A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 398 Soaring into the sky

"So in the end, we went out to make soy sauce and let you do everything?"

Sitting on the second floor of the mayor's mansion with half of the house collapsed, looking at the young people outside who were starting to tidy up the dilapidated city, Gangda looked at the hope in front of him speechlessly.

Originally, he thought that this battle to recapture the town of Rolotte would be an extremely brutal war.

It is even possible that all the more than 600 soldiers here will die here. Just like in the previous recapture battles over the years, they will return in vain and can only escape some civilians who have no fighting ability and were protected and evacuated.

But what's the result?

But it was a scene that no one expected.

I hope that by myself, in less than ten minutes, I have cleared out all the monsters in the town of Rolote. I have also repaired all the city walls that were destroyed six years ago. The town was regained within human territory.

That's right, Hope also repaired the city wall by the way.

After all, the law stipulates that the city wall must be intact to prove that humans have indeed reoccupied this place.

Under normal circumstances, even if they hoped that they had captured the town of Rolot, it was still monster territory, and the surrounding monsters could come and besiege them at any time.

In this environment, they had to persist in defense to prevent the town from falling again. At the same time, the human construction team had to build a complete city wall as soon as possible.

Only in this way can we truly take back the town of Rolot.

This is a very hard and long war.

It is precisely because of this that no one in human history has ever successfully regained even a single fallen land.

But Hope is different. His chakra has both earth and water attributes. He uses the cement escape technique he has discovered by himself and directly uses ninjutsu to build the city wall. The construction speed is of course extremely fast.

Now the Pioneer train has stopped at the platform of the small town of Luolote. Everyone on the train has got off the train and started working in the small town.

Although the town has indeed been retaken, there is still a lot of work to be done next.

The people in the City of Steel are probably aware of the situation here. After a few more days, more civilians will continue to be sent to contribute to the recovery of this town.

It is conservatively estimated that the number of civilians sent in the end should be tens of thousands, including some subsequent soldiers and security personnel.

Listening to Gangda's complicated tone, Hope also smiled: "Isn't this great? We captured Rolotte without any damage."

"That being said, it just feels weird."

Gangda was still struggling there, but Hope stood up with a smile and let this guy struggle by himself.

Now this town is in dire straits and needs everyone to work together to restore it to its glory six years ago.

After getting off the second floor of the mayor's mansion, looking at Horner who was standing there waiting for him, Hope smiled and said, "I told you, we will be back."

"I never doubted this, I just didn't expect to come back so quickly." Horner also smiled happily.

Although the home they grew up in has been destroyed to a great extent, they finally took back their home anyway.

"Let's go home and have a look."

Hope said, taking the lead and walking towards his former home.

Six years ago, they lived here as children. At that time, they were still neighbors and often visited each other. In fact, their homes were just like their own homes, there was no difference.

It's a pity that only the two of them came back here after six years.

But their family members have already passed away.

After walking on the gravel road and returning to their home, Hope and Horner stood side by side, looking at the two houses in ruins in front of them and sighing.

Although the house has collapsed, traces of six years ago can still be seen from some places, which immediately brought back many memories for them.

"We'll have to rebuild two houses here later."

Horner raised his hand and pointed to his house, and added: "My Horner's Machinery House has to be moved here. I think the business will be very good."

"Of course, as long as you don't forget to pay taxes, don't forget that I am now the mayor of Luoluote Town."

Hope's eyes were a little emotional, but her words were full of relaxation and happiness.

Next, Hope settled in this dilapidated town.

Three months have passed in a row. Fortunately, I have adjusted the time in each world, so I don't have to worry about missing anything in a hurry.

Within three months, trains would frequently come and go from the inland areas of human territory, bringing people and materials to the recaptured town.

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the workers, the entire town of Luolote has now been restored to a presentable state.

Although it's not perfect, at least it doesn't look as dilapidated as it did three months ago.

During this period, there were several monster attacks, but they did not reach the level of siege, and they were easily solved.

Under normal circumstances, when there are monsters in sight, the people in the town must be nervous.

But the town of Rolotte is different.

Because of the existence of hope, everyone feels full of security. Even though they are now considered a border city, no one feels any danger at all.

Three months was enough time for Hope to retake the town of Rolotte alone. The news spread throughout the human territory.

Hope's reputation is now unprecedentedly high.

Therefore, there are many people who want to settle in Rolotte during this period.

Hope himself has been busy for the development of Rolotte.

Fortunately, there are people sent by the Hope Council to assist Hope in managing the town. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Hope to manage a town of tens of thousands of people alone.

However, because his reputation is now extremely high, the residents in the town are not making trouble, and they are all working hard to rebuild the town.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

After the city defense facilities and some necessary infrastructure in the city have been completed, Hope's law fragments that have been held back for three months are finally going to be released.

During this period, Hope has also completed the construction of the health bar field and the law fragments of returning to the city to revive.

Now, he is ready to inject these two modified law fragments and the chakra law fragment into the law system of the main world.

After the human warriors in my world successfully transform into the fourth calamity, I hope I can feel more at ease.

With this plan, on the spring day of the new year, three consecutive pillars of light from the law shot straight into the sky, shocking all mankind!

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