A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 269 Landing on the Moon

The elevator door opened, and Hope and Tony walked out.

It's still the same hall outside, the silver MIB Foreign Affairs Bureau hall full of science fiction texture.

Above the hall, the MIB projection logo was slowly rotating. Miss Li and a group of scientists in white coats were already standing there waiting for Hope and others.

"You are here."

Miss Li smiled and led people to greet her.

"What did you say about the discovery of the secret about Gantz's origin?" Hope asked curiously.

"Don't worry, I will take you to see it now. In fact, we are just guessing based on the observations during this period and some associations with celestial bodies. The real situation still needs to be investigated on the spot. If it can be done, It should be of great help.”

Miss Li said, signaling that she hoped they would follow her.

Along the way, Miss Li told Hope some of their relevant findings, but Hope didn't understand them at all, and Tony looked thoughtful.

"Let's board the plane, there's still some time left for the rest of the journey."

Soon, a group of people boarded the MIB Foreign Affairs Bureau's special plane and flew towards a space control center under MIB in China.

"Are we going to ascend to heaven?"

After stopping on the tarmac, looking at the huge rocket on the launch pad, Hope looked weird.

"Yes, according to our speculation, if we can go to the moon, we should be able to make some discoveries." Miss Li smiled, looked at Hope and they said: "Don't be nervous, our technology is not the first time that manned landings have been carried out. It’s already been 2 months, but I haven’t had the chance to go to the back of the moon. Follow the staff and put on your space suit, and they will tell you some basic knowledge.”

Looking at the people coming and going around, the busy staff members all nodded, and another group of people ran to put on their spacesuits.

After generations of technological improvements, the spacesuits produced by MIB are not as heavy as imagined. Relatively speaking, they are still very light and agile.

"In the future, I will also design a suit that can travel in space."

After putting on his spacesuit, Tony moved his body a little uncomfortably.

But he still has high expectations for the next trip to the moon.

For him, this is just the first time.

Facts have proved that MIB's moon landing technology is indeed very complete, and all processes are carried out in an orderly manner.

Many professional matters are handled by professional people. Except for Tony who would walk around and look around, Hope and the group of scientists were just quietly waiting for the rocket to launch on the lunar landing spacecraft.

Izumi Shimomura was sitting next to Nozomi, and her little hands inside the spacesuit were covered in sweat.

Never would I have thought that if I had a good time on earth, I would land on the moon.

It could be seen that Shimomura Izumi was a little nervous, but Hope just smiled. He would not comfort a girl or anything like that.

Finally, all preparations were ready, everyone returned to their seats and sat down, the rocket was about to be launched.

"4! 3! 2! 1! Fire!"

As the sound came from the radio, the entire spacecraft was in a state of shock, and a seemingly nonexistent thrust came. The rocket carrying the moon landing spacecraft had been launched into the sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Soon, the rocket sent the lunar landing spacecraft out of the atmosphere and began to fall downwards for automatic recovery.

The lunar landing spacecraft, driven by astronauts, headed towards the moon.

By this time, the entire spacecraft had stabilized, and with the gravity device turned on, everyone could move freely in the spacecraft.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

Walking to the porthole, looking at the fading blue planet outside the window, Shimomura Izumi's eyes were blurred, and he showed an expression of wonder.

It was the first time for Hope to see the earth from this angle. Looking at the dazzling sapphire-like planet under the dark curtain of the universe, his mind suddenly became brighter.

From their current height, they could still see the sea and land under layers of white clouds. It was truly magnificent!

"I feel like I could watch here all day." Hope muttered to herself.

But it turns out that it is impossible for hope to stare at the earth for a day.

Within half an hour, he was completely attracted by other things in space navigation. He walked around with Shimomura Izumi, who was also a novice, looking here and asking questions there.

Fortunately, everyone on the ship knew who Hope was and didn't feel any impatience with him.

The distance between the earth and the moon is 384,000 kilometers. When humans first landed on the moon, it took 75 hours and 50 minutes to fly from the earth to the moon.

The aircraft envisioned by MIB in the future will only take 5 hours to reach the moon from the earth.

But with their current technology, it is still not as fast as 5 hours. Now they hope that the ship under their feet will also take 12 hours to arrive.

However, for the moon landing, this speed is actually not slow.

The diligent and studious young master Tony is like a sponge. No matter where he goes, he is always absorbing a lot of knowledge.

As for Nozomi and Izumi Shimomura, two ordinary people, after the novelty of the first few hours, they began to get bored, and finally just sat together and played handheld games.

Finally, as time passed, the lunar landing spacecraft flew all the way to the back of the moon, drifted in the sky for a while, and then found a place to land.

Like the previous MIB moon landings, this moon landing also did not produce any accidents and landed smoothly on the lunar surface.

Looking at the dark environment around, Miss Li ordered: "Launch the searchlight!"

"Launch the searchlight!"

The driver responded and pressed the button on the console next to him.


The top of the lunar landing spacecraft suddenly launched a constant-lighting device into the sky. The illuminator was suspended at an altitude of 100 meters and fixed, and the surrounding area of ​​1 kilometer in radius was immediately illuminated.

"Continue to launch."


"Bang bang bang!"

Several more illuminators were launched in all directions. Soon, the surrounding area of ​​several kilometers was as bright as day.

"Check the equipment and oxygen supply device, we are going down."

A group of people took action under Miss Li's command. Tony checked his space suit, and came over to help Hope and Shimomura Izumi, two newbies, to check it, and then nodded.

Miss Li led the way, followed by Hope and others, and a large group of scientists who worked together to carry various equipment to the hatch.

Seeing the hatch open and revealing a vast expanse of land on the moon outside, everyone took a deep breath and slowly walked outside.

"I never thought that I would be on the moon one day."

Looking at the footprints he left on the ground, Shimomura Izumi excitedly grabbed Hope's arm.

But he quickly reacted and quickly withdrew his hand.

Hope didn't feel anything about it, but just looked at his feet with great curiosity, feeling that his body was light and fluttering, which made him a little uncomfortable.

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