope were in tune with each other, and instantly understood Hope's consciousness. He twisted his body and swam quickly towards the Jackdaw not far away!

The Shark Chimera was extremely fast, flexible, and moved more than three times faster in the sea than the Jackdaw.

It was originally a very simple thing to get back on the ship.

But the ghost ship on the opposite side had obviously targeted Hope holding a whale harpoon!


Another series of artillery fire came!

The target was exactly Hope standing on the back of the Shark Chimera!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One by one, the shells fell into the sea next to Hope and exploded, and immediately exploded into a series of water columns that shot up into the sky!

The impact of the violent explosion immediately pushed the Jackdaw, which was not anchored more than ten meters away, away, and gradually widened the distance from Hope!

"Hua La La!"

The heavy rain formed by the sea water fell on Hope's head, directly soaking Hope into a drowned chicken, looking very embarrassed!

"Puh, phuh, phuh!"

Spouting the salty sea water in his mouth, Hope shook his hair and looked at the ghost ship rushing towards him with a face full of water. This time he was really sure that the ship's key tracking target was the whale harpoon in his hand!

"Ezio! That guy is coming for the whale harpoon! I'll attract its attention, you don't have to worry about me, take the opportunity to blast it!"

Hope confirmed the original situation and immediately used the skills of the Lion's Roar to shout at the Jackdaw floating on the sea in the distance!

Everyone on the ship heard Hope's voice. Although they did not respond, judging from the Jackdaw's full sail acceleration, they should have agreed with Hope's action plan.

"Boom boom boom!"

This time, the ships of both sides were firing!

The Ghost Ship was still attacking Hope, but the Shark Chimera was too fast. The dozens of rounds of bombardment could only blast the seawater into a stream, but could not do anything to Hope.

The Ghost Ship could not hit Hope, but its own target was too large, and the Jackdaw had a very strong aiming assistance function.

After a round of bombardment, the health bar of the Ghost Ship was successfully reduced!

"Great! Just go on like this!"

Hope waved the whale harpoon and shouted excitedly.

Before Hope and the others could get excited for long, some unusual movements were heard from the Ghost Ship opposite.

One by one, skeleton sailors with rotten bodies and extremely disgusting appearance appeared on the deck. Without any hesitation, they jumped into the deep sea in various strange postures. Some skeletons were shaken into a pile of bone frames due to the great impact of falling into the water, but soon, these skeletons reassembled and turned into the appearance of the previous skeleton sailors.

"My God, what kind of ghosts are these again!"

Hope stared at the skeleton sailors on the opposite side who were sailing quickly and jumping into the water from the ghost ship like dumplings.

The number of this group of newly appeared skeleton sailors was extremely large. In a short time, there were already two or three hundred densely floating on the sea surface, and the ghost ship was still continuously throwing this kind of harmful garbage into the sea.

The skeleton sailors looked very fragile, but they could move freely in the water, and their swimming speed was not slower than that of the shark Chimera!

Hope saw that this group of densely packed skeleton sailors dived into the sea, forming a huge black shadow like a school of fish and swimming rapidly towards the direction of hope.

On the other side, a bunch of skeleton sailors were thrown out to chase and intercept the ship.

The ghost ship began to change its route, approached the Jackdaw, and aimed its gun holes in the direction of the Jackdaw.

Although a large number of artillery on the other ship could no longer be used, even if the remaining artillery fired at the same time, it would be enough to instantly turn the Jackdaw into a sieve!

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