A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 385: Surrounded

The matter had been decided, Fan Ji arranged a place for Hope to rest, and then went directly to tell the people in Tiezhen to stop all work at hand, start sorting out supplies, and prepare to leave here.

The same goes for the ironworks. They will dismantle all the things that can be taken away there, and they can continue to use them when they get to Konoha.

This is a big project, and it only takes two or three days.

It can be delayed until the fourth day at most.

The movement of the entire village must have been extremely loud. As long as they were not blind, the 40 musketeers left behind by Monk Liao would definitely know about it.

At first, when they discovered the news, these people were almost all confused.

I never understand why these people in Iron Town are ready to move all of them.

Could it be that the news that the samurai wanted to occupy Iron Town was exposed?

This is impossible. They kept it secret so strictly, and it had only been less than a day. How did they find out?

No matter how confused they are, the fact is that everything has happened, and they have to believe it.

The most important thing now is that we must tell Monk Liaoda what is going on here as soon as possible and let them make a decision.

Late at night, a carrier pigeon flew out of the window of the Musketeer's room, flapped its wings and disappeared into the night, and soon disappeared.

All this was seen by Master Fan Ji who was hiding in the dark.

After silently staring at the room where the Musketeers were for a few seconds, Lady Fan Ji slowly backed away and walked towards the backyard where she arranged leprosy patients.

I hope I am standing here at this time. I saw Fan Ji coming over and smiled at her: "How is it? They really have a problem, right?"

Fan Ji nodded, then looked at Hope and asked with some expectation: "You said that you can cure leprosy patients here, is it true?"

Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The main lesions are on the skin and peripheral nerves.

In modern society, thanks to the development of modern medicine, it has been effectively controlled and the incidence rate has been gradually reduced.

But in this society, because leprosy is contagious and difficult to treat, many people have become dissatisfied with the disease. Many families will be completely ruined by a leprosy patient in the family.

Those who take good care of lepers like Fan Ji and never abandon them are indeed a minority among the minority.

If ordinary people told Fan Ji that they could cure those patients, Fan Ji would definitely not believe it.

But she had to believe in the hope before her.

People who can pick up objects out of thin air and take people instantly through two places at will cannot be judged by common sense.

"You'll know after you try it, it should be fine."

Hope said, and entered the small courtyard with Fan Ji.

Entering the courtyard, you can see that in this small world, some flowers, plants and vegetables have been planted, and they are well taken care of. It can be seen that Fan Ji has put great care into it.

"I hope you can really treat them. These people have been just clenching their teeth and living because of the pain."

After saying hello to a guard at the door who was also a leper, Fan Ji opened the door and let both Hope and the patient enter the room.

Inside the room, there were still many people studying the flint arrows taken from the musketeers by candlelight. One of them had been completely disassembled on the table.

Seeing Fan Ji bringing people in, the group of people put down their work and turned to look at Fan Ji, saying respectfully: "Master Fan Ji."

Fan Ji nodded and looked at Hope again.

The meaning is obvious, now is the time to watch your performance.

Hope was not afraid of the stage. He raised his hand, and a golden energy suddenly emerged from his palm, as warm as the sun.

These are his Buddhist powers, which can be used in many ways, including the ability to cure diseases, save people, and ward off evil spirits.

Just like those Bodhisattvas and Buddhas in movies and TV dramas, waving hands, treating people, etc. are all basic operations.

On the other side, in a military camp stationed on the opposite side of the mountain, Monk Liao was resting inside.

Suddenly, he heard someone calling him outside, so he left his small tent and walked out on his wooden clogs: "What's the matter?"

A soldier handed the bamboo tube just taken off the carrier pigeon to Monk Liaoda.

The monk took the bamboo tube and waved the soldiers away. He frowned and poured out the letter from the bamboo tube.

I unfolded the rolled-up letter and read it by the light of the torch outside, and my face suddenly became even more ugly, because the sleepiness brought about by the late night had completely disappeared.

Holding the letter, Monk Liao quickly walked towards where the general was.

After being woken up by Monk Liaoda, the general also seemed very impatient. He took the letter and read it for a while, then he was so angry that he threw the letter to the ground: "Relocate the whole village! What do these people want to do! Just took the letter You have killed so many people, are you ready to leave now?”

Monk Liao curled his lips and said, "That's my person."

General Zhengyan glanced at Monk Liaoda and did not use this topic again. Instead, he frowned and said, "This won't work. These people must stay, otherwise it will be useless for us to have an ironworks."

"So what are you going to do? If they do this, our previous plan will definitely be useless." Monk Liao crossed his arms.

"It doesn't matter. We can capture the place by force, control the people inside, and work hard. The ironworks will still be ours. As for the matter of the mountain beast god, it will be the same without them. I don't believe that we can't find it by ourselves."

General Zhengyan also had no respect for the mountain beast god.

If he knew how powerful the mountain beast god was, I don't know if he would dare to kill the god.

"I don't care. I just want to get my commission anyway."

Monk Geda shrugged his shoulders, confirmed that there was nothing for him to do here, and turned around and left.

Watching Monk Geda leave, General Zhengyan sat on the stool and thought for a while, and called his guards in directly: "Give the order to move the camp. We will set off now, and the target is Tiezhen."

Although according to the intelligence, those people will have at least two or three days to pack up, but General Zhengyan can't guarantee that they will run away overnight.

Even if the possibility is small, General Zhengyan doesn't want to wait any longer.

Anyway, it was just a small village of about 100 people, mostly civilians working in iron smelting, and there were also 40 musketeers from their own side. With the help of the inside and outside forces, it would be no problem to take down a small village.

The iron smelting plant had good profits, and General Zheng Yan had long wanted to take it down.

The 500-man army started overnight, crossed the mountains and forests, and camped directly 100 meters away from the river, waiting for the arrival of the next day.

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