A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 228 Station B Mage Ancient One!


"Quick rewind!"

"Quick forward!"

In Kamar-Taj, in the mirror space, the Ancient One, wearing a yellow robe, stood with his hands behind his back, one hand wrapped in green light, and was training his magic.

It can be seen that under her control, the time in the space in front of her is moving according to her wishes.

"Awesome, you are worthy of being the Supreme Mage." Hope stood beside the Ancient One, watching a big tree in front of him slowly shrink into a seed, slowly take root and sprout to grow into a big tree, and finally fall into decay, and then the Ancient One reversed time and revived it.

"It's just with the help of the power of the Eye of Agamotto. If I use the Time Stone and rely solely on my own power to control time, I can't do it so easily." The green light on the Ancient One's hand dissipated.

Because the previous dark dimension has been completely crushed and swallowed by the big world of Station B, the current Ancient One has established a connection with the big world of Station B, and has become a magical power in that world.

Although there is no powerful magic provided by the dark dimension, the power of the Ancient One has regressed a lot.

But for the Ancient One, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.

Not only has the sword of Damocles floating above his head disappeared, but the power of the world of Station B is also much stronger than the dark dimension.

For the Ancient One, gaining power in this world not only has no side effects, but on the contrary, it makes her methods more and more magical, and her potential is many times stronger than before.

As long as she is given time to recover, she can be more powerful than before, and may even become the most powerful Supreme Mage so far.

The previous ability to control time is the power that the Supreme Mage learned and comprehended in the world of Station B.

As the most advanced and mysterious power, even the Ancient One did not master it before, and could only peek through the Time Gem.

But now it is different. Even without the assistance of the Time Gem, the Ancient One can master part of the power of time with his own strength.

Not only that, in addition to the spells she had known before, Gu Yi also mastered the barrage attack and coin attack like the barrage mecha, and even the lightning power like the power plant.

According to Gu Yi, these are some of the superficial powers that are easier to discover and master. If there are some deeper powers of other memes, some of them have already involved the power of laws. Even with the help of the power of the big world of B station, it is very difficult to master them.

For example, now, Gu Yi is studying one of the many meme powers [Awei is dead].

[Awei is dead], the original meaning is [Ah, I am dead].

It is a group of extremely sensitive and fragile two-legged beasts who died because of the excitement caused by the overly cute things.

Due to the heavy casualties, some strong people in the big world of B station found a way to create a death substitute, and this upgrade is [Awei].

So far, as long as a similar situation occurs again, the death of those fragile two-legged beasts will be replaced by the death substitute Awei.

So far, there is such a powerful meme power as [Awei is dead].

Its function is to let the death substitute die once.

In other words, as long as Gu Yi masters this ability, she can have an extra life out of thin air.

Next time if she encounters a strong enemy and is about to die, she can shout "Awei is dead" and Gu Yi can escape death.

This is also one of the many meme powers. In the big world of station B, there are countless powerful meme powers. These powers make Gu Yi feel the feeling when she just learned magic, which makes her very enjoyable.

After Gu Yi finished practicing today, Hope told Gu Yi the purpose of coming here this time.

Hearing this, Gu Yi immediately nodded with a smile, waved his hand to remove the mirror space, and came to the library of Kamar-Taj with Hope. After selecting some books related to mental power for him, he also took out some music magic.

It is said that music is magical.

Many music has the power to mobilize people's emotions.

The research on music magic began a long time ago.

Although there are not many people practicing in Kamar-Taj, they have many related books.

When giving Hope the music magic, Ancient One also gave Hope a hint that there are many related music laws in the world of Station B, and perhaps he can also gain some insights from them.

After thanking him, Hope sat down with Ancient One and accepted his teachings on mental power.

Unlike the first time he came to Kamar-Taj to learn energy control, this time Hope has the law protection for skill learning. Just like learning kung fu, learning magic, Hope also mastered it quickly.

However, just like kung fu, magic does not only require skills, but the amount of magic and mental power is the key to determining power. Those knowledge and skills only help the caster to better exert his power.

After learning the skills related to mental power, Hope gradually found that [Skill Learning] is indeed not suitable for learning magic abilities.

The law protection of skill learning mainly focuses on the mastery of skills.

But magic is not just about mastering skills. What a real magician needs is an absolutely large amount of magic knowledge. Only in this way can we better utilize the power of magic and go further on this path.

But knowledge is something that cannot be summarized by a simple skill.

"Sure enough, I still have to get the [Quick Learning] law protection from Xiaoyou. That one is more focused on theoretical knowledge learning. If you learn anything in the future, you will be absolutely invincible."

I finally learned everything I needed to learn. I couldn’t memorize a lot of the knowledge, so I just put the book away first.

The goal has been achieved. After bidding farewell to the ancient boss, Hope teleported back to Dad's Antique Shop in San Francisco.

At this time, I hope it has been ten hours since I went to Karma Taj. It is already night in San Francisco. Dad and the others are not going to eat at home today, so they want to go out to eat together. I hope they will come back in time.

The group of people went out in a grand manner, but saw a 1932 Ford classic car painted with red flames parked at the door.

The car door opened and a handsome young man wearing big brown sunglasses walked out.

"Hey! Everyone, what are you doing here?"

Tony Stoker said this, but his eyes were cast in the direction of hope.

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