A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 359 The first meeting between the two brothers

"What happened over there?"

Tahomaru, who was in a bad mood due to the setback in his search for the truth yesterday, rode a horse and took his two valets, Mutsu and Hyogo, out to relax.

When passing by a small fishing village not far from the capital, Tahomaru looked at the noisy crowd in front of him with some confusion.

"I'll go take a look."

Hyogo pulled the reins, sat down and the horse neighed, raised its hooves and trotted in that direction.

After a while, Hyogo ran back with the good news.

"How about it?"

Tahomaru asked.

Hyogo lowered his head slightly and replied respectfully: "I heard that a monster hiding in the lake appeared here, and a Hokage from Konoha Village came to slay the monster."

"Konoha Village? Hokage? What is this?" Tahomaru frowned, but still drove the horse to sit down, and said: "No matter, let me go and have a look. There are monsters in our territory, we can't Stand idly by and put your own people in danger.”


Mutsu and Hyogo nodded together and rode towards the lake together.

As we got closer, we could see a large group of villagers gathered around, looking expectantly.

"Oh! It's coming! It's coming!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed that a small boat could be seen on the lake in the distance, and behind the boat, a huge unknown object was being pulled.

When the boat got closer, everyone saw that the unknown object pulled behind it was a very large crab corpse.

"It's a monster! They really killed that monster!"

"Well done! Hyakkimaru-sama!"

After confirming the death of the crab monster that had made them panic all day long, the villagers cheered excitedly.

Sandwiched among a group of cheering villagers, Duobaowan led Lu Ao and the others to dismount, and they all looked towards the direction of the lake.

As the boat came ashore, Hope stopped spraying steam for power. He casually grabbed the rope that bound the crab monster with one hand, pulled it hard, and threw the huge corpse from the water to the shore!


The villagers took a few steps back. After all, the huge crab as big as a hut in front of them was dead, but it was still a bit scary.

"Young Master, this man is so strong."

Hyogo was a little surprised at the power of hope.

Tahomaru's gaze, on the other hand, remained on Hyakkimaru, who was wearing the God-god robe.

Although the two of them did not know each other, Duobaowan always felt that the young man in front of him had something to do with him.

It was an indescribable and wonderful feeling.

"I don't know if this crab is edible." Dororo followed Hope and jumped out of the boat. Looking at the big crab in front of him, he was also a little greedy.

Hoping to be immortal, without any scruples, he reached out and pulled off a piece of crab meat, took out a stack of soy sauce and mustard, dipped a little in it and ate it. While eating, he casually said: "I'll eat some first. If I don't feel anything later, you should be able to eat it too. But I guess this thing should be edible. Although it is a monster, it is actually just a monster." It’s just a little bigger.”

As he spoke, he ignored Hyakkimaru who was leaning towards him and sniffing the wasabi dish in Nozomi's hand like a puppy. He turned to look at Duobaowan and the other three who were standing not far away, waved his hands, and said with a smile: "Are you interested in eating crabs together? There are a lot of crabs here, I can count them on you!"

Before Tahomaru and the others could answer, Hyakkimaru, who was sniffing the mustard dish, sneezed loudly, causing Dororo next to him to look disgusted.

They all glanced at Hyakkimaru, and finally Tahomaru and the others hesitated for a while, then nodded and agreed.

I was going out to relax, and I happened to meet a few people who seemed quite capable. Now is the time when Daigo Country is looking for people, so maybe I can make some friends with them.

Duobaowan was not afraid of the other party doing anything evil.

After a while, it was confirmed that the crab monster was indeed edible.

A group of villagers suddenly started to dismember the big crab like a carnival.

Hope also walked up to Duobaowan and the others very familiarly, and handed over a machete: "Come and help."


Just as Mutsu was about to speak, Tahomaru took the machete and shook his head at Mutsu: "We also want to eat crabs, so it's normal to put in some effort."

"That's the truth. If you want to get something, you have to give something. It's just that some people like to enjoy the results of their own efforts, while some people like to enjoy the results of others' efforts. I don't know. What kind of person are you, young master?”

Hope said with a smile.

Duhomaru always felt that what this man said had some meaning, but he still couldn't figure out what he meant.

“I prefer to create everything with my own hands.”

As Tahomaru spoke, he had already rolled up his sleeves and started handling crabs with the villagers.

Their own young master had already taken action. Of course, Mutsu and Hyogo couldn't just watch, and they immediately stepped forward to help.

It is indeed a crab the size of a hut. The meat inside is generous and the texture is very good.

After spending a lot of time emptying out the crabs, the white crab meat that was taken out was enough to feed the whole village, and there was still some leftover.

Everyone took their own crab meat, and after thanking them, they left to cook their own meals.

And Hope and the others also started cooking their own crab meat.

Fry, roast, boil, deep-fry, and even make some crab meat and egg custard.

"Come on, don't you like to do it yourself? Barbecue is simple, I'll leave it to you. Hyakkimaru, you accompany him."

Hope arranged Hyakkimaru and Duobaomaru together, and looked at the two standing in front of the grill and was a little dumbfounded, but he didn't care about them, just dealt with his own things.

Finally, after a long while, the two successfully communicated.

"Hey, hey, hey! That's salt, don't sprinkle so much! It will be salty! Oh! I forgot you can't see, let me put the sauce."

As he spoke, Duobaomaru wanted to come over to take over the work in Hyakkimaru's hands, but some oil dripped into the charcoal fire, and the smoke that suddenly rose with chili powder smoked the two brothers' faces.

The noses twitched, and the two sneezed out together.

Duobaomaru shook his hands and dropped a few strings of crab meat on the ground.

Looking at the crab meat sticks on the ground, Hyakkimaru had no expression on his face, but he looked at Duobaomaru and said calmly: "Clumsy."


Originally he was a little embarrassed, but when Duobaomaru heard Hyakkimaru's evaluation of him, he immediately got angry, rolled up his sleeves and pushed Hyakkimaru away: "Let me do it, let me do it!"

Hakkimaru did not refuse, but stood aside silently and fanned the fire with a fan.

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