A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 396 Thirty Seconds

"Everyone cease fire!"

In the carriage, the voice of Hope rang out.

Not everyone could tell that this was Hope's order, but with the successive orders from the captains and Chi Yan and his men, the soldiers who were still shooting and attacking frantically finally stopped firing.

Although Chi Yan and his men did not know what Hope's order was, they still strictly followed it out of trust in Hope.

The steam guns and steam cannons had stopped, and the soldiers in the two carriages behind who were preparing to drive steam robots out to fight also stopped their actions temporarily.

Only the daylight searchlights were still working diligently.

Under this circumstance, the thousand people in the train soon discovered that something was wrong.

The ground ghosts who had jumped into the air and approached under the cover of the Arabs fell to the ground at a very fast speed, their heads separated, and they died completely.

And then, the monsters that swarmed on both sides also fell down one after another.

All that could be seen were wounds that exploded out of thin air on their bodies, and those monsters had died directly.

On both sides of the train, it seemed as if an invisible god of death was waving a sickle to harvest lives. All the monsters fell to the ground and died before they approached the train within a hundred meters.

Many ordinary people did not see anything. Only those with certain strength like Chi Yan could barely see a shadow flashing among the monsters, as if they were dazzled.

But they knew that this was definitely not dazzled.

That shadow was obviously Hope who had just ordered a ceasefire.

Looking at the monsters falling down on both sides like wheat being cut, everyone was deeply shocked.

This speed was simply unheard of.

Is Lord Hope so powerful?

Even if the three heroes came, they could not do Hope to this extent, right?

In the end, in less than thirty seconds, nearly 800 monsters rushed out from both sides, and all were killed by Hope.

The last day-walking farmer was originally ready to escape, but how could it escape Hope's speed? Hope directly stabbed him with justice, activated the power of death, and his health value quickly cleared to zero.

A group of monsters secretly planned an ambush for a long time, but because of the complete disparity of strength between the two sides, Hope easily solved it alone.

As all the monsters on both sides were killed, Hope also exited the super acceleration mode.

The acceleration mode just now was not his fastest speed. He only used the clock up fifty times the speed of sound, and the magic power of the rabbit spell had not been used yet.

The power crushing caused by the speed crushing was really terrifying. The enemy didn't even have time to resist before being solved.

Not to mention, Hope still has the power of death. After contacting the opponent, it is used together with the attack. The damage is simply off the charts, almost one sword kills a small monster.

After exiting the super acceleration mode, Hope's figure appeared among the corpses of a group of monsters. Everyone on the train also saw Hope. Suddenly, everyone understood what had just happened and shouted excitedly. Regardless of men and women, they all shouted Hope's name, as if they wanted to express their respect for Hope in this way.

In the past, they already admired Hope very much, but now, after Hope's terrifying record of killing 800 monsters in 30 seconds, their admiration has reached the level of fanaticism.

In the past, they might have been worried about their actions this time for various reasons.

But after Hope's great power this time, almost everyone on the train has been filled with strong confidence!

With Lord Hope, there will be no problem in taking back the town of Rolotte!

Looking at the soldiers and civilians with high morale in the train, Hope also smiled with satisfaction.

It is definitely impossible for him to kill all the monsters in the world by himself, which requires the efforts of all humans.

But he can make himself the spiritual sustenance of everyone, an omnipotent existence in their imagination.

For this reason, he needs to show his strong strength and ability in front of these people again and again, so that they know that as long as humans still have him, they will never lose.

Maybe this is a bit difficult, who can guarantee that they will never lose?

In other worlds, Hope has indeed suffered setbacks, but in his own world, he can never suffer setbacks.

He needs to establish such an invincible image.

The purpose is to let these people who have suffered from the oppression of monsters regain their confidence.

At least now it seems that his idea is right.

Things like confidence and morale seem a bit illusory, but they can indeed affect the strength of human beings.

Anyway, I am a cheater, and I hope to have that confidence, at least in my main world, I can be invincible.

The strength of all mankind can be slowly improved through the fragments of the law.

And the confidence of all mankind in facing powerful monsters can be quickly improved by my exaggerated achievements.

In this way, it will be an era of all-round progress.

What I hope to see is exactly that situation.

Step by step back to the train, the door at this time has been opened, and everyone is really welcoming hope like welcoming a hero.

Looking at their eager eyes, I hope I feel very satisfied.

"Master Hope! This is for you!"

A little girl held a freshly made wreath and put it on Hope's head. When she was done, she quickly kissed Hope and then ran away shyly.

I hope to meet that little girl. I saw her when I got on the bus. She is also a doctor from the Doctors Guild. She brought a lot of flowers and plants in her luggage.

Originally they were withering because they entered the monster's territory, but I still hope to see them after passing by and use the power of life to make them bloom again.

Unexpectedly, after he came back, he would receive such an unexpected treatment.

He was suddenly attacked and kissed, and Hope was still a little dazed. However, a group of young people next to him excitedly surrounded Hope, their eyes full of admiration, and their mouths filled with words of reverence.

The little girls looked at hope with their eyes shining like little stars.

The people in this world were so crushed by monsters that they were almost hung and beaten.

The territory is retreating further and further. When have you ever felt so proud?

While Hope's performance today surprised them, they were all extremely excited.

I hope I can completely understand their mood, and have no intention of spoiling their fun, so I just accompany them with a faint smile.

The train is still moving forward slowly while laying track.

Although it is slow, it will not stop.

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