A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 429 Reinforcements

“Bang, bang, bang! Bang, bang, bang!”

At the entrance of a subway station in Los Angeles, more than a dozen police cars blocked the road. The police hid behind the police cars and fired at the fire dragon that was swaggering on the road ahead.

The bullets shot at the fire dragon, but it did not cause any impact on the other party. Instead, it stimulated the fire dragon to become more manic and angry.

The feet stepped on the road, making cracks on the ground, and with the waving of the claws and wings, all the cars blocking the road were overturned.

“Man, I feel we are finished. Do you think this situation can be considered accident insurance?”

Looking at the fire dragon getting closer and closer in front of him, a fat policeman poked the thin policeman next to him.

“I feel that if they continue to make trouble like this, let alone accident insurance, even the people who give you insurance will have to ask for insurance.” The thin policeman sighed helplessly, looking at the TV reporters behind him who were still dutifully broadcasting live across the United States at this time. The thin policeman felt that they were more powerful than himself and the LAPD.


But at this moment, a blue and white motorcycle with a flashing siren suddenly rushed out from the road next to it, and the huge horsepower directly knocked the fire dragon in front of it away!

Before the fire dragon struggled to stand up and sit on the car, the guy in full body armor suddenly took out a large-caliber pistol and quickly installed a grenade launcher component on the gun.

After pulling the barrel and loading the grenade launcher, he aimed at the fire dragon in front of him and fired a shot!

Hit by the GG-02 Salamander grenade, the fire dragon was instantly blown into pieces of meat on the ground.

Ignoring the policemen who were already dumbfounded behind him, Kaoru Ichijo, who was wearing G3 armor, twisted the accelerator, and the front of the Guard Tracker turned a big corner on the spot, and rushed directly along the road towards the place where there were more fire dragons in front!

Looking at Xun Yichi who came and went in a hurry, and listening to the sirens that gradually faded away, the fat policeman smacked his lips and asked again: "Could that be our secret police? Robocop or something? There seems to be a siren on his car."

"Who knows, maybe someone from a secret department." The thin policeman was also a little stunned.

Compared to these policemen and ordinary citizens who were completely unaware, Captain America and others who were fighting at this time knew that the reinforcements they were waiting for had finally arrived.

Watching the new names pop up in the chat room, Captain America was also slightly relieved.

Above the Los Angeles sky, Uncle Jiu, who was opening a magic circle to resist a large army of fire dragons, also discovered the situation below. He found that the reinforcements that suddenly appeared began to quickly clear the fire dragons below, and he was also relieved a lot.

"Dragons! Officer Ichijo, these are real fire dragons. This is the first time I've seen them! It's a pity that I didn't bring a camera, otherwise I would really like to take some photos back."

At this time, Godai Yusuke, who was maintaining the Kuuga Sublimated Blue Dragon form, was quickly shuttling across the roof of the building, waving the Blue Dragon Stick, relying on his super high agility and jumping ability, and blowing up the fire dragons one by one, while talking in the chat room.

"Focus on Godai, there are still many civilians here who need our help."

Ichijo Kaoru still had a serious expression.

When they learned about the situation here in the Knight World, they said they would come to help without saying a word.

Although he had expected that the situation would be serious, he did not expect that the situation here was much more serious than he originally expected.

After hearing what Kaoru Ichijo said, Godai Yusuke's expression also became serious, and he nodded seriously: "Of course! I will never let go of these fire dragons that destroy people's smiles! Mr. Ichijo, let's work together!"

As he said this, Godai Yusuke used the Qinglong stick and the seal energy to blow up another fire dragon. After landing on a building, he opened his hands and the light of his belt flashed: "Super transformation!"


The blue Kuuga quickly transformed into a green sublimated Pegasus form.


Godai shouted to the sky.

"I'm coming!"

A huge mechanical beetle flew down, making a cute voice like a child.

The Qinglong stick in his hand turned into a Pegasus crossbow. Holding the Pegasus crossbow, Godai jumped up, grabbed the front feet of the golem with one hand, and raised the Pegasus crossbow with the other hand to continuously shoot arrows full of seal energy at the fire dragons flying in the air.

For a moment, the flames of the explosion in the air became one piece.

Golem was flying in the air at high speed with the Five Generations, while the Five Generations were constantly attacking the fire dragons.

In the sublimated Pegasus form, he could sense almost half of Los Angeles.

The reinforcements from the other world had arrived, and on the other side, the U.S. mainland army had finally sent out their soldiers.

The first to arrive at the battlefields were naturally the fastest F-15 and F-16 fighters.

As soon as they entered the battlefield, they immediately attacked the fire dragons.

For a while, many fire dragons that were still destroying at low altitudes were attracted and began to rise into the air, and began to fight with those fighters like in a fantasy movie.

"After flying for so long, this is the first time I have fought with a dragon in the air. It feels really strange."

In an F16 fighter, a pilot dodged the flames of the fire dragon in front of him by turning sideways in the air, and then immediately made a big turn, quickly locked the opponent with his fire control system, and pulled the trigger while complaining to his teammates!

"Who said it wasn't?"

The pilots on other fighter planes also felt amazing.

"By the way, who are those guys in the city below? They don't look like humans, do they? They are too strong."

"This is not our responsibility. The order from above is to clear out these fire-breathing lizards. As for those people, there should be other arrangements. At least we should be thankful that they are not our enemies."

"Oh no, they all look like good people, and they have been rescuing the trapped citizens. I don't want to fight them either!"

"Hahahaha! John! You are afraid that they will dismantle your plane!"

"Okay! Everyone pay attention, more big lizards are coming!"

The battlefield in the sky is also fierce, and the bodies of several fire dragons can be seen falling from time to time.

Of course, there are also fighter planes that are unfortunately hit. Those pilots are unlucky. Even if they parachute successfully, they are likely to be targeted by other fire dragons halfway, and there is almost no way to survive.

In just over ten minutes after the war began, the 10,000-strong army of fire dragons made the United States realize the cruelty of war.

The value of the damage caused to the three cities is almost incalculable.

Even worse is the casualties of the civilians. It is conceivable that countless people will be held responsible for this incident.

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