A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 343 The Power of Faith

"Hohoho, he is really an interesting boy. Speaking of which, I think I have seen this kid named Hyakkimaru before."

Biwamaru smiled and turned his head to Hyakkimaru who was eating noodles silently next to him, his mind lost in memories.

Sixteen years ago, the newly born Hyakkimaru was put into a boat on the river and flowed down the river. At that time, Biwamaru happened to be passing by and encountered a monster who wanted to attack the baby Hyakkimaru, and he solved it by the way.

In other words, Biwamaru is actually Hyakkimaru's savior.

"Hey, is there such a thing? It's really fate."

After listening to Biwamaru's narration, Dororo took a sip of the soup and couldn't help but smacked his lips: "Brother, it's really not easy."

"How many people in this troubled world have it easy? Most people are just barely surviving. No one knows when they will lose their lives." Biwamaru shook his head and poured a large amount of water into the big bowl. Finished all the noodle soup.

Seeing this, I hope I took his bowl and filled him with a large bowl.


Taking the big bowl, Bipa Wan started eating again with satisfaction.

Looking at Bipamaru who was eating noodles, Dororo said energetically: "It doesn't matter! I also said that those disasters were caused by monsters. Both the little brother and the eldest brother are very powerful, especially It’s me, and I can summon giant giants. Those monsters are definitely no match for me. We can make this world a better place! This way, no one will be hungry anymore! Many people die every day!”

What Dororo says now is her sincere words.

In the past, she might just want to survive. When she met some people who needed help, she would try her best to help them if she could.

But it still can't change the fact that her power is weak and she can't save the world.

Especially, she is also the kind of person who has been severely hurt by this troubled world.

She also knew how painful it was to struggle in this troubled world.

Because of this, she also really wants to let everyone live a happy and safe life.

Perhaps due to her own limitations, these ideas she had were just fantasy.

But it's different now.

The emergence of hope is really like a desperate person seeing hope.

Like the dawn, it brought infinite confidence to Dororo.

She firmly believed that as long as she stayed with Brother Hope, she would always be able to see the end of this troubled world.

How long has Biwamaru been alive? Although he couldn't see Dororo's expression, he could understand her thoughts and immediately shook his head: "It's not as simple as you think."

"Even if those rebellious monsters are eliminated, as long as the human race still exists, it is impossible to avoid war. At that time, people will still go to war with each other due to various problems."

"How could..." Dororo was a little shocked.

But Hope smiled, raised her hand, patted her head, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, even so, I have a way to solve it. Although it cannot be said that it will be completely avoided, at least the harm caused by the war to civilians can be reduced to a minimum The lowest. Moreover, with the big monster gone, farmers’ harvests are guaranteed, and at least they won’t starve to death anymore. In any case, it will be much better than now.”

Hearing this, Dororo became excited again.

"Yeah! That's right! That's it!"

Regarding the conversation between the two, Biwamaru watched silently and said no more.

Although he didn't know what this young man was capable of, maybe... he could really change the world, right?

Hope? He is really an interesting child.

After finishing eating the noodles, Biwamaru stood up silently, said goodbye to Nozomi and the others, and prepared to leave.

He himself is a wandering ronin, and when he encounters demons, he will slay them. When he meets a poor person in need, he will lend a helping hand.

This is destined that at least at this time, he will not stay in one place or group of people for too long.

"Hey, monk, are you leaving now?"

Dororo looked at Biwamaru.

Although the two have not known each other for a long time, Dororo has already regarded this old monk as his new friend.

All this time, after her parents died, she lived alone.

This makes her care about everyone around her.

"Yes, it's time to go. If we are destined to meet again in the future, we will meet again. You also have things you want to do, right? I'm looking forward to the day when you can change this troubled world." Biwamaru leaned on crutches, his face But he showed a very gentle smile.

"Well, please wait a moment."

Just as he was about to leave, Hope called him from behind.

Turning around slightly confused, Hope took out five healing potions and a large bag of compressed biscuits and handed them to Bipa Wan.

"Are these?"

Biwamaru looked at the thing Nozomi sent over in confusion.

"This is a healing potion that can quickly repair body injuries and can save lives at critical moments. However, please note that if you want to have the best effect, you need to use it an hour apart. This package is made of compressed biscuits. If you eat one piece, it can last you a day. There is not much food in this world, so I’ll give it to you. If you meet any refugees on the road, you will definitely give it to them, right?”

There was a bright smile on Hope's face. Even though Biwamaru was born blind, he could still feel the emotion of wanting to do good for others from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, then I'll take it. Thank you very much." Biwamaru took the backpack handed over by Hope and put it on his back. After thinking for a while, he looked at Hope and said, "The color of your soul is something I have never seen before. If possible, maybe you can try to collect people's beliefs, not necessarily the kind of gods and demons. Maybe you are a little confused when I say this, but anyway, give it a try. If you do this, you may get some unexpected gains."

Blinking in confusion, Hope did not understand what Biwamaru meant for a while, but the other party had already turned and left.


Hope murmured, and thought about the specialness of this world again.

As long as the conditions are sufficient, almost any cat or dog has the possibility of becoming a god or demon.

In other words, he might really be able to obtain some special powers beyond his plan here.

But, how can he obtain faith?

If you want to collect this kind of thing, you should determine a common image, right?

This way it can be better spread among the people.

I hope so, while opening the B station, I keep my eyes on an emoticon package in my collection.

Since this is the world where Japanese culture exists... Then the Bodhisattva thing should be easier for them to accept, right?

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