A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 426 National turmoil

"There must be someone on the side of Holy Lord Qin to solve it. If he can handle it, half of the matter will be solved. Hope, you are the strongest among us, and your main task is it." The captain quickly moved Hope. The message sent went through his mind, and he immediately began to enter the role of combat commander.

"Okay, no problem."

I hope that's what I said, but I really looked at the sky with a headache.

Holy Master Qin just appeared and taunted him, and then disappeared immediately. He obviously knew that hiding was the best option.

It seems that it is really a bit troublesome to find the other party.

Why can't the opponents I encounter be as stupid as the villains in TV series?

"Judging from the satellite intelligence of SHIELD and District 13, those fire dragons mainly flew in three directions. One side was New York, where Bucky and I are now, the other side was Los Angeles, and the last direction flew to Mexico. According to Dad, According to the statement, their actions are purposeful, so it is the talisman that the Holy Master has been looking for. I will group up now. You must hurry up and grab the talisman before Holy Master Qin. Once you get the talisman, hurry up. Leave the city, or..."

"Or call me and I'll throw them into my space backpack so no one can take them away." Hope suddenly answered.

Those disgusting fire dragons in the sky that were specially left by Holy Master Qin have all been cleared away by Hope, and all their corpses have been put into the space backpack. Now they are turning on their eagle eyes and breath sensors, following the direction that Holy Master Qin left. I chased him, and I said something along the way.

"Yes, that's okay." The captain agreed with Hope's move, and then said: "Uncle Jiu and Fisher King go to Los Angeles, Tiangong Thor and Tony, you go to Mexico. Jackie Chan, you and Agent Patton come to New York."

"Agent Barton? Is SHIELD going to insert the Avengers' archers?" Jackie Chan was a little curious.

"Well, I have also been in contact with him during this period. His codename is Hawkeye. He is a very good person. I believe you can handle it."

"Wow, boy Hope, did you hear that? This elf prince is also called Hawkeye. I remember that your eyes seem to have this ability, right? Isn't your hero's name not decided yet? How about you also be called Hawkeye? ?" Tony raised his eyebrows and started teasing.

"No need. I've already thought about it. From now on, I will be called Infinite Man. The infinite world and unlimited abilities suit me very well."

Hope suddenly appeared next to Tony, startling him.

"Stop talking, I'm my clone, taking you to Mexico."

The shadow clone said, teleporting directly to Mexico with Tiangong Thor and Tony, and then disappeared with a "bang".

"Nice transportation technology, I hope boy, maybe you can consider changing your job." Tony looked at the surrounding environment, and finally looked at the fire dragon army approaching quickly from the horizon in the distance.

Following the same pattern, Hope's shadow clone used the space teleportation ability to send everyone in the current Avengers to the designated combat location.

The captain also had his own reasons for arranging the team and combat locations in this way.

Apart from anything else, among the entire team, there is only hope except for the non-transformed state. Tony, who is currently wearing the Mark 3 armor, and the God of Thunder from other universes, can be said to be the most powerful in combat, and also the most destructive.

If they were placed in a metropolis with many high-rise buildings, they would not be able to use full firepower, and it would also be easy to cause a large number of accidental injuries.

But the desert area in Mexico is different. Most of the houses are not too high, which is perfect for Tony and the others to play without any scruples.

"There are too many enemies. I hope you can call some more people over?"

After allocating the war zone, the captain and Bucky came to a high-rise building together. They looked at the fire dragon army flying closer and closer in the distance, and asked with a frown.

Although the captain doesn't really want to trouble others, he wants to resolve matters in his own world by himself.

But in this situation, the more helpers there are, the more innocent people can be protected. It is good to save one more person.

If you owe a favor, you can just pay it back later.

"Yaorenda. I know it. There are many of them, so of course we have to call people. Don't worry, all my clones have gone. Anyone who can be called will be called. Then you will be in this chat room. I can see them." The voice of hope suddenly relieved everyone's pressure.

The Avengers are taking action, and District 13 and SHIELD are naturally not slacking off at all. They are almost operating at full power, trying to minimize the harm of this sudden attack.

As the disaster area hit by the fire dragon, the White House of the United States was also very shocked.

Looking at the footage captured by the satellite, all the big guys in the conference room looked gloomy.

No matter what they were thinking at this time, at least the surface work had to be done now.

"Can anyone explain to me what is going on now? I was just having lunch, and you guys told me that a hole opened in the sky in San Francisco, and then a swarm of fire dragons appeared? What's the reason? What's the purpose? Where are your preparations?”

The president, a middle-aged man, was so angry that he knocked on the table hard.

"Department of Defense."

The president's eyes went to the other man sitting next to him.

The Minister of Defense nodded, hesitated for a moment, but still said: "When the incident happened, we had contacted SHIELD, and they have always been handling this matter. The current SHIELD director told me that Phillips told us that their people are handling the matter, but disaster control and civilian rescue and evacuation require our help. In addition, it would be best if the Air Force could cooperate to clear those fire dragons."

"Their people are handling it, don't tell me it's these people."

The president said, raising his hand and pointing to the big screen in the conference room.

The video of each character appeared on it.

It was the founding team of the Avengers who hoped to join Tony and his team.

"What a joke, does SHIELD want to hand over the fate of the entire United States to those transvestite clowns?" At the conference table, General Ross also frowned and expressed his dissatisfaction.

Looking at the video materials on the big screen, the whole conference room was also discussing.

Listening to the discussion of the group of people at the table, the president put down his hands, thought carefully, and finally made a decision: "No matter what they do, this is our country, and we certainly can't watch those monsters destroy our land at will. Send the order to send the army to kill the fire dragon, rescue and evacuate the citizens. As for the Avengers... Don't move for the time being, wait and see the situation before making a judgment."

This term's president has great prestige. He has already spoken, and everyone knows that they can't really not send troops, so there is no objection.

If the US government does not make any statement on this matter.

In the end, no one can bear the responsibility for the incident.

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