A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 271 Artificial Moon (guaranteed first update)


Looking at Tony's gaze, Miss Li nodded, then looked at the increasingly confused Nozomi and Shimomura Izumi, and continued: "On the moon, there are some craters as large as 1,300 kilometers in diameter, and a depth of six kilometers is very important. It is really too shallow. According to our speculation, it should have been caused by the impact of a meteorite with a diameter of 60 kilometers. If this meteorite hit the earth, the depth would not be less than 100 kilometers. "

"It feels like there is a very hard shell inside the moon. Because of the existence of this hard shell, no matter how big the meteorite is, it can only hit a depth of six kilometers at most."

"Moreover, this shell is so hard that even meteorites can't make holes. This feels very deliberate, so we have this crazy idea of ​​an artificial moon."

As she spoke, Miss Li asked Hope and others to follow her to the group of scientists who were playing with various equipment. She pointed at one of the instruments and said: "The density of the moon's surface is very high, but through our Calculated and found that the average density of the moon is very small."

"Then, the density on the surface is so high, which means that the density inside the moon is very small. Regarding this discovery, we have already started an experiment called the moonquake experiment several years ago."

"We placed a seismometer on the moon and found that the moon actually has earthquakes. After eight years and ten months of observation, a total of 12,558 moonquakes were discovered, with an average of four occurrences per day. But the magnitude of these moonquakes is not the same. It’s not very big, it’s only level 4 on the Richter scale.”

"The key thing is the seismic waves in it."

Ms. Li patted the shoulder of a scientist assistant in front of her. The other person immediately understood and put several sets of band comparison charts on the screen.

"Moonquakes on the moon are completely different from earthquakes on the earth. For earthquakes on the earth, the time from the occurrence of the earthquake to the peak is very short. Then after a little slower, it will slowly decrease, but it will pass quickly. The whole process only takes about one or two minutes.”

"But it's different on the moon. Once the moon starts to vibrate, it takes more than ten minutes for it to reach the peak, and the time for it to decline after the peak is exaggerated. It takes several hours. In other words, the moon is on the moon. It only takes a few hours at a time.”

"Moreover, this seismic wave also reflects a state called hydraulic damping, which means there is water inside. Through our research on rock specimens on the moon, we found that the rock layer on the moon's surface has a high titanium content. According to seismic waves, rocks and those crater speculations.”

"The moon's rock layer is about six kilometers thick, followed by a twenty-kilometer-thick metal layer. This metal layer is mainly made of titanium, which is rarely seen on Earth. Further inside, there is the lower layer we previously speculated. In a dense space, nine out of ten times there is a void inside, and there is also a small amount of water.”

"According to this calculation result, the entire moon is actually a hollow metal ball covered with a layer of rock. This completely inconsistent with the laws of natural celestial bodies is also the main reason why we speculate that the moon is an artificial celestial body. It is a natural celestial body, because When there is gravity, the density is high in the center and low in the outer layer, but the moon is just the opposite.”

"It's interesting. I'm becoming more and more interested in the moon here." While listening to Miss Li's words, Tony retrieved various information from the computer, looking a little excited.

"Is the moon over there also like this?" Hope asked Tony curiously.

Hearing this, Tony didn't look back, still looking at the computer screen, shaking his head, and said: "It's somewhat similar, but not exactly the same. What is certain is that the moon in our world is naturally formed."

He nodded, hoped to look at Miss Li again, and asked puzzledly: "But I'm still a little unclear, what is the relationship between Gantz and the moon? Is this the main issue when we come here this time?"

"Yes, this is what I want to say next. The reason why I explain so much research on the moon to you is mainly to help you understand some of our conjectures and research on Gantz."

As Ms. Li spoke, she took out the capture gun produced by Gantz and shook it at Hope, smiling: "Aren't you curious where the aliens captured every time using the capture gun are sent? ?”

"I have thought about it, but I haven't really thought about it deeply."

Hope nodded honestly.

"Since I joined the Gantz team, we have carried out many capture operations. Finally, according to research, all captured aliens are transmitted in the direction of the moon under our feet." Miss Li said so , looking at Hope's slightly astonished expression, nodded slightly, and said: "Yes, it seems you have already thought of it."

"Connected with our previous research on the moon, we found many unusual anomalies. If there is a connection between those Gantz on the earth and this mysterious planet, everything will make sense."

"Whether it is the moon or the black balls on the earth that far exceed human technology, they are all products of aliens. It is precisely because of this that we need to come here for on-the-spot investigation. If we can't put things into perspective If all the truth is revealed, I won’t be able to sleep peacefully on earth.”

"The moon has always been facing the earth, so it might not be a big deal when it comes to surveillance, but if it's about targeting, it would be too urgent."

Miss Li's words made sense, and Hope could understand her concerns.

"So, you invited us up this time not just to see the scenery, right?" Hope asked.

"Yes, the matter is urgent, so we need your strength. It takes too long to solve the mystery of the moon through conventional means, but it's different with your space teleportation. Your ability is to teleport to any place you have been to, or to a place where you know the detailed coordinates, right?"

Seeing Hope nod, Miss Li continued: "Our scientific research team will detect the empty space under the moon, and after calculating the approximate location coordinates, I hope you can take us to space teleport. And Mr. Stark, we also need your brain to cooperate with the coordinate calculation, is there any problem with this?"

"I have no problem, it's not a big deal, just a little effort." Hope smiled indifferently.

"Don't worry, I'm here, I can definitely solve your problem, it's not too difficult." Tony said confidently, and turned to join the work of the group of scientists.

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