A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 330 Quick Retreat

In such a short period of time, the damage caused by the battle between Ancient One and Daguaba had directly destroyed most of the city.

Looking down from above, you can only see large areas of collapsed buildings and vehicles squeezed together like garbage.

Only the center where Gu Yi and Da Guba were located was like a piece of butter that had been sliced ​​flat, a piece of earth had been cut off, and the terrain was more than ten meters shorter than the surrounding area.

Daguaba stood in the center of the battlefield, looking miserable. The cannons controlled by him around him had stopped firing long ago, and once again turned into intact buildings, and finally turned into ruins and collapsed in an instant.

King Billy failed to be summoned by Master Ancient One due to river crabs, but Daguaba still had to fight against other enemies summoned by Ancient One.

In addition to Brother Gluten, there was a handsome old man in ancient costume sitting on the floor beside him.

There was a guqin lying flat on the old man's lap. As he played it with both hands, the sound of the guqin drifted in place.

"Oh~it smells so good!"

Daguba was bombarded by countless roasted gluten. After the explosion, there was still a piece of roasted gluten in his mouth. Without any control from my brain, my body grabbed hold of the roasted gluten and started eating it in big mouthfuls.

After eating, even in his weird form, Daguba could see his face turn purple at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his physical condition began to decline rapidly.

However, before Da Guba could make any other moves, Zhuge Qin Demon, who was sitting nearby and playing the piano, had already begun to exert his strength.

Amidst the clang of the piano, the overwhelming flying swords condensed and formed, heading towards Daguaba!

"Thousands of swords pierce the heart!"

The sword rain was like a swimming fish, knocking Daguba into the air in a row, and then cleverly changed its direction and continued to bombard Daguba in mid-air!

Seeing Da Cuba being beaten down by a group of flying swords in the air, Brother Gluten also showed a very magical smile, raised his hand and pointed, and a large amount of roasted gluten flew out from the golden corrugated gluten treasure house behind him again!

Countless roasted glutens were like surface-to-air missiles, and together with the flying swords, they attacked Daguba in mid-air, causing a large number of explosions on him and sending Daguba to a higher altitude.

After several minutes of indiscriminate bombardment, the attacks of Gluten Brother and Zhuge Qinmo stopped.

Without the attack, Daguba, who was stunned for a moment, also fell heavily from a high altitude and hit the ground with a "collision", raising a cloud of scattered dust.

With blood all over his body and some trembling hands, he stood up with his hands on the ground. Daguaba lay on the ground and raised his head, but he only saw a stupid and cute prairie dog standing in front of him.


Suddenly startled, Daguaba and Marmot looked at each other for a while.

Finally, the groundhog still looked cute, but suddenly opened his mouth and shouted: "Ah————!"

An ear-splitting cry roared out from the groundhog's mouth, and the sound wave that came straight to the door immediately threw Daguaba straight back!

He rolled around on the ground several times in a very embarrassed state. Two lines of blood flowed out from both ears. His whole head suddenly felt dizzy, and his ears were full of buzzing.

Since the beginning of the war with Ancient One, Daguaba has almost completely entered into the rhythm of Ancient One.

Forget about magic, but those weird people and weird attacks really overwhelmed Daguaba, and he was completely at a disadvantage.

In particular, there is a special strange energy that has been interfering with his judgment, causing him to do things that he would never do at ordinary times.


This is the battle!

Sure enough, it is only when you have to fight with such a strong person that you feel excited!


Daguba, who was lying on the ground, suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. His super self-healing ability allowed his injuries to heal quickly.

Daguaba raised his fists and slammed them on the ground with a smile!


A circular air wave suddenly took Daguaba as the center and swept away in all directions, hanging up large and small gravels, and immediately cleared the surface of the ground several kilometers in diameter.

After the air wave passed, the land that had been fine before seemed to be alive, and suddenly rolled like a wave!

The ground began to rise and fall, and Hope, who was standing far away, felt unsteady on his feet, so he could only spray steam and quickly fly!

Flying several hundred meters into the air, he lowered his head, hoping that he would immediately see that the ground below had completely deformed.

Under Daguba's control, the rolling land began to disappear quickly like a gaping mouth. Only where Daguba stood, a one-square-meter stone pillar still remained.

Countless particles decomposed by Daguba were quickly reorganized under Daguba's control and forced into a small point.

As more and more land disappears and decomposes around it, the quality of the small dot condensed in front of Daguaba becomes higher and higher!

"What is that madman doing?"

Hope flew next to Gu Yi and looked at the land that had disappeared for ten kilometers below, with a puzzled look on his face.

Gu Yi put his hands behind his back, with a faint smile still on his face. He looked at the small dot in front of Daguba and said with a smile: "I probably know what the ability of the person you asked me to deal with is particle control, right?"

"Yeah." Hope nodded.

"That's right. This is a very powerful ability. It can be said that as long as it is developed to the extreme, he can become a god in the physics world."

"Now it seems that it has mastered it very well. He is increasing the mass of that point and performing nuclear fusion reaction inside it. In all likelihood, he is preparing to create a small black hole. If this is true, it is indeed a very powerful move."

"It can attack and defend. The tearing force next to the black hole can tear all objects apart. And it is accompanied by a huge suction force. Ordinary people can't escape even if they want to."

Gu Yi said so calmly, and Daguba below had already completed the gravitational collapse process of that point with a big laugh.

The small black hole is completed. Hope can't even see anything without opening the eagle eye.

Because it is an existence that can absorb even light.

At the moment the black hole was formed, the 100-meter-long stone pillar under Daguba's feet was instantly shattered, turning into large and small fragments that were sucked into the black hole's powerful gravity and disappeared.

Gu Yi and Hope, who were floating in the air, were also deliberately targeted by Daguba and were quickly pulled towards the black hole.

"This thing is so powerful, what can you do?"

Looking at the black hole getting closer and closer, Hope looked calm.

Gu Yi still smiled, raised his hand and slid it to the left as if sliding a mobile phone screen.

Instantly, the surrounding scene stopped instantly.

Then, time began to flow backwards...

The previous chapter was blocked, and I don't know when it will be released, so you may feel a little disconnected when you see this one. I'm sorry, I will never play philosophy again (crying)

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