A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 288 The Big Liar is Online

At 7:25 in the morning, Hope and Tony arrived at the excavation site of the Kurodake ruins, each wearing a suit and sunglasses on their faces.

In fact, the main thing is that I want to change my clothes. As the eldest son of Stark, Tony also likes to be flamboyant, and the clothes he wears are never worth less than one hundred thousand dollars.

And I hope that I am okay at other times, but facing the world in this modern context, with a height of 1.6 meters and a face of 16 years old, it is really unconvincing.

Therefore, it is still necessary to dress like a human or a dog.

This was the location where the huge thunderstorm I hoped they had seen earlier in the early morning.

It can be seen that outside the excavated ruins, a large area with a diameter of several hundred meters is covered with traces of scorch and cracks. The surrounding trees also show signs of being burned, and thick black smoke is still rising to this day.

Fortunately, the thunderstorm last night was also accompanied by heavy rain, which prevented the forest fire from spreading widely.

But even so, the damage caused to the place is not ordinary.

A large number of police and firefighters were already at the scene amid the collapsed stone pillars and cracked earth.

"Please wait a moment, who are you?"

Seeing two civilians, Hope and Tony, walking straight towards them, Kaoru Ichijo, a handsome policeman who also wore sunglasses and a trench coat, stopped them.

The three black sunglasses looked at each other for a moment. Hope opened the collar of his suit jacket, took out an ID card from inside, opened it, and showed a medal of the World Tree Gear inside, as well as Hope's ID photo and some simple personal information to Kaoru Ichijo. police officer.

"This is?"

Ichijo Kaoru took off his sunglasses, carefully read and memorized all the information on them.

I hope they didn't mean to put it away immediately after showing it up, which would make them look guilty. Still holding up his ID, a random police officer looked at him. At the same time, he also explained: "I hope that we are members of the human rights protection agency of the parliament. Nice to meet you, police officer."

"You know me?"

Suddenly hearing Nozomi calling his name, Kaori Ichijo looked down at Nozomi in shock.

"We have investigated your identity before. In fact, it is precisely because we have investigated you that we chose to meet with you. You are our chosen communication representative."

I rarely act, but I still hope to try my best to make my expression look serious. Fortunately, with the protection of sunglasses, it won't look so bad.

"Officer Kaoru Ichijo, your birthday is April 18, 1974, your blood type is AB blood, and you were born in Nagoya City. You are now a criminal police officer under the Nagano Prefectural Police Preparatory Section, and you are a member of the police department. You are a master shooter and can skillfully use various weapons. He is a master of firearms, proficient in fighting skills, and his physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people.”

"Your father was also a policeman and died on your 10th birthday while saving a drowning citizen. Therefore, you are unwilling to accept any birthday gifts on your birthday. 'Halfway' is your father's mantra. Yours My mother is a head nurse, working in a hospital in your hometown of Nagoya.”

The more he listened to the words from Nozomi's mouth, the more surprised Kaoru Ichijo became.

He believed in the police's information and identity protection system, and his identity information was definitely not something anyone could easily obtain.

However, what exactly is this so-called human rights protection agency of the Hope Parliament?

Why is this the first time I’ve heard of it?

"Let me introduce myself. I hope the person next to me is Tony Stark, a genius mechanic and the eldest son of our wealthy House Stark family."

I hope to imitate the appearance of those criminal policemen in the movies, put away my ID, and at the same time introduced myself and Tony Stark, who started to laugh next to me.

Seeing Ichijou Kaoru forgetting to look at him, Tony instantly put away his smile, took off his sunglasses, and looked at the policeman in front of him sincerely. After shaking hands with the policeman, he also took out his ID and showed it to Kaoru Ichijou. At the same time, he said in proficient Japanese that he only learned a few hours ago: "Deduct your Jiwa!"

There is hope that with this humanoid language learning machine, there will be no need to worry about language barriers no matter where you go.

After looking at Tony's ID carefully, Kaoru Ichijo let out a sigh of relief and silently returned the ID to him.

Watching Tony put away his ID, the police officer frowned, looked at Hope and Hope seriously, and said resolutely: "I'm sorry, gentlemen, I have never heard of the Hope you mentioned. "Parliamentary human security agency. Even if this agency is established, I don't think you have the power to interfere with the scope of our police's powers."

"Now a major casualty and murder has occurred here. No one is allowed to come near. I think you have seen the warning tapes put up by our police. I hope you will not interfere with our official duties."

"Also, although I don't know where you obtained my personal information, this behavior is against the law. I need to take you back to the police station for investigation."

Kaoru Ichijo said as he took out two handcuffs from his pocket.

"He is really a conscientious and good policeman." Hope smiled and pointed at the back of Ichijo Kaoru, and said: "But there is also a person there who is about to sneak into the crime scene."


Kaoru Ichijo turned around and immediately saw a man in a brown coat, pretending to be trying to sneak into the ruins.

Seeing that the other person was about to enter the cave, Kaoru Ichijo didn't care about hoping for the two of them, and hurriedly ran towards the man!

"Hey! Hey! Stop! You are not allowed to enter here!"

While shouting, Kaoru Ichijo had already raised his hand and grabbed the man's shoulder, pulling him back.

Looking at the angry policeman in front of him, the man scratched his head in embarrassment, with a simple smile on his face.

"What do you do!"

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work." Faced with Ichijo Kaoru's question, the man was a little annoyed at first. He originally thought he could sneak in like this.

But since they had been caught by the police, he could only tell the police what he knew.

With a serious expression, the man who suddenly broke in looked directly at Kaoru Ichijo and said: "A warning of death. This is the result of the ancient text decoding by Miss Sawatari from Seongnan University."

"Are you someone related to the archaeological investigation team?" Ichijo Kaoru asked again.

"No, I'm just passing by." The man said, taking out a stack of business cards from his pocket, and then handed one to Kaoru Ichijo with a smile. "That's the kind of person I am."

Reaching out to take the brand new business card, Ichijo Kaoru read out the words on it: "A man who pursues his dreams, a man with 1999 skills, Godai Yusuke?"

Looking at Ichijo Kaoru's confused gaze, the man named Godai Yusuke smiled and gave a thumbs up.


The 2000th skill in the fifth generation is transformation, so there are only 1999 now.

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