A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 241 Darkness Falls on London

The words of hope undoubtedly brought huge surprises to Barbie and his daughter.

Although the alchemist named John Vonder deceived and used Richard.

But just when Hope said that he also had the means to resurrect people, even if he didn't believe it intellectually, Richard still inevitably had a glimmer of hope.

No matter how slim this hope was, Richard still wanted to give it a try at the risk of being deceived again.

Because he really doesn't want to lose the woman he loves deeply.

Barbie and Richard held on to Hope and said a lot of things. It could be seen that both of them were a little excited.

But I hope I won't say anything more.

Everything that needs to be said has been said, and he is not the kind of person who likes to talk big.

Rather than saying so much, it would be more practical to do things directly.

Barbie can also be considered a friend of his, and the Crawford family also has a lot of power and can definitely serve as an ally of the Assassin Brotherhood in London.

And he is also very interested in resurrection. If possible, helping to resurrect Barbie's mother is certainly not a big deal.

It's always within our capabilities.

A group of people were eating and chatting, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

But it's obvious that someone wants to cause trouble and doesn't want to see this incident end so simply.

From the window next to it, you can see that the originally clear and bright sky is being shrouded in darkness at an extremely fast speed.

When Hope and his party realized that something was wrong, the outside of the house had become dark.

Because it was daytime, the restaurant was designed with good lighting, so there were no lights.

Now a sudden change occurred, and the house naturally fell into darkness.

What is even more uncomfortable is that unlike the ordinary dark environment, under the sudden darkness, everyone feels a deep depression and restlessness in their hearts.

"The devil is born!"

Dad looked serious and was the first to react.

"Everyone, please concentrate and don't let the darkness affect your mental strength."

As the father spoke, he stood up, raised his legs and walked towards the outside of the mansion.

When everyone saw this, they all knew something was wrong, so they followed suit.

Arriving outside the Crawford Mansion, it was clearly broad daylight, but everything outside became strangely dark.

The servants in the mansion had begun to light the street lamps urgently, but even so, those tiny lights looked extremely fragile and ridiculous.

"This is not ordinary darkness. We must find the source of the mutation, otherwise, the whole of London will be swallowed up by darkness. There will be no salvation by then!"

As the father said this, he turned around and walked into the mansion.

"What are you going to do?"

Tony stood next to his father, watching his father leave, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Dad is going to prepare some things to deal with the devil. Do you want to help?"

The father raised his head and looked at Tony. The aura on his body made a young man like Tony dare not say anything. He could only wave his hands and said with an embarrassed grin: "I don't understand magic."

"Then why don't you go find the source of the mutation! Do you want me, an old man, to fight on your behalf?" The father snorted, turned around and continued walking into the mansion, and also took away Li, who was in a daze. Chad: "Come with me, I need you to prepare something for me."

Seeing their father return to the mansion, everyone present couldn't help but look at each other.


In the end, Hope coughed twice, and then said: "Everyone has seen the notes that Ezio got back yesterday. Do you think it was the Son of Darkness caused by Feng De?"

"Although the Arkham Library was burned down yesterday, if you put it this way, the possibility is really very high. Although he is not a cultist, his long-standing practices and summoning rituals of cultists are not the same. What's the difference?" Ezio raised his hand and touched his chin, indicating that it was very likely.

"Then we are going to the Arkham Library again?" Wenner asked timidly.

"We have to go to the library, but we can't all go there. Look there."

Lisa, who had already recovered, raised her finger and pointed to the location of the Whitechapel District in the north. When everyone looked around, they immediately saw a black beam of light rising straight into the sky, and a thick, swirling dark cloud suddenly formed in the struck sky.

Although the distance is far away, you can still see small black dots falling from the dark clouds like raindrops.

Putting down the goggles, adjusting the lenses to the telescope, Hope could see clearly that those falling from the dark clouds were all little devils with red eyes, double horns, and sharp claws.

It looks somewhat similar to Spring Heeled Jack.

"It seems we are in big trouble." Hope twitched her lips and quickly used space teleportation to teleport everyone present to the Whitechapel District.

With a blur in front of their eyes, everyone came to the Whitechapel District again.

However, it is different from before.

At this time, the Whitechapel District was filled with screams and cries!

In the dim environment, the little demons that fell from the dark clouds in the sky attacked the surrounding humans without mercy.

Facing these dark creatures, the helpless humans were chased and slaughtered.

All you can see is blood and broken limbs everywhere.

"I leave these Tiggers to you, I'm going to the Arkham Library!"

After Hope finished speaking, tiny steam suddenly came out of his body, and he jumped up to a height of 20 meters!

A large amount of compressed steam was ejected from the bottom of his hands and feet, and Hope flew towards the direction of Arkham Library like a missile!

Now he couldn't control his free flight, but it was not a big problem for him to catch the steam system and sprint straight in the air.

Hope's speed was very fast.

It didn't take long for Hope to arrive at Arkham Library, where the black light column was.


He smashed his head directly to the ground without any skills, and smashed a deep pit in the ground. Hope also considered a hardcore landing.

Amid the smoke and dust, Hope slowly walked out of the pit, and looked at the black light column in front of him that broke through the ruins of the library and rushed into the sky, and Hope also frowned.

"How to destroy this thing?"

It can be seen that it was because of this thing that the little demons fell from the dark clouds above.

But facing a light column without a substance, Hope was still a little difficult to start.

After turning on the Eagle Eye and scanning around, Hope finally found that there was a two-meter-tall humanoid life in the black light column.

On the other side of the light column, Hope also saw a Spring-Heeled Jack in formal clothes.

This Spring-Heeled Jack looked more like a demon than the one Hope had encountered. It was probably the one that Ezio followed yesterday.

I didn't expect that he would come here?

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