A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 450 Automatic Turret

"Wow! There are really giants!"

When Mona first arrived here, she saw two giants lying on the ground, and her eyes were almost full of stars.

After listening to stories about giants for so long, this was her first time seeing a real giant.

Unlike the heartless and rough Mona, the brown-haired girls behaved much more normally. Seeing that there were really giants here, the faces of the 105th trainees turned pale.

Afterwards, they also realized that the two giants here were dead.

And obviously, Hope, who was standing on the back of a giant to collect the blades, was the one who successfully defeated the two giants.

And...it was in such a short time!

This made the trainees feel a little surprised.

I really couldn't understand why Hope, who was just touching the three-dimensional mobile device for the first time, could not only master the three-dimensional mobile device, but also defeat the two giants by himself, just like the protagonist of a storybook.

"Amazing! How did they do it?"

Several people fell to the ground together. Mona had already quickly run towards the giant's body, but the girl with short brown hair stood there in a daze, very unbelievable.

"Don't stand here, there are giants behind, you retreat first."

Hope stood on the back of the giant, looked at Mona and others who had just arrived here, and immediately shouted at them.

At the same time, Hope opened the chat room again and told Levi about the giants appearing in the training ground.

After all, this is not a trivial matter. There is only one possibility for the giants to appear in Wall Maria, that is, Wall Maria has fallen.

From a geographical point of view, it is very likely that there is a problem with the western city.

The technology of the world inside the wall is backward, and convenient means of communication such as telegraph has not yet been developed.

Considering the stronger combat power of the giants in the game version of Attack on Titan, it is not impossible that even the people who sent the message did not run out after the fall of the West.

"There are still giants?"

Hearing Hope's words, everyone around was stunned and broke away from the previous brief surprise.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone felt a series of vibrations under their feet.

The leaves swayed, and large patches of shadows covered them.

Just behind Hope, giants walked out slowly.

There were tall and short ones, and a rough count showed that there were more than a dozen.

In particular, one of them had some characteristics of the nine giants, and some gray mist came out of his body from time to time.

This kind of giant is the existence of the level boss in the game.

The one in front of Hope is the Armored Alien Titan!

It is gray and black, and the hardened armor on its body looks very hard. It looks not much different from Reiner's Armored Titan.


The giants walked out one by one, and the trainees and training instructors who were still in this open space were dumbfounded.

The heavy pressure coming in front of them made it impossible for them to think calmly.

"Run! I can't take care of you if you're here!"

Another shout of hope, everyone woke up, looking at the figure who launched a fearless charge towards the giants, their hearts were touched like a tidal wave.

This guy! Is he trying to sacrifice himself to buy us time to escape!

Almost instantly, everyone thought of this possibility.

The blood and emotion in their hearts made their bodies tremble slightly.

"Listen to him! Trainees! Evacuate with us!"

The instructor standing on the roof of the wooden house helped up his colleagues and shouted in a resolute tone!

At this time, there were tears in his eyes.

Before he didn't react, he thought that the agile boy who quickly killed two giants was an elite of the Survey Corps.

But now he has come back to his senses. This is the training ground of the Survey Corps, and the man is clearly wearing a trainee uniform.

There is no doubt that he is a training soldier, and judging from the situation, he is a talented recruit!

Although he doesn't know why he has never seen this boy before, he hopes that he will be impressed now.

Thinking of this, the training instructor's emotions became more complicated.

As if he had made up his mind, the training instructor suddenly gritted his teeth!

No! Such a good seedling must not be sacrificed here so meaninglessly! I have to stay too!

The hope for the future of mankind overcame the desire to survive. The training instructor slapped his colleague who was supporting him and said seriously: "You and Kona take these trainees away, I still have to stay. Set up the automatic turret base, maybe I can help him!"

"Rico! You!"

The colleague stared at Rico with wide eyes, but was pushed by Rico again. Looking at Rico who had jumped off the roof and ran towards the base nearby, the colleague could only call Kona, another training instructor who was still in the tree next to him.

"You, leave here quickly, this is an order."

The two instructors came to the 105th trainees and spoke sternly.


The girl with short brown hair hesitated, but finally turned around and left with the other trainees.

"You too, you have to leave. If you move forward, you will die."

Another instructor named Kona caught Mona first, and took her away by force regardless of her struggle.

Soon, there were only Hope and Ricol who stayed behind.

Hope used the three-dimensional mobile device to fly around in the giant group and cut people, while Ricol gritted his teeth, pushed a cannon out of the warehouse, and then used the elevator to lift it to a wooden tower.

With Ricol's spiritual communication, the entire wooden tower suddenly changed to a certain extent and began to fit closely with the cannon on the tower.

The shells that Ricol placed next to the cannon were automatically filled into the muzzle without human operation.

With the sound of "click, click, click", the dark cannon moved and aimed by itself, and finally fired with a "bang!"!


Seeing that a giant next to him had an arm broken by a cannonball, Hope was also shocked.

Looking back, I was also shocked. Although I knew this was a game world, I couldn't help but look at it from the perspective of anime.

Now, such an unscientific automatic turret suddenly appeared. Even if I had expected it, I still had an indescribable feeling.

Sure enough, although it was not scientific at all, it was very game-like.

Some of them were like the rules of my own world. No matter how magical it was, it seemed so natural to the locals.

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