A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 424 Drama Queen


Just as the Holy Lord broke through the mirror space and a large group of fire dragons came to rescue him, a white light seemed to sense something and suddenly flew towards this side, and quickly flew into the Holy Lord's claws.

Looking at the dragon claw lying quietly in his palm, the Holy Lord was a little absent-minded, and then a little bit aware.

The Holy Lord could sense a very familiar breath on this dragon claw.

There is no doubt that this is another thing of his own in another universe.

Long before, after the Holy Lord of the main universe gave this dragon claw to the Red Skull, the Red Skull gave it to Crossbones.

When the treasure box was activated, this dragon claw actually traveled with it.

Until now, at the most appropriate time, it came to the side of the Holy Lord of this world.

The moment he held the dragon claw, the Holy Lord also instantly knew the whole process of this incident.

"So that's how it is. I in another world was sealed and turned into a stone sculpture? It's really embarrassing. You made so many moves just to send me a message for help? You want me to help you revive? Hahahaha! As a fellow Saint, you really make me feel ashamed."

Sage Qin crushed the dragon claw in his hand and suddenly laughed.

Looking down at the five people who were waiting seriously below, Saint Qin snorted coldly: "I'll spare your lives first, and wait for me to go to your world, absorb the useless Saint Lord of your world, and then take back all the talismans left outside, and then slowly deal with you!"

The harsh words were spoken, but Saint Qin knew that he was actually a little cowardly.

Others were fine, but Hope was too shameless.

Instead of letting his 10,000 troops and himself fight against Hope, this pervert, it would be better to follow him to another world to become stronger.

Thinking of this, a treasure box exactly the same as the time and space treasure box appeared in the Saint's hand.

However, the pattern on it is exactly the opposite of the one in their hands.

There are two tiger talismans, one positive and one negative, and the same is true for the treasure box.

This treasure box has always been in the hands of the Holy Lord, and it is considered a collection in the treasure house of the emperor.

Although the function of this treasure box has long been known, there is no benefit in rashly going to another world, and there are great risks, so the Holy Lord Qin put it aside.

Until now, it finally has a reason to use this treasure box.

At the same time, in the Fu Manzhu universe, it is still in the Hydra secret base on the east coast.

A team of Hydra agents led by the Holy Lord and the Red Skull are waiting here quietly.

Looking at the empty space in front of him, Red Skull looked at the stone sculpture of the Lord on the wall and asked, "Are you sure that you from another world will come? If it doesn't come..."

"Even if it doesn't come, our goal is almost achieved. As long as the channels between the two worlds begin to connect, I will start to gain power from it. It's just a matter of time. Although they are all Lords, you have to know that there are still essential differences."

"It doesn't know yet that no matter which parallel universe it is, I came first, and then they came. Even if I am sealed now, it is still under my suppression."

The red eyes on the stone sculpture of the Lord flickered, and after a pause, the voice The voice continued: "Moreover, as a fellow Saint, I know myself and I know it. It can never resist such a huge temptation from us. Whether it is my sealed body or my talismans scattered around the world, they are all huge benefits for it. Once it can get them all, its strength will rise sharply. It has no reason to refuse."

As he spoke, the Saint sneered twice: "It would be best if it could come over. Not only would it reduce the time for me to absorb its power, but it might also be able to use its power to help me find a few talismans."

After saying this, although the stone sculpture of the Saint did not move, the Red Skull clearly felt that the other party's eyes were on him.

Sure enough, the Holy Lord said again: "Mr. Schmidt, have you investigated everything I asked you to investigate during this period?"

Red Skull nodded immediately and said: "You also know the power of our Hydra. We have spies all over the world. Now we can almost determine the location of the two talismans in the United States, and another one can be determined in Mexico."

"Very good, when the other me comes over later, you will tell it their location and let it do it by itself."

The stone sculpture of the Holy Lord said, and suddenly paused, then smiled and said: "Sure enough, it came, just as I expected, it really can't resist such a big temptation."

As soon as the voice fell, a violent gust of wind suddenly blew in this large secret room.

The storm was so strong that some Hydra agents couldn't help but raise their hands to protect in front of them, and their bodies swayed and stepped back a few steps.

After a few seconds, the storm finally slowly dissipated, and in front of everyone, a tall and strong monster with a human-shaped dragon head appeared in it.

The Holy Lord who came here was naturally the Holy Lord Qin who ruled the Qin Dynasty in another universe.

At this time, it was wearing a black dragon robe, and looked no different from when they first met.

But the stone sculpture of the Holy Lord on the wall could sense that the body aura of this "own man" in front of it was already very weak, but ordinary people could not see it.

The stone sculpture of the Holy Lord was also slightly surprised after seeing this. Although these Holy Lords of his own isotopes were not as powerful as himself, they were definitely not weak.

I didn't expect that he would become so embarrassed.

Is that archaeologist so strong?

No, it should be the alien called Hope.

It seems that I have to find a way to get rid of Hope first, otherwise, he will be the biggest obstacle on my road to resurrection.

Even if I successfully resurrect in the future, I will definitely not be able to live in peace with him.

With all kinds of thoughts turning in his mind, the stone sculpture of the Holy Lord said to the Holy Lord Qin who came across the world in front of him in an extremely flattering voice, as if flattering: "Lord Holy Lord, did you get my information and come to help me contact the seal?"

The sudden change of the stone sculpture of the Holy Lord also made the Red Skull's heart jump.

I didn't expect that this Holy Lord would be so flexible, and the degree of danger has risen by a level.

But the Red Skull is also the kind of person who has many thoughts, and he didn't show anything on the surface.

However, after hearing the words of the stone statue of the Holy Lord, the Holy Lord Qin looked at the stone statue of the other party and said excitedly: "Oh! My good brother, I didn't expect you to really become like this! Don't worry, we are all family. Even if we are not from the same universe, since you asked me for help, I will definitely try my best to help you!"

The Holy Lord Qin looked like a good brother, and he said nice things as if they were free.

In a secret room, the three villains were all drama queens.

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