A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 405 I will return it to you later!

In the next few days, Jackie Chan accompanied Professor Yi and others to excavate the ancient tomb at the excavation site.

At the same time, more and more antiquities were unearthed in the past few days, but most of them were bronzes and pottery.

It is worth mentioning that one of the bronze cauldrons actually contained a pot of sticky soup that had lasted two thousand years.

At that time, the staff present thought that it was full of water. However, after professional analysis during this period, they discovered that the 20-centimeter-high bronze cauldron actually contained a pot of dog meat soup. It was an eye-opener for everyone.

What things haven’t you dug out in your daily life? But this pot of dog meat soup spanned two years, and it was really the first time I saw it.

After learning the news at that time, Yi Dachuan pointed at the bronze tripod in front of him and said with a smile: "Two thousand years of fine wine, Brother Long, do you want to try it?"

In fact, Jackie Chan is about the same age as Yi Dachuan now, but it is normal for capable people to be addressed respectfully.

Looking at the bronze rust-green sticky soup in front of him, Jackie Chan looked disgusted and quickly shook his head: "If you really drink this thing, you will probably die."

Professor Yi, who was listening to the conversation between the two, heard this, but without saying a word, he patted his eldest son Yi Dachuan on the head and scolded: "What are you talking about? Be more rigorous. This is a cultural relic, so you can drink it if you want? You want to eat it but I don’t agree with it.”

Being patted on the head by his stern father, Yi Dachuan felt a little aggrieved and complained slightly: "This is just a pot of dog soup."

"This is a pot of dog meat soup that spans two thousand years. It is also a cultural relic! This is very helpful for us to analyze people's diet during the Qin Dynasty. Fortunately, you are still studying archaeology. You have been following me for so long, and you don't even have this idea. No?"

Professor Yi pointed at Yi Dachuan and hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

Now Yi Dachuan seemed even more aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to argue anymore. Professor Yi, Dachuan, he was just joking. We are all young people. Calm down."

Jackie Chan quickly came over to smooth things over.

Jackie Chan said so, so Professor Yi couldn't say anything. He just snorted angrily and stopped talking.

"The coffin is about to be opened!"

At this time, someone shouted in the graveyard outside the research institute.

"The coffin has been opened, the coffin has been opened, let's go and have a look." When Jackie Chan heard the shouts of the staff outside, he quickly changed the subject and pulled the two of them toward the outside.

When Professor Yi heard that the coffin was about to be opened, he no longer paid attention to what had just happened and walked ahead in a high-spirited manner.

However, Yi Dachuan still seemed a little short-tempered.

As an outsider, Jackie Chan didn't know what to say about the situation between father and son.

Fortunately, the archaeological work has now begun, and both parties no longer say anything, and have entered a serious working state.

Jackie Chan did not come forward to help with the matter of opening the coffin. Although he was also very interested, he also knew that this was probably the time for the other party to take action.

Although everything has been calm these past few days, Jackie Chan has never forgotten the main purpose of his return to China.

Generally speaking, the most valuable things in the entire tomb will be placed in the coffin of the tomb owner.

The thing that the black hand organization wants most is probably among them.

Standing at the edge of the tomb, a group of armed police officers and soldiers were also on guard with guns.

Finally, when the process of opening the coffin was completed and a treasure box held by the owner of the tomb was taken out, nothing happened, which made Jackie Chan a little confused.

"Could it be that the information from District 13 is wrong?"

Jackie Chan stepped forward and carefully looked at the boxy treasure box in front of him, while still muttering. Prepare to make a phone call and ask Chief Black about it tonight.

"Professor Yi, there is a second coffin here, do you want to open it together?"

At this time, someone in the tomb asked Professor Yi again.

"Open! Of course, we will open both coffins today."

Listening to the shouts of the staff below, Professor Yi, who was still looking at the newly unearthed treasure box, immediately turned around and descended into the tomb.

Looking at Professor Yi and others who were continuing to open the second coffin below, and then at the treasure box placed in front of him, Jackie Chan scratched his head, slowly walked aside, and began to pay attention to the opening process of the second coffin.

"Okay! It's open! It's open! People behind you should give way over there!"

After some time passed, the second coffin of the Qin Tomb was also opened, and a faint green brilliance was immediately seen emanating from the coffin.

The group of archaeologists surrounding the coffin couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

"Is this a luminous pearl? Can it emit such a bright light?"

Yi Dachuan couldn't move his eyes away.

"This is a treasure, take it out quickly and be careful!"

Professor Yi quickly ordered people to do things. This thing will definitely be put in the Palace Museum later.

A group of people carefully lifted the luminous pearl as big as a fist, prepared to leave the tomb, and put it on the table next to it.

At this moment, Jackie Chan suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing beside him!

Then I saw the group of academic scholars below fell to the ground, and the luminous pearl disappeared in an instant.

"What's going on!"

"What's going on!"

The sudden change suddenly caused chaos at the entire excavation site.

Jackie Chan felt something vaguely, picked up a shovel next to him and threw it in one direction!

The shovel flew out with a sound of breaking through the air, and flew straight to a place outside the tomb pit.


Just halfway through the flight, the shovel was hit by something and stabbed directly into the ground next to it.

At the same time, a figure wearing black clothes, a mask and a hood appeared, holding the night pearl in his hand, and hooked his finger provocatively at Jackie Chan.

Jackie Chan knew this man. A few months ago, when he was in the Arctic, he had just dug out Captain America. That day, it was this man who came to attack them.

Later, according to the intelligence of District 13 and S.H.I.E.L.D., it was known that this man was actually a superpower, nicknamed Ghost, and had the ability to be invisible.

"Don't run! Put the thing down!"

When Jackie Chan saw that the other party immediately became invisible after provoking him, he quickly chased over there.

However, encountering this kind of invisible enemy really gave Jackie Chan a headache.

When running past a food truck, Jackie Chan happened to see a confused chef walking out with two spoons to check the situation. He reached out and snatched the spoons from the chef's hands, and while chasing the ghost that appeared and disappeared in front of him, he shouted to the chef: "I'm sorry! I will return them to you later!"

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