A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 299 Tony is defeated

The Gurungi are a gorilla family, which is an interesting statement.

I hope I couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"In short, this group of Gurungi will definitely massacre humans for their game. For this, we must prepare in advance. The Gurungi game has not started yet, but there will definitely be some The restless elements can’t help but start taking action, just like yesterday’s Spider Grunge. Those restless elements are also a point of concern.”

"When the Grunge game starts, we will also be busy. During this time, Godai Yusuke and Ichijo Kaoru also have a very heavy task. The further you go, the stronger the Grunge participating in the game will be. Here Before, we had to let our strength grow rapidly. Only in this way can we have the strength to fight. "

Hearing what Hope said so seriously, an old police officer looked at Hope curiously and asked, "Is there nothing you can do?"

To them, the means of hope are almost as good as gods.

If even Hope can't defeat those strong men in Gurungi, then things are indeed a bit serious.

Yesterday, even a weakling in Gurungi could beat these policemen to the point where they were unable to fight back, so how strong should the strongest ones be?

"My current power is not very strong, so I need the fifth-generation transformed Kuuga. However, although I can't do anything to them, they can't do anything to me. And you don't have to worry too much, even if If we really can’t win, we can still call for backup.”

Hope smiled, took out his ID card from the Human Security Agency of Hope Parliament and showed it, and then added: "Furthermore, the fifth generation will grow up, and Tony and I will also grow up. When the real semi-finals start, we will Bian has a better chance of winning. We may not even need to ask for external help. After all, this is our mission. It’s better not to trouble other colleagues in the organization unless necessary.”

It's obviously just a fictitious organization, but I hope it sounds like it actually exists.

"You even said that, so we don't have any problem. As police, we will do our best to help you." The head of the Nagano Prefecture Police Department made his promise seriously.

"Okay, later I will ask Tony to print out all the information about Grunge and you can distribute it to other police officers. In addition, Grunge's combat power is too strong. In order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, if there is any If the police encounter Gurungi, please report it immediately and never go up to fight Gurungi by yourself.”

Seeing that the top police officers were nodding, Hope looked at Professor Natsume again: "Professor, some people will continue to excavate the matter at Mount Kuro. There should be a beetle-shaped ancient relic called Golem among them. But they should all be stone fragments now. That’s Sora’s partner, and it’s quite important.”

"In addition, there should be another ultra-ancient ruins in Japan. But I don't know where it is. If possible, I hope you can form an archaeological survey team again and start the investigation from here."

"That's no problem. This is my job. Not to mention, you are still my savior. I promise to find this second ultra-ancient ruins." Professor Natsume Kokichi stood up immediately and bowed respectfully towards Hope. .

Watching Natsume Kokichi's performance helplessly, Hope also knew that his persuasion was useless, so he let him go.

Turning to look at Sawatari Sakurako aside, she added hopefully: "I will leave it to you to translate the ancient texts on the ancient Langji tombs in the ruins of Mount Kurang. These names represent their levels and abilities, which are helpful for us to understand them. help."

"I understand, leave it to me."

An expert in ancient writing, Sakurako Sawatari also accepted the job assigned to her by Nozomi.

"Well, everyone, the next step is to take care of each other."

Hope said so, everyone in the conference room stood up.

"Godai, come with me, you need some training."

He borrowed a training room in the police station and hoped to take Yusuke Godai there directly.

The power of emptiness is actually quite idealistic, because the form of its own power is the embodiment of the transformer's thoughts.

As long as Godai Yusuke's thoughts are up to standard and Kuuga's energy core, the Yamadam spirit stone can make him stronger.

In the original work, Godai made up his mind to fight in order to protect Kaoru Ichijo. Therefore, with the heart of a warrior, he successfully transformed from the original Kuuga to the almighty Kuuga.

Now, I hope to have a heart-to-heart talk with Godai Yusuke first, and train him by the way, first turning him into an all-powerful form.

The two were locked in the training room for several hours, and no one knew what kind of training Nozomi and Godai had gone through inside.

When the door to the training room opened again, Godai Yusuke already had the ability to transform into the almighty Kuuga. However, the look he occasionally looked at Hope still seemed a little fearful.

Rubbing the bruises on his body that were still painful, Godai Yusuke never expected that this 1.6 meter hope would be so violent.

"Mr. Godai, Mr. Hope! Someone discovered that a new Gurungi appeared, just over there at the Central Palace. It seemed to be a Gurungi with bat power. It was discovered by our patrolling police when it attacked a woman. Officer Ichijo and Mr. Stark have already passed by now."

As soon as they left the door of the training room, a policeman walked over, looked at Hope and the others, and said so immediately.

"Bat Gurongi? It appeared earlier than expected? Is it because I asked the Nagano police to change their action plan?"

Xiang Wang muttered to himself, responded to the policeman, and rushed to the place where Gurongi was found with Godai Yusuke.

However, when he just arrived at the scene, he only saw police cars with flashing lights parked all over the street, while Tony and Kaoru Ichijo, who were supposed to fight Bat Gurongi, were standing there.

Kaoru Ichijo was fine, directing the surrounding police to investigate the situation around the church.

But Tony looked a little depressed and a little unconvinced.

As soon as he saw Tony like this, Wang Wang knew that he must have been defeated.

He was originally a confident and arrogant person. He was full of confidence and thought he could crush the opponent, but he was killed in the end. He must not be in a good mood.

As far as Wang Wang knew, the Bat Gurongi who had survived from the beginning to the end should not be able to make Tony suffer at this time.

In this case, the only one who can do this at this time and place should be the mysterious Rose Girl.

Analyzing from the novel, she should have a fighting power no less than Kuuga's surprise form.

Judging from Tony's current strength, although he is indeed unable to beat the opponent, he will definitely not be far behind.

At least it should be no problem to fight until they arrive, after all, Tony's flying speed is there.

However, with Rose Girl's personality, she must have fooled Tony, which is why he is so unconvinced.

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