A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 332: Bright Alliance

I hope that Tony and the three of them are waiting here in the hospital to wake up.

On the other side, in a secret military base, the first meeting of the dark world is taking place.

"Oh? It seems the situation is a little more complicated than I imagined."

In the conference room, Professor Kamata, who had been taken away in a car by the men in black, looked at everyone in the room. The disguised panic on his face suddenly disappeared, and he raised the corner of his mouth with a smile.

"Stand back."

A middle-aged man dressed as a general sitting at the head waved his hand and asked the two soldiers behind Professor Kamada to step back. Then he cast his indifferent eyes on Professor Kamada standing at the door and said in a deep voice: "Kaname." Tian, ​​I know how careful you are, and I also know that you have some abilities that are different from ordinary people, but now that I have invited you here, it means that your thoughts are meaningless. "

After being exposed by the general, Professor Kamada did not panic. He smiled, shrugged, raised his hand to straighten his collar, and walked to the other side of the conference table calmly like the master of this place and sat down. , then looked at the general who was still expressionless and smiled: "It seems that I have underestimated you. So, in that case, do you want to cooperate?"

"It's indeed cooperation, but don't rush, there are still people coming."

The general nodded, and the words in his mouth made Professor Kamada raise his eyebrows.

"Who?" Kamada was interested.

"Dong dong" At this time, there was a brief knock on the door.

"People are coming."

The general said, slightly raising his eyelids and looking in the direction of the door of the conference room.

"General, Ms. Dadara has arrived."

A soldier opened the door and made a report.

Beside him, a woman with cold glasses wearing black lipstick slowly walked in.

"Oh? Who is this?"

Professor Kamada looked at the visitor with interest, feeling the cold aura emanating from his body, and couldn't help but feel secretly vigilant in his heart. His hands were placed on the conference table, and his left hand quietly twisted the watch on his right hand.

"Ms. Dadara, the future King of Grunki." The general's tone was still so calm.

"Oh? It turns out to be Gurungi. No wonder it feels so different."

Professor Kamata stood up as he spoke, walked around to the other side of the conference table, pulled out a chair for Dadala, and said gentlemanly: "Please sit down, beautiful lady."

The soldiers who had led the way had already left. As the door of the conference room closed, the spacious conference room instantly fell into a cold atmosphere.

Completely ignoring Professor Kamada who was quietly testing him, this Ms. Dadala, the cobra Gurungi who had only interacted with Hope a few times, had absorbed Galungi after the last battle at Dengrong Mountain. Mio's Broken Belt has gained even more power.

Although it has not yet reached the strength of the En Group like Da Guba and others, it is indeed only a matter of time.

Glancing indifferently at the two men in the conference room, Dadala said coldly: "I don't cooperate with waste, so you Linduo must get my approval first."

As he said this, Dadala's long hair hanging behind his back suddenly fluttered automatically in the absence of wind and turned into wolf snakes that resembled wolves and snakes.


These wolf snakes spat out snake letters, suddenly broke out, and rushed towards Professor Kamada who had pulled out his chair and was closest to him!

Another wave attacked the general who was still sitting firmly at the head of the conference table.

"Oh my, she is really a femme fatale. All I can say is, is she really worthy of being a Gurungi?"

Professor Kamata showed a reaction speed that was not at all in line with that of a scholar. When the dozens of wolf snakes were about to bite him, he jumped back slightly and avoided the blow.

The attack was in vain, and the wolves and snakes did not hesitate at all. They quickly turned their heads and rushed towards Professor Kamada again!

However, at this time, Professor Kamada had already raised the watch on his right hand. The surface of the large watch was a round mirror.

The mirror reflected the fierce wolf and snake biting, and a harsh buzzing sound suddenly sounded in the conference room.

However, this sound can only be heard by Professor Kamada.


With a roar, a four-meter-long blue-white mechanical shark rushed out of Professor Kamada's mirror watch!

Wielding a sharp sword with a length of two meters at the end of the nose, like a chainsaw, he instantly cut the group of wolves and snakes that bit him into two pieces!

On the other side, the wolves and snakes that were biting the general were also caught by an invisible force and exploded into a pool of blood foam.

The attacks from both sides were blocked, and the snake body without its head twisted wildly and retracted, turning into long black hair again behind Dadara.

Completely unconcerned that his attack was blocked, Dadala looked at the general who was sitting motionless for a long time, and then at the mechanical shark next to him that had reentered Professor Kamada's mirror watch.

The atmosphere was dull for a while, and then the sound of high-heeled footsteps sounded. Dadara slowly walked to the chair pulled out by Professor Kamada and sat down.

Seeing this, Professor Kamata smiled, walked around the table, and sat back in his chair.

"Well, it seems that we have already gotten to know each other. As the host of this meeting, let me introduce myself first. My name is Okamoto Risa. As you can see, I am a general. But I am not on the surface. You just need to call me General Black from now on."

Black General Risa Okamoto crossed his hands on the table, his eyes were calm, and his voice was low: "I know that both of them are powerful beings in their respective fields, but due to various reasons, they are unable to achieve their ambitions. Today's era is different from the past. "If we want to achieve our respective goals, we must unite."

Hearing this, Professor Kamada was still smiling, not knowing what he was thinking, but Dadala spoke: "I don't think it is necessary."

“Maybe it didn’t happen before, but it does now.”

General Black glanced at Dadala and said, "Your King of Gurungi, Daguaba, is dead. You know this, right?"

Dadala was silent.

General Black ignored Dadala's psychological activities and continued to speak on his own: "Not long ago, Daguaba died without any movement, not even a shadow was left. It was like there was no trace from the beginning to the end. It doesn’t exist in this world. And before he died, he only had interactions with that guy named Hope.”

"Although I don't know how he did it, Daguba's death must be inseparable from him."

"No one of us here is a match for such a strong man, and he will obviously not be on our side. Therefore, if we want to achieve our respective goals, we must unite ”

"Since their obstruction is called the Parliament of Hope, then our alliance is called the Alliance of Light."

"Wait!" Professor Kamada suddenly raised his hand when he heard this and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Why are we called the Alliance of Light? Shouldn't it be called the Dark Parliament, or the Alliance of Despair or something that would be more appropriate? From a secular perspective Speaking of which, we are villains, right?”

After hearing Professor Kamada's doubts, General Black looked at him, and after a while he calmly spoke: "Who said villains must have the name of a villain organization? If we win, we will no longer be villains, right? ? Moreover, I don’t think I am a villain, all I want is to dominate.”

Sorry, there is only one chapter updated today.

The matter of banning chapters has now been resolved, and normal updates will resume tomorrow.

In addition, I have remembered the updates I owed over the past two days and will pay them back.

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