A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 401 Conspiracy Dragon Team Members

"Justice League? Well, pretty much."

Tony nodded when he heard this, and Xiaoyu immediately cheered, jumping on the stool and kicking and punching, as if he was imagining a handsome life of saving the world in the future.

"So, you are preparing to establish an organization to fight against a powerful enemy. That organization is the Parliament of Hope. And all of us here are members of that organization?"

Hope, who was sitting next to Xiaoyu, thought for a while and asked curiously.

Guessing that Hope would ask this question, Tony, who had already planned it, shook his head. The mobile phone projection on the table changed again, and he was heard explaining there: "Nick Fury and Sheriff Black are not members of the Hope Council, only members of the Hope Council." However, as the world organization of the earth, they have applied for partial supervision of our actions. This is what my old man meant.”

Speaking of Howard Stark, Tony obviously rolled his eyes, but continued: "As for others, we are members of the Council of Hope and members of the Avengers, including you, Hope. You hope that the Council This organization does not need to be announced to the world, which is already difficult to accept as a universe, and they do not need to know anything more that does not make any sense to their lives."

"Avengers?" Next to him, Nick Fury heard the name of this organization for the first time. When Tony said it this time, he suddenly felt like something of his was being robbed.

"Well, that's right, it's called Avengers. A few months ago, we helped solve a crisis in London in the Assassin's World. At that time, Hope only called Avengers Assemble. Although I asked him afterwards, he said it just felt like calling him "Avengers". It was funny, but I thought it was a good name, so I wrote it down.”

Hearing what Tony said, Hope suddenly felt a little confused. Unexpectedly, Tony would always remember what he said casually.

"I think I roughly understand what you mean. The Hope Council is a large organization that spans all realms, and the Avengers is another organization under this organization in the Fuman world. It's like a group, with mothers and fathers in it. The company also has subsidiaries. In addition to the Avengers in the Fuman World, the Kamen Riders in the Knight World are also another organization under the Council of Hope, but they are not related to the Avengers."

"Normally, organizations in one's own world deal with matters in one's own world. But if foreign aid is needed, I hope that members of the council can go across the world to help. Isn't that right?"

I hope I didn't speak too fast, but I still sorted out what Tony wanted to express.

"Yes, that's what it means. Although our strength may be poor in the universe, we have many of our own. If one side is in trouble, support from all sides will come." Tony said this, and his tone became a little relaxed.

Now he is still young, his parents have not passed away, and he has met friends like Hope and the others. He is far from being as paranoid as in the other timeline. He puts all the pressure and responsibilities on his shoulders without telling anyone. , living so tiredly.

"So, here are all the current members of the Avengers, right? Don't you want dad to join us?"

Steve asked curiously. After all, in his opinion, his father was a very powerful being. Although he has a bad temper, he is an extremely reliable person.

"I asked dad about it, and then he kicked me in the ass and dared to come out."

Speaking of his father, Tony's face suddenly fell. He had never been kicked in the butt like this since he was a child, but he couldn't say anything harsh to his father.

"I have something here."

Jackie Chan also raised his hand. Seeing everyone looking over, he immediately said: "I have nothing to do with joining the Avengers, but Xiaoyu is still a child. She cannot be allowed to join such a dangerous thing."

"Ah~~ You can't do this, Uncle Long! I want to join too! Please! I will be very good!"

Xiaoyu, who was still excited at first, immediately collapsed when she heard what Jackie Chan said, and acted like a baby towards Jackie Chan.

But for this troublesome niece, Jackie Chan didn't look like a good old man at all. He crossed his arms and said with a straight face: "No, absolutely not. It's okay to let you fool around in normal times. Such a dangerous thing If I still let you join, if something happens, how will I explain it to your mother in the future?"

After saying that, Jackie Chan ignored Xiaoyu, looked at everyone at the conference table, and suggested: "Okay, let's show our hands. If you don't agree with Xiaoyu joining the Avengers, please raise your hands."

After speaking, Jackie Chan took the lead in raising his right hand.

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other and raised their right hands.

Everyone present had only hope and did not raise their hands.

After all, from Hope's point of view, Xiaoyu has one hundred ninja soldiers from the Shadow Corps, and at the same time he has mastered Shadow Escape. He has good combat effectiveness, not inferior to anyone else at all, and has the ability to protect himself.

But obviously others don't think so. No matter how Xiaoyu is, in their eyes, she is just a little brat.

What does it mean when adults go to war and allow little kids to join them?

So, under Xiaoyu's pleading eyes and the gazes of others, Hope finally laughed and raised her hand.

The unanimous vote passed, and Jade was kicked out of the Avengers.

Looking at Xiaoyu's dejected look, I hope I couldn't bear it, so I opened the dimensional chat room, selected my friend Xiaoyu, opened the chat window, and sent her a private message.

For such a long time, the Dimension Chat Room has been upgraded several times by Hope.

It is no longer like before where everyone is crowded in one group, but like QQ or WeChat, everyone has their own friend list, and can gradually chat in groups, communicate freely in this world, or communicate across worlds.

Hope: [Xiaoyu, don't be sad, after all, it is a fact that you are young, and it is indeed difficult for them to let you go to the battlefield with them. But you don't have to join the Avengers. Like the Teen Titans in DC, you can also form a Teen Avengers composed of teenage superpowers, or change the name, how about your organization being called the Dragon Team? ]

Xiaoyu: [Really? Can it be like this? The Dragon Team is so cool! But Uncle Long and the others will not recognize it, right? ]

Hope: [Sooner or later, they will recognize it, let's slowly plot it. After all, even the Avengers need successors. ]

Xiaoyu: [That's great! I want to be the captain of the Dragon Team! As expected, Brother Hope is the best to me. However, where can I find the members of our Dragon Team? 】

In response, Hope smiled and sent another message: [I have probably thought of a few members. There is a young mechanic named Elle in our world. He can join as a young Iron Man. In addition, after getting the chicken charm, you can also let your favorite Super Elk join. In the future, there will be a kid named Spider-Man. After that, you need to find them yourself. I believe there will be no shortage of them. "

Try to divide the volume. In the future, each volume will be a major event or a world.

Write in this way. Of course, some daily life will be interspersed.

At present, my plan for the members of the Dragon Team is: Xiaoyu, Spider-Man, Super Elk, Young Iron Man Elle, Hit-Girl Mindy, and Greek Demigod Cassandra in the assassin world.

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