"The monsters and ghosts leave quickly! The monsters and ghosts leave quickly!"

On Columbus Avenue in San Francisco, my father had a solemn look on his face as he walked against the flow of fleeing people, chanting a spell in his mouth. From time to time he would raise his pufferfish stems with both hands and shoot green rays towards the sky, which would often make a fire dragon instantly disappear. Losing combat effectiveness, he fell directly from the air.

Ignoring the fire dragon that fell next to him, Dad was still on the four-lane road.

Suddenly, a strong wind came from ahead, making dad's clothes rustle.

With a "boom", a fire dragon stood directly in front of Dad and let out a deafening roar at him!

Raising his hands to block the strong wind, Dad calmly looked at the fire dragon in front of him and said angrily: "Do you want to fight with Dad!"

As he spoke, Dad prepared to use Qi magic to kill the fire dragon in front of him.

But at this moment, a very tall man wearing suspenders and pigtails rushed out from the store next to him. With a single collision, he knocked the fire dragon in front of him away!

"Old man, are you okay?"

The visitor turned around and asked his father.

"I'm fine, but something is wrong with you."

Dad pointed behind the tall Asian man in front of him.


The expression was immediately stunned, and he turned around subconsciously, and immediately saw another fire dragon staring at him angrily.


The dragon's tail swept past, and the tall, fat Asian man flew out, slamming into the aquatic products store nearby, directly smashing through a large water tank, and was instantly buried by a large piece of fresh fish.

After finally struggling out, the tall man grabbed a fish off his head with a look of misfortune on his face and complained: "I hate fish!"

"Get up, big guy, and follow me."

Dad dealt with the two fire dragons outside, walked into the aquatic product store, looked at the man in the fish pile in front of him, and said.

"Old man? What do you mean?"

The man stood up. Compared with his father, his tall body looked like a giant.

But in terms of momentum, he looks like a child compared to his father.

"Didn't you come here to find a job? I am the owner of Dad's antique shop."

A gleam of wisdom flashed across Dad's reading glasses, and he raised his hand and pointed at the recruitment flyer peeking out of the pocket of the man in front of him.

"May I have your name?"

Dad asked looking at the big man in front of him.

"Uh, um, hello, dad. My name is Tohru. I just came to the United States. I am Japanese. Please give me your advice."

Tohru covered his head with one hand and bowed to his father with a simple face.

"Well, come with me, Tohru, let's take care of the things outside first."

Dad turned around and left without asking Tru for his opinion, as if everything was so natural.

Tohru was stunned for two seconds, but in the end he quickly chased after him.


"Chief Black! I shouldn't be here. There are fire-breathing dragons out there, but we have too few manpower. You need me! San Francisco needs superheroes!"

In an armored vehicle, Xiaoyu opened her hands and kept complaining to Blake, who was conducting combat operations in front of her.

After giving a few orders again, Blake turned around, looked at the little girl in front of him, and said helplessly: "Please, Xiaoyu. Your Uncle Long told me before you left, and I must keep an eye on you this time. You just As a child, it’s up to us adults to go to the battlefield.”

"But, Chief Black, you see there are so many fire dragons outside, and we are short of manpower. If I let my ninja army go out, it will definitely help a lot of people. For the sake of those innocent citizens, just listen to me. "

Xiaoyu looked at Blake with a look of anticipation on his face.

Hearing this, Blake looked at Xiaoyu in front of him, then at the monitor beside him, and finally shook his head firmly: "No, you are still a child, this is not what you should do."

Xiaoyu's expression darkened for a moment, but soon she cheered up again. She rolled her eyes, put her hands behind her back, pointed her toes on the ground, turned her head to the side, and pretended to compromise and said: "Otherwise, I will be here." Here, how about letting my ninja soldiers go out to help others? My ninja soldiers can go through walls, which is very suitable for rescue activities in the city."

After hearing what Xiaoyu said, Blake was also a little tempted.

Indeed, what Xiaoyu said was correct. Her hundred ninja soldiers were indeed of great use to this battle.

Whether it is battlefield rescue or direct use of force to fight against those fire dragons, these ninja soldiers can come in handy.

If we just exclude the ninja soldiers, it should be fine. After all, Xiaoyu is still staying here.

Thinking of this, Blake agreed and agreed to Xiaoyu's actions.

Seeing this, Xiaoyu couldn't hide the happiness on her face. She immediately summoned her ninja soldiers and dispersed in all directions of San Francisco.

From the perspective outside the vehicle, one could only see a huge shadow spreading underneath the armored vehicle, and then dispersed into small groups of shadows that quickly left.

Not long after, Captain Black saw a ninja soldier active on the battlefield in San Francisco on the armored command vehicle.

Or a few people cooperate to fight a fire dragon, or use shadow escape to take the victims trapped in the ruins of the building out of danger.

"Xiaoyu, your ninja soldiers did a good job."

Sheriff Black was somewhat happy.

He picked up the hot coffee cup beside him.

As a result, when he turned around, he suddenly found that the entire armored command vehicle was empty!


Sheriff Black shed tears of regret after a slap on his face.

After a few seconds, Black turned around abruptly, held the intercom beside him and said: "The target is Chen Xiaoyu, can you find her?"

There was silence on the other side for a minute, and finally a man's voice came: "Sorry, sir, Chen Xiaoyu's figure cannot be found on the satellite. I guess she should be hiding. Excuse me, sir, with Xiaoyu's ability, if she really wants to hide, it is really difficult for ordinary people to find her."

For this result, Black had expected it, sighed, and said: "Stay tuned."

After speaking, Black hung up the communication, and looked at the monitoring screen on the wall in front of him very tiredly.

In it, a group of ninja soldiers in black clothes were jumping quickly between high-rise buildings, like a group of happy huskies, very happy.

However, they acted quickly and saved a large number of San Francisco citizens, causing the number of casualties in the attack to drop sharply.

The battles on the battlefields continued, but as time went on, it was obvious that they were falling into decline.

Half an hour later, Tony in Mexico was the first to send a victory report.

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