A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 403 The first superhero to appear in public

"Hopefully, the target is getting closer and heading towards you."

Sheriff Blake's voice came from the headset.

Standing on a tall building, listening to the voice in the headset, Hope also saw a cash transport truck running crazily towards this side on the street below.

The cash transport truck swerved left and right, speeding along the road, knocking away other vehicles next to it from time to time.

During the counterattack, the vehicles were forced to avoid each other, which ultimately caused even greater commotion.

"I'm going down."

Wearing a combat uniform and a golden mask, Hope jumped from the tall building and flew lightly onto the roof of the hijacked cash transport truck.


He stepped on the cash transport truck with both feet, immediately alerting the robbers inside.

"What's going on! What's going on!"

Several heavily armed robbers in the car shouted in panic.

Behind them, a large number of police cars followed, warnings kept blaring on the car horns: "People in front of you, listen! Pull over immediately! Pull over immediately!"

Ignoring the warning from the police car behind him, one of the robbers looked up at the roof of the car and immediately said: "Boss! There is someone in our car, it should be from the police station."

"There is someone in the car? How is it possible? How did he get up here!"

The robber leader looked incredulous.

"Hey, the police behind you asked you to stop? Didn't you hear?"

At this moment, a man wearing a full-coverage mask poked his head out of the car window, which immediately startled the robber who was driving!

As soon as he turned the steering wheel in his hand, the vehicle suddenly drove to the left, hitting the wall of the street store with a "bump!" and rubbing along the way.

Before doing it again, I hope I have withdrawn my body, otherwise, although being caught in it won't hurt, it won't be very comfortable either.

Turning around, Hope stood on the other side of the vehicle. Ignoring the rapidly retreating ground beneath her feet, she grabbed the door on the right side of the cash transport truck with one hand and gave it a sharp squeeze!


The car door was forcefully torn off by Hope, and he threw it away, rolling further and further away on the ground.

"One last warning! Stop the car and get arrested without any help, otherwise I won't be polite!"

Hope was halfway in the passenger seat of the broken door, staring at the robbers inside and giving a stern warning.

"Ahhhh! Fuck you!"

One of them roared angrily, picked up the submachine gun and pulled the trigger on Hope!

"Da da da da da da da!"

The muzzle of the gun jumped slightly, and a series of bullets were fired at Hope.

But those bullets stopped in the air just a few centimeters away from Hope, unable to make any progress.

Gently pushing away the bullet in front of him, Hope looked at the shocked people inside, shook his head and sighed, saying: "You really don't listen to advice."

As he spoke, Hope directly supported the car body, floated backwards and flew away. At the same time, he stretched out his right hand facing the running cash transport truck.

The powerful telekinesis was activated, and the cash transport truck that was still driving suddenly floated in the air, its tires spinning in the air, and it was impossible to move forward at all.

Hope fell to the ground and raised his right hand. The cash transport truck just floated on Hope's right hand and kept tilting to the right, knocking out the robbers inside one by one. It fell to the ground for a long time without recovering.

A minute later, the police car chasing after them finally arrived and quickly surrounded them.

The police got out of the car one after another, some holding pistols, while others stepped forward and handcuffed the robbers on the ground.

Seeing this, Hope also said to Blake on the other side of the headset: "Mission accomplished."

"Very good, come back."

Hearing this, Hope waved her hands at the policemen next to her. Steam came out of her body and rose directly into the sky, quickly turning into a small black dot and disappearing.

Holding his hat that was almost blown off because he wanted to take off, the leader of the team looked at the sky and sighed.

This powerful guy has been in San Francisco for a month.

At the beginning, many people were talking about this superhero.

Some people are excited, and some people feel uncomfortable.

Especially the police, who always feel that their jobs are being robbed, and often hear many people saying that the police are useless, and that the city only needs that superhero to protect it.

But soon, the superiors issued orders for them to cooperate with the superheroes.

This made these police officers even more unhappy. They felt that their presence was unnecessary, as if they were working for the superhero.

But in the next month, everyone's ideas changed a lot.

Hope is not the kind of superhero who takes care of everything, leaving these police officers with nothing to do, and finally being cursed by the civilians as useless.

Basically, every time when I hope to patrol, if I encounter some petty theft, I will contact the police directly and let the police handle it on their own. At most, they will take action to control the other party a little.

Most of the things that really make Hope take action are vicious crimes that are urgent and threaten people's lives and safety.

And usually, they will choose to cooperate friendly with the police.

As a result, not only did the police not appear useless, but they became much more active than before. They received praise from many citizens, and they walked on the street with their chests held high and their heads held high.

As a result, the police officers in San Francisco also had a good impression of the masked man who suddenly flew around above their heads.

In previous superhero movies and comics, superheroes fight crime a lot, but they often lack communication with the police, and just act on their own.

This has led to many undercovers that the police have finally planted, as well as some cases that are prepared to play a long line to catch big fish, being destroyed by superheroes.

The relationship between the two sides is naturally not good.

But Hope is different. With the help of District 13, he can grasp the degree well so that everyone can accept the existence of Hope, a superhero.

For superheroes, they don’t have to do everything in person. All they have to do is to act as a deterrent.

Let those criminals know that there are not only police watching them, but also more powerful and unsolvable superheroes.

The current Fuman world is still at the end of February 1992. Excluding Captain America, Hope can be regarded as the earliest superhero to appear publicly in the world.

Although Iron Man has appeared, he has never appeared in this world.

And the other Captain Marvel is still doing his own Kree outside the earth.

In other words, I hope that as the first superhero to appear in public, everything he does will likely affect other superheroes that appear later.

Whether in terms of behavior or how he gets along with the public.

I feel that Steamman no longer meets the current expectations. Please brainstorm and come up with a more suitable superhero name.

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