A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 362: Detailed explanation of the power of dimension

Hope shared what he had seen and heard along the way with Duobaomaru.

Let him know how serious harm the long-term war would bring to civilians. A large number of real photos almost turned Duobaomaru into an anti-war activist.

Because they had never left the prosperous capital, and the farthest they had been was in the relatively rich villages around the capital, so Duobaomaru and his friends had rarely come into contact with the affairs of the lower classes.

But Mutsu and Hyogo were different. They were war orphans and almost died because of the war.

So, when they looked at the photos that Hope had taken along the way, they felt the same way.

"No matter what, I will definitely bring happiness to the people of this country!"

Duobaomaru clenched his fist and vowed.

As he said that, he looked at Hyakkimaru standing next to him and said seriously: "Brother, the master of this country is you. I will definitely assist you well. Now, come back with me. I think our mother will be very happy to see you. During the years you were missing, she has been praying to the headless Bodhisattva who protected you."

"No, I am the Hokage."

Hakkimaru shook his head and refused to accept Duobaomaru's idea of ​​letting him be the lord of Daigo Province.

While speaking, he turned around and asked Hyakkimaru to look at the five big characters [First Hokage] on the divine robe behind him.

Turning around again, Hyakkimaru pointed at Duobaomaru again and continued in a flat tone: "You are the name of the Land of Fire."

"Uh...what do you mean?"

Duobaomaru obviously did not understand the meaning of Hyakkimaru's words.

Dororo explained like a little adult: "Hehe, this is a plan of my brother. You are the daimyo of the Land of Fire, specializing in human affairs, stopping wars, and protecting people's lives. And my big brother is the Hokage of Konoha Village, specializing in killing all evil monsters and protecting people's safety. One country and one village help each other and make the world a better place together."

"So that's how it is, it's a good idea!"

Dabaomaru clapped his hands and felt that it was very feasible.

At the same time, these few short sentences also gave him great encouragement.

"So, shall we go find my father now?" Duobaomaru was a little impatient.

Seeing Duobaomaru being such a "filial son", Xiwang finally stood up from the grass slope, patted the grass on his body, but shook his head and said: "This is not urgent, we have to go to Banmen first, there is a ghost there, we have to deal with it first. Moreover, I have to find someone there, which is very important for the future development of Konoha Village."

"Eh? Who?"

After hearing Xiwang say this, everyone was really curious.

After all, in their eyes, Hope seems to be a mysterious and powerful person.

Someone who can make such a person so concerned is probably not simple.

"Jukeroku, a little boy."

Hope grinned, but everyone felt a little unbelievable.

"You mean, the refugee child who was active in Banmen that you showed us just now?" Dororo had a good memory and immediately recalled the "New Dororo" cartoon that Hope had just shown them.

"Yes!" Hope nodded to confirm.

"But, he seems to be just an ordinary child, right?" Duobaomaru was also a little puzzled by Hope's decision.

"Jukeroku is quite ordinary, but the voice actor behind him is not simple." Hope said with a smile, which made everyone even more confused.

But Hope was too lazy to explain to them again, anyway, they didn't know much.

Hope must get in touch with the child named Juroku.

After all, the voice actor of that child is Junko Takeuchi.

When I watched this drama for the first time, Hope recognized it, the voice that was exactly the same as Uzumaki Naruto.

Hope has traveled through many worlds to prepare for the world, and can travel through them when needed.

It's just a pity that for so long, there have been all kinds of worlds, but he has never randomly traveled to the world of "Naruto", which makes Hope feel a little regretful.

In this case, now he can't let go of this child called Juroku.

His own enhanced power can allow Axing in the Kung Fu world to master the power of Zhou Xingxing's isotope in other worlds, and can also allow Captain Levi to obtain the power of the wild wolf beast with the same voice. Then, with the same medium [voice actor Junko Takeuchi], Hope can naturally also obtain the power of the ninja in the Naruto world through Juroku.

However, because he is not a dimensional partner, he cannot be trained quickly, and he needs to obtain the ability through corresponding training like Axing.

Here, it is necessary to explain it in detail again.

The most fundamental power of Hope is the dimensional power that exists in his mind in a conceptual state.

A part of the dimensional power is materialized as a dimensional bracelet, and in the process of natural birth, it is bound to the six worlds. The main function of the dimensional bracelet is to assist Hope in controlling the dimensional power.

At the beginning, because Hope didn't know anything, all kinds of law protection and law fragments were performed autonomously by the dimensional bracelet.

But then, Hope gradually learned how to use the dimensional power through the dimensional bracelet.

In this process, the dimensional power can be divided into six main functions.

First: Analysis. This ability is the first step to obtain the law protection. When you are familiar with the target ability or a certain law through various means, you can analyze it in the most detailed way. This kind of analysis can even analyze the existence of concepts.

Second: Construction. When the analysis is completed, I hope to use the power of the dimension to construct the analysis ability, and finally form the law protection for my own use. At the same time, after being proficient, I can even add some of my own private goods in the construction process. For example, I hope that the power of resurrection now is much more magical than the original resurrection. In addition to constructing the law protection, the law fragment is actually constructed by this ability.

Then, there is the third main function, [Communication Dimension Medium].

That's right, it's not the power of strengthening.

After wearing the dimensional bracelet and obtaining the power of the dimension for so long, I hope I am not the kind of person who can only use the golden finger stupidly without thinking. He is also constantly developing and exploring his greatest reliance.

That's why he discovered that the so-called strengthening power is not just strengthening.

The first and most important step of a dimensional enhancement is to communicate with the dimensional medium.

Although it is impossible to travel through this, I hope to directly connect the dimensional medium isotopes of the two worlds, so as to obtain the power of the other dimensional world.

This kind of fixed-point communication through the medium will have different sizes of connected channels due to different goals.

The channel of the dimensional partner is much larger, and can be completed in a short time.

The non-dimensional partner is a small water pipe, and it must be turned manually. In terms of speed, it is naturally incomparable.

But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, as long as you can communicate, there will be no big problems.

As long as it is an ability, I hope to analyze it.

This is why I hope to find Juroku.

Finding him is equivalent to finding chakra.

The three chapters from 360 to 362 are to make up for yesterday’s two chapters and the day before yesterday’s one chapter. Today’s two guaranteed chapters have not been updated yet.

In addition, I still owed seven chapters last month, and I haven’t counted the additional chapters. I will talk about it later. I will pay back the owed chapters first.

I will definitely replace them all this month, don't worry.

In addition, happy National Day to everyone! I hope everyone has a good time during the long vacation.

Poor me, I don't have any vacation, ah...

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