A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 239 The dead cannot be resurrected?

The Key of the Dead Soul was successfully obtained, and Vonder also gained a lot of knowledge he had always dreamed of.

But gradually, he found that as an ordinary human, his mind could not contain so much knowledge as vast as the sea. Moreover, a lot of knowledge was also incomprehensible to him.

So, he set his sights on an alchemical experiment he had been conducting for a long time.


This alchemical experiment, which was criticized and even demonized by ordinary people, was admired and intoxicated by many alchemists like the Nobel Prize in later generations.

As early as more than a hundred years ago, countless alchemists began to try related things.

But until now, there has only been one successful person!

After all, this approach is just like God.

Artificial life, this is Homonkuluz.

Put human ***, various herbs, and horse manure in the flask and seal it. Keep warm through the fermentation of horse manure. After forty days, a transparent object with a human shape will appear in the flask.

However, since it has no flesh at this time, it needs to be fed with the blood of a living person and maintained at the temperature of a horse's womb for forty weeks. During this period, fresh blood must be added every day. If it is taken out of the flask or the supply of fresh blood is stopped, it will die immediately.

The above is the method of refining Homonkuruz. It takes nearly a year to inject fresh blood into it, which is why Von De often sends Spring-Heeled Jack out to capture people.

In fact, he had already started capturing people a year ago.

However, after obtaining the Key of the Dead, Von De, who gained more knowledge, made some modifications to this set of Homonkuruz refining methods.

The demand for fresh blood of the embryo has greatly increased, and the frequency of capturing people has become more frequent, which has attracted the attention of many people outside.

However, he doesn't care about it.

The embryo has been fully formed, and the artificial life that has been improved by him can no longer be called Homonkuruz.

Von De calls it the Son of Darkness.

This is a super artificial life that combines alchemical knowledge and some summoning rituals.

It is born with extraordinary knowledge and masters the ancient and mysterious language on the Key of the Dead.

As long as the Son of Darkness is successfully cultivated, Vonder will be able to obtain the endless knowledge he has been pursuing all his life.

In order to explore the mysteries of life and the many mysterious and unknown knowledge in the universe, he can sacrifice everything by any means!

"Paracelsus once successfully created Homonculus. But after his death, there was no second person who successfully made Homonculus. But now, the great John Vonder has become the second person after him, no! I am greater than him! The artificial life I created is the most perfect existence in this world!"

Looking at the diary, or the last sentence left in the experimental notes, Ezio exhaled a long breath.

He really couldn't understand the thoughts of people like Vonder.

But anyway, the purpose of this time has been achieved.

It seems that Count Richard is indeed not an insider, but just to satisfy his wife, he has been supporting Vonder, a somewhat crazy alchemist, with materials.

Barbie must be very satisfied with this result, but I don't know what Richard will think after learning the truth.

Putting away the thick notebook on the table, Ezio stabbed Vonde, who was lying on the table, to death with a hidden sword.

"Rest in peace."

After taking back the hidden sword, Ezio thought about it and took off the key of the dead on the other party, then turned and walked towards the corridor outside the door, ready to rescue the imprisoned Count Richard first.

After rescuing Richard, I thought I would run into the spring-legged Jack who had been following me all the way, but it turned out to be calm and nothing happened.

Walking out of the small hospital with a somewhat lost Richard, Ezio was about to send a message to Hope, but he saw a blazing fire in the direction not far away!

The sudden fire was very conspicuous at night.

Even Hope and others standing outside the Whitechapel area could see it.

"Looking in that direction, it should be the Arkham Library, right? The library is burned?"

Hope and Xiaoyu stood on the roof of a building, looking in the direction of the Arkham Library, and were also a little surprised.

Ezio: [The Arkham Library should be on fire, I'll go over and take a look now. ]

After sending a message to Hope in the chat room, Ezio first sent Richard a long distance away, and after meeting up with Miss Barbie, he handed the Vonde experiment notes in his arms to Miss Barbie. After saying a few words, Ezio climbed up the roof of the five-story building next to him and ran all the way to the Arkham Library.

Soon, Ezio had arrived near the library. Looking at the library that had been engulfed in flames and the houses next to it that were affected, Ezio also stood on the roof and pondered.

The blazing fire shone on Ezio's face under his hood. He looked at the groups of civilians below who were shouting and trying to put out the fire. He also looked at the library whose roof had half collapsed due to the fire. Ezio turned on his Eagle Eyes and scanned the area, but ultimately found nothing unusual, so he turned and left.

Although they didn't know why the fire suddenly broke out here, they had already investigated everything they needed to investigate, so they didn't plan to continue working.

That Vonde was undoubtedly related to the Lord of Fear.

In this case, now that Vonde was dead and the library was burned, all they had to do next was find and deal with that spring-legged Jack.

They still needed to go out to sea to find the observatory, and time waited for no one.

The group gathered at Hope, communicated the information with each other, and made their own decisions to go back to Crawford Mansion to rest.

It was easy to find the missing spring-legged Jack. Dad had tracking magic, and with Hope's eagle eyes, it was not a problem to find the other party.

In this case, there was no need for everyone to continue wandering around outside.

The group walked towards Crawford Mansion in a mighty manner, but they deliberately kept a distance from Barbie and his father, allowing the two father and daughter to talk to each other.

Although they didn't look back, they heard the occasional sobbing behind them, and they knew that the conversation between the two was not so happy.

In all likelihood, they talked about their deceased mothers and wives again.

The dead cannot be resurrected, so we must look forward to everything...

As he thought about it, Hope's expression suddenly became strange again.

It seems... the dead can be resurrected?

There are many ways to resurrect people in countless big worlds, and there is also one in the sub-human world bound to his dimensional bracelet, which he can master.

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