A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 285: Hope is already invincible

The sea in the underworld is huge.

But hope they have good luck.

Following the movement of the paper cranes, after a day of sailing, they finally saw the goal of their trip.

Along the way, they saw many ghosts more than once.

Some ghosts are sitting on the boats, and the soul lights on the bows guide their way forward.

Some ghosts, due to the damage of the ship and the soul lamp, could only fall into the sea and become a mindless body.

This kind of ghost is really dead and has no room for maneuver.

"That's my mother!"

"Mom! Mom! Mom!"

Beside the ship's side, Barbie has been staring at the paper crane leading the way.

When the paper cranes circled a broken ship and kept spinning, Barbie discovered the woman she had been thinking about for a long time.

Diane Crawford.

Miss Barbie's mother was a woman who also loved taking risks and died in a shipwreck.

Because the soul has been wandering in the sea of ​​the underworld for so long that people have forgotten the existence of time.

Even though Miss Barbie called her mother several times, Diane was still in a state of expressionless daze.

Finally, the hull of the Jackdaw had approached the small boat where Diane was, and she heard the shouting close at hand again. Diane's eyes moved and began to glow again.


Turning her head, Diane saw a hull made of steel balls. Moving her gaze upward, she immediately saw the face full of tears.


At this moment, Diane finally regained her ability to think.

"Why are you here? Are you dead too?"

As a mother, Diane's first concern was Barbie's current state.

"No, I'm not dead. Mom, you won't die either. We came here specially to save you!"

Barbie said, throwing a rope in front of Diane.

"Come on! Mom! We are all waiting for you! Dad and I are waiting for you! We don't want to lose you! Trust me! Mom! We can bring you back to life!"

Listening to Barbie's almost pleading cry, Diane was silent for a while and stood up stiffly.

Following Diane's actions, the dilapidated boat, which had already been corroded, began to take in water and sink.

"Quick! Grab the rope!"

Barbie screamed, and Diane reached out to grab her body, then jumped over with all her strength, stepped on the hull of the boat, and pulled herself up with both hands.

The boat behind her had sunk, and she had no way out.

Fortunately, Diane's climbing skill points have been fully loaded through her years of adventure, and her movements are crisp and clean.

Barbie also pulled on the rope, allowing Diane to climb onto the deck faster.


After boarding the deck, Diane hugged her daughter with excitement.

She really didn't expect that she would be able to see her daughter after her death, which made this steely woman burst into tears.

"Although I'm sorry to disturb your mother-daughter reunion, the situation is not good now. We have to leave quickly."

In the underworld, souls have entities, so Diane can climb onto the Jackdaw and hug her daughter.

But returning to the earth, the soul will definitely be severely damaged.

So now Hope has to resurrect Diane.

Moreover, perhaps because they hope that living people like them who should not appear in the underworld exist and allow the deceased souls to come into contact with the living, some forces from the underworld have also begun to intervene.

In the thick fog in the distance, a row of giant ships slowly appeared.

Even from such a long distance, the thousand-meter-high masts on those ships are still visible to the naked eye.

Different from the masts of ordinary ships, the masts of these ships are humanoid skeletons thousands of meters high.

On the top of the skull, in the two empty eye sockets, creepy green will-o'-the-wisps were quietly staring at everyone on board the Jackdaw.

At this moment, everyone has the illusion that they will die at any time in the next second, which is terrifying.

"We seem to have violated something terrible."

Wen Na said with trembling teeth.

"It doesn't matter, they can't catch us."

Hope took out the camera and took two photos of the group of giant skeleton ships, and then he was satisfied and put it back into his space backpack.

With a snap of her fingers, Diane's body suddenly glowed with a light of resurrection.

In a short time, she had transformed from a dead soul into a normal living person.

I don’t know who the Lord of the Underworld is in this world, but I hope that this approach will undoubtedly provoke the other party’s authority.


A roar came from all directions, and suddenly the entire surrounding sea began to boil.

The will-o'-the-wisps in the eyes of the giant skeletal ships in the distance burned more intensely, and they began to crush the Jackdaw.

"Mortal!!! Me!"

Just as he spoke, the Jackdaw in the center of the storm disappeared in an instant.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

He had just started to get angry, but suddenly found that the object of his anger had disappeared.

Not to mention how uncomfortable this feeling of suffocation is.

There is no doubt that Hope offended a great god.

Not to mention that he hoped to directly use space teleportation to teleport the entire Jackdaw back to London. The unknown Lord of the Underworld was so angry.

Anyway, Hope is not afraid of Him at all.

Hope is now fearless.

Because his ability has always been the power at the level of law, and it is the highest level by default, even if others also use the law, it is still the same.

It may not be felt at ordinary times, but like just now, facing the obviously very powerful god, Hope is still fearless.

The main reason is that Hope's power level is higher than his, and he can't restrain himself.

Hope has an immortal body, that is a real immortal body.

This is something determined at the highest level of law.

No matter how the opponent kills him, by destroying the body or destroying the soul.

Even if Hope's body is beaten to the point where there is no elementary particle, Hope can still be resurrected.

It's so domineering.

And if the opponent wants to use the means of confinement, Hope is also not afraid at all.

The space teleportation ability at the highest level of law allows Hope to come and go as he pleases.

Just like he just left easily wearing the Jackdaw, the god has no ability to interfere or stop it at all.

If the opponent wants to use his spiritual power to control Hope, the dimensional power has been entrenched in Hope's brain to protect it. This is the power that can build laws. It is simply a foolish dream to want to control Hope.

Therefore, Hope is now invincible in all directions.

It can't be controlled, and it can't be killed.

However, although other people can't do anything to Hope.

But now Hope's own output ability is also useless to the other gods.

So, don't waste time with the other party.

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