A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 465: Exploration of the Castle Ruins

"According to the information you gave, this was originally the ruins of a castle, right?"

Under the thin moonlight, Hope and Shane had left the grass where they had landed before and walked towards the ancient ruins in the southwest.

The location they were in now was already very remote. Generally speaking, except for some archaeologists, few people would come here on purpose.

Unless they were those guys who had money and nothing to do and liked to explore.

They were the first to discover the problem of the castle ruins, but when they found out that something was wrong, the situation was already very bad.

Except for a lucky guy who escaped and reported to the Moonlight Society, everyone else died inside. Now this place has been blocked, but the people of the Moonlight Society dare not easily set foot inside.

The specific reason was also mentioned by Shane yesterday. The guys who wanted to explore the castle before were basically crazy.

The few who could remain rational were also very afraid and resistant to the things in the castle ruins.

It was precisely because of this that the Moonlight Society found Hope and asked for help from professionals.

After greeting several members of the Society of Light outside, Shane led Hope to continue moving towards the castle. Hearing Hope's question, he nodded and replied, "It should be a site dating back 1,500 years. We have obtained some information from Professor Kinomoto. According to their previous investigations here, this castle, including some areas around it, was originally owned by a lord. But for some reason, this castle was not inherited by anyone in the end, but was abandoned. Now it has basically become a ruin and is completely uninhabitable."

"After their archaeologists came several times, they didn't find anything worth studying, so they gradually stopped coming. But, for some reason, they didn't find anything worth studying when they came to study. What is strange? Instead, these things have suddenly happened recently. Therefore, some people in the club speculated that the situations in the castle ruins should have just happened recently, rather than that they have always existed. "

"I see, but it is hard to say what the specific situation is now. We have to go to the site to see it. So far, not many of you have entered the castle, right?"

Seeing Shane nodded, Xiwang said again: "The professor Kinomoto you are talking about is Kinomoto Fujitaka, right?"

"Yes, our professor of archaeology at the Pallet Town Tower and University is a very capable and popular professor. Unlike Professor Oak and others, he may be impeccable in both knowledge and appearance." Shane said, with some sighs in his tone.

Kinomoto Fujitaka, as Sakura's father, is one of Clow Reed's clones, but he only inherited the other's blood and body, but did not inherit any magic and memory. It can be said that he is just an ordinary person who is more outstanding.

However, in this Mocha world now, Fujitaka seems to have found a suitable position for him, and it seems that he has developed much better than in the original work.

After all, in the Mocha world, there seem to be many ancient and super-ancient relics that need archaeologists like them to participate in research.

Many of them involve ancient magic and super-ancient Pokémon.

Therefore, as a leader among archaeologists, it is inevitable that Fujitaka Kinomoto's status will rise.

In the original anime, Fujitaka and Elio are both reincarnations of Clow Reed.

But from Hope's point of view, Fujitaka and Elio are more inclined to the setting given in the comics, that is, Clow Reed's avatar after death.

Only in this way can we explain why Fujitaka and Elio have no paternal and maternal families.

If it is really reincarnation, it is really far-fetched.

And in this case, it stands to reason that Sakura would not have Clow Reed's blood and magic.

But let's ignore these for now. Hope and Shane have finally arrived in front of the 1,500-year-old castle in front of them.

In fact, even before approaching the castle, Hope and the others could already feel the dark, cold and decaying atmosphere coming from the castle.

It can be said that it is very incompatible with the sunny and positive atmosphere of the magic cards outside.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Under Shane's gaze, the duel disk on Hope's left wrist suddenly unfolded, and Hope drew a card from the dimensional card box and placed it on the unfolded duel disk!

"Come out! The Knight of the Opening!"

[Picture of the Knight of the Opening, this chapter says to open]

As soon as the voice fell, a monster card appeared out of thin air in the open space in front of Hope and the others. A red-haired boy holding a sword and shield and wearing black armor appeared in the rising white light.

The Knight of the Opening, a four-star monster, a light attribute warrior.

Attack power 500, defense power 2000.

This is a normal monster card in the Chaos Warrior deck. As a four-star monster, Hope can summon it directly.

If Hope wants to summon a higher star monster, he must sacrifice the monster on the field at this time.

This Yu-Gi-Oh system law created by Hope himself has certain rules. Now Hope has to install the game rules of Yu-Gi-Oh to use various Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

At least for now, he can't get rid of this rule.

Maybe after using it for a while, Hope will be able to ignore these rules and summon various god-level monsters at will.

"Knight of the Pioneer? Is this your summoning magic?" Looking at the black-armored red-haired knight in front of him, Shane was slightly interested.

Since the appearance of Pokémon, more and more trainers have captured Pokémon to cooperate in battle. On the contrary, traditional summoners like Hope are already a minority.

"How strong is it?" Shane said, and then asked again.

"It's about the level of four gym medals. My summoned monster is a defensive type." Hope compared the combat power of the Yu-Gi-Oh monsters and this world and gave this answer.

The star rating of the monster is closely related to its strength. With the same 1,000 attack power, a three-star monster is not as strong as a four-star monster.

This is also the change after the Yu-Gi-Oh card is realized.

"Okay, let's get closer and take a look. Investigate the matter as soon as possible so that we can go back quickly. I don't want to miss Sakura's first game." Hope said, and walked towards the castle first.

The Knight of the Pioneer in front raised his shield expressionlessly to clear the way.

The monsters summoned by Hope are different from those Pokémon. They are all existences without any emotions, and are somewhat similar to artificial intelligence.

But it's good this way. When using them to do certain things, Hope doesn't have to have any psychological burden.

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