A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 46 Attack on Titan (2nd update)

Actually, I want to solve the problem of the giant world.

For Nick Fury, who lives in a world full of black technology, it is a relatively simple thing.

Apart from other things, a giant cannot fly. As long as the helicopter is in the air, you can do whatever you want to deal with the giant. Why bother to use human lives stupidly.

But having said that, Nick Fury is actually very interested in the three-dimensional maneuvering device in this world.

Although the talisman Marvel world already has jet flying backpacks, the three-dimensional maneuvering device is really no worse than the flying backpack if used well.

Of course, this weapon invented specifically to deal with giants still has many shortcomings when dealing with humans.

But this thing can be improved.

In addition to the three-dimensional maneuvering device, the most interesting thing is the stupid-looking big guys under the city wall.

Fortunately, this is not his world, otherwise, with Nick Fury's character, he would have called a large number of agents to tie up the giants and send them to the laboratory for slow research.

This black guy thinks a lot, which is also one of the reasons why he became silent after coming to the giant world.

Another point is that he smelled the same kind of smell on Erwin.

He knew that people like them were the kind of people who thought long-term.

Under certain special conditions, as long as the goal can be achieved, it is okay even if some people or even themselves are sacrificed.

It is precisely because he is also such a person that he knows the troubles of such people.

Therefore, when Erwin is present, Nick Fury will generally subconsciously lower his sense of existence.

Even if this is in another world and has nothing to do with his world.

But out of professional habit, he still maintains a certain degree of caution.

"Hey, hey, hey, in this case, just let this, uh..."

On the side, Oru Bozad put his hands on his waist and got stuck halfway through his words because he didn't know how to call the steam giant horse.

"It's called Chimera."

Hope raised a finger to remind him of the name of the steam giant horse.

Hearing this, Olu Bozad nodded, and then said: "Yes, there is a Chimera--"



This unlucky man bit his tongue halfway through his words, and immediately covered his mouth with both hands, squatting down in pain.

Petra, another brown-haired girl standing next to Olu Bozad and also from Levi's class, saw this and laughed mercilessly: "I told you to learn to talk like Captain Levi."

"Woo woo woo!" Olu Bozad raised his head, stared at Petra and whimpered a few times, but no one knew what he was saying.

Mick, with blond hair parted in the middle, sniffed, as if he was smelling the smell of the steam giant horse, nodded, and said what Oulu wanted to say: "As long as Chimera is there, it is only a matter of time to clear the giants in a city. This is a great thing for humans."

"So, facing the giants, Chimera is invincible? After all, the giants will not attack Chimera."

Among all the trainees present, only Allen, a young man, dared to speak when there were a bunch of seniors from the Survey Corps around him.

Look at Leon and Armin, who are not trembling in front of the big guys, standing straight, not daring to breathe.

After hearing Allen's words, the soldiers of the Survey Corps did not refute anything, but nodded in agreement.

"Wait! Wait! What is that! It seems that a giant is rushing towards this side!"

At this moment, Hanji pushed his glasses and shouted in surprise at the giant running fast in front of him.

When everyone heard this, they also noticed the strange giant who was different from other giants, swinging his hands back and forth and running towards this side with big strides.

Ordinary giants usually only walk slowly.

Some of the strange species crawl on the ground with their limbs, and some run in small steps like girls.

But there is no giant who runs as fast as the giant in front of them!

At first glance, it is much stronger and more intimidating than other giants!

Fifteen meters tall, with clear muscle lines, black hair and blue eyes, and a pair of pointed elf ears.

This giant quickly ran along the street towards the city wall, and its target was the steam giant horse Chimera who was eating "snacks".

The giant ran quickly through the middle of the street, and the whistling wind it brought directly blew away all the items on both sides of the street!

Before the Chimera, who was biting the back of a 13-meter-sized giant's neck, could react, the giant, after such a long run-up, kicked up hard and hit the Chimera's abdomen from bottom to top!

A dull metal collision sound was triggered by the huge force!

The Chimera, which weighed more than a ton, was kicked directly onto the wall behind it like a ball, and after a "boom" a large crack appeared, it bounced back and fell to the ground.

This sudden scene not only stunned a large number of soldiers on the wall, but also made Hope a little dumbfounded for a while.

"How could it be! There are actually giants attacking creatures other than humans! And Chimera is not an ordinary creature with flesh and blood!"

Han Ji looked in disbelief. Looking at the scene happening below, he grabbed his hair with both hands and sounded a little crazy.


Although he was kicked hard, the giant steam horse quickly got up from the ground, turned his head and glared at the giant that suddenly came out, and without thinking, he rushed towards the giant with four hooves. past!

Just as it rushed forward, the giant steam horse suddenly turned around and was about to raise its hind hooves and give the giant a hard kick.

As we all know, the hind hooves of a horse are very powerful.

With this hoof, even a fifteen-meter-level giant would be kicked away on the spot.

But things didn't go in the direction Chimera hoped.

Its hind hooves had just kicked out, but the giant had nimbly dodged it earlier. Then he wrapped his hands around the belly of the giant steam horse, twisted his waist and exerted force, directly throwing the giant steam horse into a nearby house. among. The house suddenly collapsed with a "rumbling" sound.

"He actually dodged it!"

Allen's neck grew longer and his mouth opened wider.

"This is very wrong, this giant...it! It seems to be intelligent!"

Amin unconsciously raised his hand to cover his mouth, but the speculation he spoke immediately caught the attention of Erwin and others, and resonated with Hanji.

"That's right! That's it. This giant must be intelligent!" Han Ji immediately became excited again after being surprised.

"Calm down, bastard glasses! Now is not the time for you to study giants."

Levi warned the excited Hanji coldly, then looked at Hope who was also excited and asked, "Do you know about this giant?"


Currently publicly available information:

[Pa Stone]: If you stop mining for a certain period of time, it will regenerate. It is an orange-red soft stone that can be mined indefinitely. It has holes like honeycombs and is an important power source for all steam equipment. But the larger the mining area, the longer the regeneration recovery time will be. In addition to natural exposed mines, most of the paschal stones are found in mountains or underground. Depending on the equipment and the energy source device, the power exerted by Pa Shi will also be different. The freshly excavated native pajamas cannot be used directly. They need to be recompressed and recast before they can be used as steam energy. The more compression, the greater the final output power.

The use of Pa Stone does not require the use of heated water like ordinary steam engines in the old world. After adding the paschal stone into the boiler and using the steam engine to activate it, the paschal stone itself will generate a large amount of steam heat energy. Then it enters the steam engine to expand and work, pushing the steam engine piston to reciprocate. This achieves a simpler and more powerful power source supply.

[Sunstone]: Produced underground, it is round, smooth and dark, only the size of a baby's fist. It is usually hidden in stone mines and is difficult to mine. Expose the sunstone to the sun. After a total of 72 hours, the sunstone will turn golden. At this time, the sun stone is ground into powder, which can be used to equip weapons to damage and attack the earth demon. In addition, it is also a necessary consumable for humans to survive underground for a long time. It can be used in conjunction with food to supplement essential elements of the human body and avoid the occurrence of rickets.

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