A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 381 Ironmaking Village on the River

"Hey! Brother below! Who are you! What are you doing here!"

On a small island in the center of the river, there is a small town that was not long established.

The town was surrounded by thick wooden piers. On top of the high wall, a man wearing a turban shouted down.

Hope, who had just crossed the river, raised his head, looked at the man on the wall, and responded with a smile: "My name is Hope, and I came here to discuss a business with your Lord Fan Ji."

As he spoke, Hope raised a small bag in his hand. After opening it, the gold coins inside reflected an exciting light in the sun.

"Oh~~~! It's gold!"

The gatekeeper stretched his head as if to get a better look, but Hope had already tied his pockets and put them away again.

Looking away from the bag with a little regret, the gatekeeper looked at Hope again and said: "Please wait a moment, I will go find Master Fan Ji to inquire."

With that said, he disappeared from the top of the wall, but several other guards came up and looked at Hope curiously.

Ten minutes later, the man from before appeared again, and the door in front of Hope began to be gradually pulled up by the winch, revealing a gap as high as one person.

"Come in!"

The gatekeeper waved to Hope from the wall.

Hope nodded, put the bag containing gold on her waist, raised her legs and walked through the gate.

The environment inside is pretty good, the houses are well built and the roads are relatively flat and clean.

For this era, it is considered a good environment.

"Here, please come with me. Master Fan Ji happens to be meeting the monks from the Tokugawa Kingdom, and I won't have time to see you until later."

A woman came over, looking at Hope up and down, and talking at the same time.

After finishing speaking, he suddenly covered his mouth and smiled: "Oh, he is still a good-looking guy."

This woman hopes to get to know the wife of a cowherd who appeared in the original Princess Mononoke movie. She seems to be named Ah Shi.

However, after listening to the other party's words and looking at the other party's appearance, Hope blushed slightly.

After all, the women in this iron town, under the leadership of Master Fan Ji, already behave like modern women of later generations, confident and independent, which is somewhat inconsistent with this era.

Especially in terms of dressing, they are very open.

Not to mention not wearing underwear, the skirt of the clothes will be opened due to some big movements, and the white flowers make Hope dare not look directly at it.

Although he hopes to fight and kill, he is still an innocent young man when it comes to matters between men and women, and he will still be shy when encountering such a scene.

"Oh? Are you still shy?"

Ah Shi smiled, led the way forward, and said, "Follow me, Master Fan Ji should be able to negotiate soon."

Seeing Ah Shi leaving, Hope calmed down and her face returned to normal. She also walked up and began to think about the current situation.

He had just come all the way over the mountain and already had a rough idea of ​​Princess Mononoke's current time period.

In the movie, the mountain forest where Iron Town is located has been completely cut down and is completely bare.

But now it is still intact, except for the outer circle near the river that has some signs of cutting.

This shows that not only did I hope he didn't come late, he even came a lot early.

The plot of the movie has not even begun yet.

After learning this, Hope probably had some plans in mind, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the best. Since the forest here is still there, it is estimated that Fan Ji has not had any conflict with the mountain owner in this area, so she shot the bullet into the body of the big wild boar and made the other party endure the pain all the way eastward. , accumulated resentment and became the evil god.

You know, it was precisely because the mountain lord Nacog in the Izumo area became the evil god and attacked the village of Ashitaka, the hero of "Princess Mononoke", that he was infected with the curse, and then embarked on the westward journey to find the truth. .The path to peace and relief from the curse.

Ashitaka is a very good child. He is the future mayor of that village, and he also has a fiancée who loves him.

The evil god that Nachor transformed into made him cursed, and he had to abandon everything and leave his homeland. In fact, it was really an unreasonable disaster.

If possible, it would be a better thing to let Ashitaka live a good life in his own village.

Now, I hope I came at just the right time to change his fate.

Moreover, according to what Ah Shi just introduced, Master Fan Ji, the Lord of Iron Town, is currently receiving a monk.

If I hope my guess is correct, it is very likely that he is the short and squat monk with rosacea in the original movie.

Monk Liao is a businessman who travels around various countries to make profits. He is not a person who makes money solely by talking. Although he looks like a short and ugly uncle, he is actually a ruthless character with many soldiers.

Master Fan Ji was able to make a fortune in the mountains thanks to the 40 musketeers he borrowed. The price for borrowing these musketeers was that after Master Fan Ji razed the mountains and forests, she had to kill the mountain beast god for him.

Because this monk was hired by the Shogunate, the emperor of that country wanted to reach the head of the mountain beast god to satisfy his wish for immortality.

And now, it is estimated that it is the time for Monk Liao to lend troops to Fan Ji.

Then, with these forty musketeers, Fan Ji will use flint arrows (fire blunderbuss) to have a decisive battle with the mountain owner Nage by the river.

Finally, they wounded the enemy with a musket and made them flee, and then they could cut down the surrounding forests at will.

It is precisely because of this that the people in Iron Town directly established a hostile relationship with the beasts in the nearby Beast God Mountain, and there was no way to reconcile.

As moviegoers, it is obvious that the humans in Iron Town are bad.

The beasts lived well in the mountains and forests, but you came and killed and drove them away, and then cut down such a beautiful forest.

But in the movie, from the perspective of the humans in Iron Town, they need to smelt iron and survive, so they naturally need to cut down trees to maintain their needs, and there is nothing wrong with this.

When you can't even get enough food, who cares about protecting the environment and loving nature.

That's nonsense!

What about the backlash of nature? I'm going to starve to death now, so who cares about what happens to you later.

The development of the human race is mostly like this. Apart from the differences in geography, cultural beliefs and conditions, there will be different choices, but generally speaking, they are all greedy to take from nature to strengthen themselves.

Perhaps we really have to wait until we have enough food and clothing before we will gradually become aware of protecting nature again.

This is human beings, with good and bad, and there is really no difference from animals. They still have to rely on nature to survive.

The only difference is that they are more powerful because of their wisdom.

Therefore, the impact on the world is also greater.

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