A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 390 The Fourth Disaster Plan

Tick Shaw stood aside fully armed, listening to the conversation between the two, looking at Hope with respect, and naturally very happy.

What Hope said was the best news for all humans in this world.

"Yes, I can freely control the time when the law light column is formed. This is my plan."

While Hope was speaking, he also reached out and patted the Speaker on the back. The gray-haired old man was already a little out of breath due to excitement, and Hope didn't want him to have any problems.

Seeing the reassuring look from the Grand Speaker, Hope continued, "Every time we successfully discover a new law, monsters will surely attack the city in a month. So I'm thinking, let's go north first and retake the town of Rolotte. Then, our human territory will expand there again."

"The area of ​​Rolotte is much smaller than that of the Steel City, and it is more suitable for elite defense. Because of its small area, it is not easy to be breached."

When Hope said this, the Grand Speaker immediately understood what he wanted to express: "So you want to wait until you reach Rolotte before triggering the law light column?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Hope smiled and nodded, looking at the Grand Speaker with expectation.

Facing Hope's expectant look, the Grand Speaker's excitement calmed down a lot.

After thinking for a few minutes, he sighed and said, "I know what you mean. Luoluo Te Town is the hometown where you were born and raised, so you must be prepared to go back with them for this operation, right?"

"Yes, I will definitely go back with them. Moreover, Grand Speaker, I have also been on several missions with the Blade Corps in recent months, and you should know my abilities. You don't need to worry about my safety, and with me, our Corps is invincible."

When Hope said this, he was very confident.

In fact, this is exactly the case.

The Speaker knew that Hope had the ability to resurrect others, but it was kept secret from the outside world as a top secret.

Having lived for so long, the Speaker knew the complexity of human hearts.

In this regard, he found Hope more than once and talked in detail about Hope's abilities.

The ability to resurrect is very powerful, but it is precisely because it is too powerful, so it is best not to use it casually, otherwise it is easy to cause some bad consequences in society.

After all, this goes against the laws of nature.

Everyone wants their relatives and friends to be resurrected, but Hope cannot really make everyone not die, otherwise society will be in chaos.

A little kindness, a big rice, a big rice, once Hope does not fulfill some people's demands, it is likely that due to the agitated emotions, it will cause social backlash, thus forming the destruction of human beings.

For this, Hope also has a general solution.

This time when he came back to the main world, one of his plans was about this.

However, if he wants to accomplish this, it may cause great changes to the whole world.

But if it is not an accident, it should be a good thing for mankind.

In the world of the ghost princess, Hope has tried to construct the law fragments by himself.

This shows the feasibility of the matter.

Thinking about the abilities that he has mastered at this time, this feasibility is even greater.

Although Hope cannot arbitrarily resurrect others as an individual, it will disrupt social order and natural laws.

But if it is magnified, there will be no problem in letting the laws of this world carry out this action.

That's right, Hope intends to let the soldiers of this world undergo the fourth disaster.

He has resurrection and health bar, which can already constitute the basic needs of the fourth disaster.

The rest of the things can be slowly filled in later.

As for what is the fourth disaster?

To put it simply, it is the players in the eyes of monster NPCs.

Faced with a group of players who are invincible, upgrade rapidly, and are as fierce as wolves and tigers, how terrifying the monsters' inner thoughts are, just think about it.

According to Hope's idea, he wants to use the members of his world's anti-monster combat force as the fourth disaster.

As long as they obtain identity certificates from the official organization they set up, they will have unlimited resurrection capabilities strengthened by the laws of the world.

And this ability is not something that can be used at will.

Only when they die in the face of monsters will the laws take effect, allowing them to return to the city and revive.

And in general, birth, aging, illness and death will not be protected by the laws.

Similarly, fighting between people will not make resurrection effective.

In this way, while ensuring the natural laws of life and death, it can also most effectively preserve the vitality of the human side against monsters.

Moreover, Hope is also ready to integrate the blood bar field into the law system of his world.

The fourth disaster without a health bar is not the real fourth disaster.

Hopefully, everyone can imagine that after completing these plans, humans will be able to rise instantly and no longer have to survive under the threat of monsters.

Humans need to develop, and a stable environment is very important.

Long-term casualties of soldiers require a large number of new soldiers to join, which is not good for human society.

But in order to protect their homes, they have to do this.

Hope had met many such people when he was in the recruit camp.

They didn't want to be soldiers, but in order to protect their homes, their relatives and friends, they had to put down their favorite things, pick up weapons, and join the life-and-death fight with monsters.

That's because the soldiers on the front line were constantly injured and killed, so they needed their dedication.

But if Hope's Fourth Disaster Plan is completed, the problem of combat troops will no longer be a problem.

After all, in addition to those who have to fight due to the situation, there are many people who really want to fight from the bottom of their hearts.

These people are just like Hope, they are the main audience of the Fourth Disaster.

With them, there is no need to forcibly recruit others to join the army.

They can do what they want to do with peace of mind.

Be a silversmith, a painter, a businessman, a farmer, and contribute to the development of mankind in all aspects.

The number of human soldiers at that time may decrease, but the combat effectiveness will rise by more than one level.

For this, Hope, who has lived in other worlds for so long, has no doubt.

After all, he had played games before.

He really understood the crazy performance of the players in the online games.

If the monsters in the game were the same as those in his own world and would not be resurrected, with the crazy harvesting ability of the players, it would not take long for there to be no monsters left on the map.

It was like the novice village of a popular game.

Several players were blocking a wild monster and cursing that they could not get a kill.

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