A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 251 I don't like tragedy

"Well, actually it's nothing. I just saw that you seemed very hungry, so I invited you to eat."

Hope said this casually with a smile. Seeing the disbelief on the other party's face, he suddenly looked like he had remembered something. He took out an ID from his body and handed it to the other party. He then said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Hope." , the identity of this world is the top consultant of the MIB Foreign Affairs Bureau.”

"This world?"

Shimomura Izumi looked at Hope suspiciously for a while, then looked at the ID he handed over.

It looks very formal, but how can an ordinary Japanese high school student like Shimomura Izumi understand what is written on it?

"Let's talk about the topic. I know your identity and what's going on in your family."

When I heard that Hope mentioned this matter, Izumi Shimomura, who was still in a normal mood, suddenly frowned, stared at Hope and asked in a bad tone: "What do you mean by that?"

Ignoring Shimomura Izumi's mood changes, Hope casually said, "How many days have you been away from home?"

Shimomura Izumi still frowned, but said nothing, and put down the chopsticks that were still moving.

"I've just had someone visit your home. I'm sorry, but your mother and stepfather have passed away. The time of death was exactly the time when you ran away from home."

When Hope said this, he obviously saw the eyes of the girl in front of him fluctuate violently, but he quickly calmed down and looked to the other side. He no longer looked directly at Hope, but said in a tone full of hatred: " This is retribution for them... wanting to sell their daughter."

Seeing Shimomura Izumi's reaction, Hope sighed, took back his ID and put it away, and explained aloud: "Although a lot of things happened, the truth of the matter is completely different from what you imagined."

Hearing this, Shimomura Izumi turned around and looked at Hope, as if waiting for his next words.

"You think they are short of money and want to sell you as a prostitute, right? In fact, it's because your stepfather discovered your Asian identity and planned to sell you to the government, so that phone call was actually made to the police. ”

Shimomura Izumi's face looked ugly, but Hope still took out his mobile phone and retrieved a recording that had just been sent by a staff member of the MIB Foreign Affairs Bureau. While playing the recording, Hope continued to explain: "Dial to the police. There is a recording of that phone call, and we can probably reconstruct what happened from this recording.”

"This is what happened after you slammed the door and left. Your mother and your stepfather had an argument. Your mother wanted to protect you, so she stabbed your stepfather in the abdomen with a knife, but your Your stepfather stabbed your mother again before he died, so they both died at home. "

After listening to Hope's explanation and listening to the recording on Hope's phone, Shimomura Izumi shed tears again.

"What's the use of saying this now..."

The girl choked, lying on the table with her arms and burying her head inside. All she could see was that her shoulders were still twitching.

"I just want to clear up your misunderstanding." Hope looked at the girl in front of her quietly.

"It's too late... What's the use of saying this now... It's too late to say anything..."

Shimomura Izumi cried even more sadly.

In fact, if she hadn't met Hope, within a few days, she would have sold her body to make money just like in the original book, but in the end she would have died again in the hospital due to a serious illness.

If she hadn't been a demi-human, she would have died long ago.

In fact, immortality is probably a curse for this girl.

If she could die, she would have wanted to die.

Death in pain, and resurrection in pain, endless, no one likes this kind of torture.

"If it's too late, it's too early."

Hope smiled, reached out and patted Cunquan on the shoulder, and said: "Although your mother has passed away, fortunately it didn't last long. It's only been two days since you ran away from home, right? Such a short time , the soul should not be dissipated yet. At least it will be fine within seven days. If it takes longer, it depends on the quality of the soul. I don’t know if there is an underworld in this world. If there is, it is probably in the underworld. Can stay longer.”

After listening to Hope's words, Shimomura Izumi raised his head again. His face was full of tears and he looked at Hope with some surprise and uncertainty. He seemed to be looking forward to it, but also a little disbelieving.

"What do you mean?" Shimomura Izumi sniffed and asked.

"I can resurrect your mother."

Hope smiled, it was easy to do anyway, and he himself was a person who didn't like tragedies. If possible, he also wanted to change the tragedies he encountered as much as possible.

This can give Hope a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, and make him happy when he first arrives, which is worth it.

"This is impossible!"

After hearing Hope's words, Shimomura Izumi immediately denied it, but her tone did express some of her expectations.

Resurrecting the dead is really unacceptable.

But she hopes that this thing is true, but she is afraid that she will be deceived and her expectations will be disappointed, which will make her even more uncomfortable.

"Is this impossible? You already have immortality, so you should believe that other people in the world have other more magical powers, right?" Hope took out a box of bubble gum, dropped one and chewed it in his mouth stand up.

Hearing this, Shimomura Izumi suddenly remembered that his demi-human identity seemed to be exposed.

Thinking of the experimental videos about sub-humans that were circulated online after being captured, he shuddered with fear.

"Don't be nervous. Our MIB is a formal department. We will only register and manage your identity. We will not restrict your personal freedom, nor will we use you for human experiments. We have expressly prohibited that." Hopefully, he could see what was going on in Shimomura Izumi's mind, so he smiled and comforted her, and even blew a bubble.

After thinking for a long time with his head down, Izumi Shimomura finally raised his head again, stared at Hope, and asked seriously: "Can you really revive my mother?"


The bubble burst, Hope stretched out his tongue to roll the bubble gum back from the edge of his mouth, and suddenly he didn't want to eat the bubble gum anymore, so he took a napkin and spit the bubble gum into it, then looked at Izumi Shimomura and smiled: "I can't be 100% sure, but there is indeed a possibility of reviving your mother. How about it? Do you want to try?"

After hesitating for a while, looking at Hope's friendly smile, Izumi Shimomura finally nodded: "Well, I'm willing to try. So, do I need to pay anything?"

Izumi Shimomura didn't believe that there would be anything in this world that could be gained without effort, not to mention that she grew up in a hard life, so she didn't believe it even more.

"You definitely won't believe me when I say I don't need it, so you can work for me in the future. As a consultant, maybe I still need an assistant."

As Hope said, he stood up directly, took down the clothes hanging behind him, and handed them to Izumi Shimomura who was in a daze.

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