A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 394 The car stopped

In a blink of an eye, half an hour had passed since leaving the city.

Standing on the third floor of the front of the train, through the 180-degree window in front, Hope can clearly see the two distinct colors of land in front.

The color of the soil near the Steel City is normal.

The land in front is pitch black, lifeless and dead.

Inside is the monster territory determined by the law.

The moment the train just entered the monster territory, everyone on the train, including Hope, only felt a little more pressure on their bodies, the air seemed a little turbid, and it was very difficult to breathe.

This is the suppression of the Doomsday Collapse Law on humans. In the monster territory, not only will the physical fitness of humans decline, but after being injured, the injuries will accelerate and deteriorate, and it will be difficult to repair. Unless you leave the monster territory as soon as possible, it can be said to be very disadvantageous to humans.

On the other hand, those monsters will get a bonus of combat power and recovery power in the monster territory. With this increase and decrease, it is no wonder that humans have never successfully regained the lost land for so many years.

"Everyone! Don't panic! Don't panic! We are entering the monster territory! This is a normal reaction, just get used to it! Lord Hope is on the train, fighting side by side with us. This time under his leadership, we will definitely be able to take back our homeland!"

Under the carriage, there was a little commotion after entering the monster territory, but soon, Hope heard many people start to calm everyone's emotions, and the commotion gradually subsided.

"Would you like to go down and take a look? There are many ordinary civilians on the first floor. Maybe with you here, I can feel more at ease."

Chi Yan looked at Hope and asked.

After hearing this, Hope thought about it, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll come up later."

After saying that, Hope left the meeting room at the front of the train, climbed down the ladder, and began to comfort the civilians who were feeling unwell.

The method of comfort is very simple.

Charm of personality + life force + Buddha power.

A set of three consecutive attacks made everyone feel relaxed from the body and mind.

I originally thought that after the train entered the monster territory, it would soon encounter monster attacks.

However, Hope waited in the conference room for a whole night, but in the end, those ugly figures did not appear.

The next morning, the train was still running at high speed on the track.

After being comforted by Hope yesterday and adapting to the situation this night, everyone on the train had become more accustomed to what they were supposed to do.

Three days of peace passed in a row. According to the map, they would reach the town of Rolotte occupied by monsters in about the last day.

However, perhaps the previous smooth journey had consumed everyone's good luck.

After entering a valley, the train encountered a big problem that seriously slowed down the progress.

After six years, whether it was due to natural reasons or the monsters, a large section of the railroad tracks in the front of the valley had been severely damaged, and the train could not drive directly through.

It was unknown how long the damaged railroad tracks were, at least they were completely invisible on the train. Now all they could do was to let people get off the train to see the details and guide the direction of the Pioneer.

The Pioneer was called the Pioneer.

That's because the other side's front locomotive also has the function of moving the land and directly laying tracks.

But the speed of laying tracks is very slow, and it must be connected to the undamaged good track in front, which requires someone to confirm the exact direction for the driver on the train.

Otherwise, once the direction of the track is deviated and it is not connected to the original track, it will waste more time.

Now no matter what the situation is, getting off the train is a must.

As the train slowly stopped, after a brief period of confusion, everyone on the train also knew the current situation, and suddenly they were a little worried.

It's okay for the train to keep running, at least it can shake off the monsters that come to attack.

But once the train stops, even the heavy walls can't defend against the monsters, everyone doesn't think the train can last long.

But no matter what, things have already happened, and everyone has no way to do it. They can only accept this fact and pray silently that there will be no more moths.

In the carriage on the first floor of the train, as the train stops, the scenery outside the window is no longer receding.

At this time, all the soldiers in the car had already taken action, setting up guns and cannons, ready to fight, alert to the monsters that might appear at any time.

Civilians of various professions lay by the windows, looking at the scenery outside with a little nervousness.

It was quiet all around, and there was a dead air everywhere.

On the black land, all the plants were withered and yellow, and even some wild small animals were not seen.


The door of the front carriage was opened, and a figure jumped out of the car. Soon, the door was tightly closed again.

Hearing the exclamation from the front, these young volunteers were curious to find out what was going on.

Soon, everyone knew that it was the adults who went out to explore the way for everyone.

"Don't worry! The adults have gone to the front to explore the way for everyone, and we will be able to set off again soon!"

At the same time, the voice of Gangke sounded on the radio in the carriage.

Everyone in the train was also talking about wanting to go out to explore.

Although they felt that this matter should not be done by Mr. Hope, Mr. Hope insisted on going out and even sternly refused to bring anyone else with him. There was nothing they could do.

And looking back on Hope's combat performance during this period, it seems that his safety is not a big problem.

But even so, this is in monster territory after all.

Hope that as one of the most important people in the entire human territory, many people are still worried about his safety.

After getting off the car, Hope floated directly into the air, flew high into the sky, used his powerful eyesight to observe the environment below, and flew forward all the way.

On the train, a group of people couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw hope suddenly flying.

They really didn’t know that Hope could still fly.

"As long as you can fly, it's safe and secure. You may be able to see the terrain here more clearly."

In the conference room on the third floor of the car, Tams looked up and watched Hope gradually fly away, and he was slightly relieved.

"It's better not to be too careless. We haven't been attacked before. I always feel that those monsters are waiting for us here."

Chi Yan has a very bad premonition about the current situation.

If they don't want to insist on exploring the road alone, under normal circumstances, they will send a small team to explore the road ahead, and since they can't fly, it will probably take a lot of time to go back and forth.

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